Taoist Law

Chapter 78 Xinjiangkou Boat Factory

Looking at the ships that have just laid the keel on the ship, Zhao Ran asked: "How much does the carrier?"

Amber Taoist Answer: "Two people, one of them, mainly for manipulating characters and gratiance."

Zhao Ran took the drawings and saw a steel winch machine for loading and unloading the container. The key is that the material should be able to eat. This is not a problem after the introduction of the production system in Zhao Ran, which is not a problem.

This ship is expected to be completed in two months. After production, the sea test can be mass-produced. The entire sea and boat production area has a seventh charter, with the strength of Longjiang Shipyard, a volume of sixteen ships can be produced once.

After the examination, the amber people invited Zhao Ran to name this vessel, Zhao Rong said: "Just call the container ship, the zero five-level container ship."

The capture of the shipyard is accompanied by it, and they have given a question to Zhao Ran, a total of many such container ships.

Zhao Ran replied: "Six batchs of first doctors."

The trees hoarded by the shipyard are not enough, especially the keel of the five hundred vessels, exceeding the reserve of the shipyard. The source of the wood is easy to solve, several provinces in the middle of the Yangtze River, such as Sichuan, Hhu Guang, Jiangxi, etc., are all woody origins, wood cutting down, tied into wooden rows, traction with boats, and flowing down.

The original drying process is the longest drying process. It is not a problem after the addition of amber people. He also enrolls six in the same way from Fujian. Although it is very low, the crafts of dry wood are Words are very easy.

The real problem is the silver.

This simple container ship usage is common, the cost is very low, according to the batch of ninety-six ships, the price of shipbuilding, the unit price can be reduced to two thousand silver, is one-third of the same vessel, but because of the large quantity, total price Nearly 200,000 two.

Zhao Ran nodded, said: "The silver will not be less you, first in accordance with this program, you will go to the account within one month. Go, go to see the warship."

There are eight ships in the warship area, but there are half of the four boats. It is also not to build a boat on the river. This is also Zhao Ran to visit Dragon Tan Wei and mention the warruily problem. Zhang Lishaw I made a silver and handed over to Longtanwei.

Zhao Ran wants to examine the warship that can be used in the sea battle. This is the news that the new Jiangkou shipyard has long been prepared. They have been prepared in advance, take out the samples of several warships, and a few leadersome and economic eyes. Zhao Ran, I can't wait Zhao Ran immediately order.

In Longjiang Shipyard,

The civilian shipyard is affiliated to the Ministry of Care, and the new Jiangkou shipyard is affiliated to the driver's driver. The people of the civilian shipyards have never been continuous. There is no way to undertake so many orders - the department is not allowed.

Nowadays, there is a thousand "big main", the new Jiangkou shipyard, and their nearly 10,000 families, they are all looking forward to the silver of Zhao Shizhang, so that they can live a fertilizer year at the end of the year.

Zhao Ruyi pages a page of "boat-political patterns", a boat, a ship, a patrol seater, a patrol boat, a whistle, and so on? After reading, Zhao Ran did not feel the heart, I thought about it, told Amber Taoist: "At first, we will set up a new wave of ships, and it is recommended to divide two kinds. One is a five hundred battles, pursuit of war, one is two Biyeds patrol boats, pursuit quickly. In the fast, consider adjusting the long-width ratio of the vessel, such as one to five, one to six, or even a bit more. Right, if possible, try the special flying ship. "

"What is the flying shear?"

"The first column is as high as high, obliquely pulled out, small in the corner of the water, shaped as a scissors. Under the water part continues to shrink the cross section on the basis of the ship, can you consider the hard sail into soft sail?"

"What is the soft sail?"

"Forget it, just when I didn't say it, I don't know how to do it, I don't know the ship."

Zhao Ran is prejudice to "boat politics pattern", he also admits that it does not understand the ship, and the amber people have seen his characteristics through several contacts and conversations. In front of the tramatic and travers of a dry face. The full mouth agreed to Zhaoran's request, promised to take out the design drawings in seven days.

Amber people's new ship design quickly came out, the design of the five hundred and five-level warships was actually modified by the battles, remove the complicated decorative engraving on board, plus the style and the galvanic device, Then replaced the original ordinary heavy calls into three warfare, plus a fire dragon cannon and a water dragon gun, even if it was completed.

Sixty-eight in the carrier, twenty-four sailors, twenty artillery, twenty-one jumped to help the soldiers, three monks.

Two hundred patrol boats were tested, and they made a big revision with the aircraft, and the aspect ratio was changed from the original four-point five to six to one. Try to put the head of the bow. The front is obliquely down. Equipped with a fire dragon cannon, 18 people, six sailors, five artillers, six jumped helpers, a monk.

After reading, I didn't see what is wrong, or I can only use the old way to make the new Jiangkou shipyard to make a laboratory boat. Can you use it, it will be generally known after the sea trial. What is wrong, then change it, it's all, anyway, this kind of wooden ship makes it fast.

Zhao Ran now has to solve the problem of the silver, re-return the inventory of home.

The silver to practice the ball lottery has allocated the manufacturing of the bridge, not only all of the flowers, but also 300,000 two thousand two thousand people, can be expected, this black hole also needs to fill the source. So don't consider this silver source.

He himself has more than 500,000 silver, but he is a planning purpose: the three mines sent by the development of the wood, continue to invest in R & D costs to Junshan technology, and leave it for Suchuan and later the disciples under the revenue. Gong Deli practice reserve and so on.

The remaining silver is from 1.2 million copied in the three palaces. This money will leave 200,000 to do a turnover of the chicken. Leave 200,000 to use the Tiangong Tiangong. Harbor and Xieling Palace - this is a variable claim, the rest can be used to build a fleet, which is 800,000.

Eight hundred thousand two looks like a lot, and it is far less than enough. No matter what time, the fleet is a swalloween, and the light is to create a ninety-six five hundred container ships, it will spend 200,000. Then, it is necessary to start building a ship, build a chicken and watch the auditor, how many silver is this account?

Zhao Ran's idea is to establish an inspection fleet consisting of ten zero-five-six-six-six-war boats and ten patrol boats. There is such a fleet to have strength to compete in the sea. But the idea is the law, reality is reality, the reality is that the cost of the warship and the patrol ship must be much higher than the container ship.

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