Taoist Law

Chapter 3 Returning to the Acceptance

PS: Thanks to the pink dance man, the reward of the song, thank you for the monthly ticket of Buffett. Today's big chapter.

On September 30, Zhaoran rode his old donkey, and the solitary returned to the acoustic mountain. At this time, the leaves have fallen yellow, the green grass is dry, and the wind is blunt, and the wind will bring some chills to the skin from time to time, which makes Zhao Stranon's feeling of Xiao Sai - maybe in this feeling, the rest of the intention is the case. .

The market under the mountain is still very lively, "Jin Ji Mikou" is still tall, Zhao Ran slowly and slowly, and it was ingenious to see the golden handcuffs to make a hand of the vegetables and vegetables. The handwood cabinet is cold, just seeing Zhao Ran, I don't feel blinking, immediately surprised, I ran over, I'm going to worship: "Zhao Dao Chang, when is your old man coming back? How can I not know that the little person ... Oh, This is really happy! "

Zhao Ran got a golden shopkeeper, smiled and said: "Lao Jin, a sway, don't come without no sound?"

"Multiple lackers, the blessed blessings, the bones of the body, just the hardship! It is only a few points in the long ..."

"After I am, have you dilemmar to you this business?"

"The road is wide, the little man is pulling long, it is easy to have someone is a small person. Pour is the beginning of the fire, Zhang Ze, I want to change the business of the little person to others, but Jin Ye and the blog is to be guilty. Always protect the villain, is there or not to eat. "

"Do you say Jin Dynasty and Guan 2?"

"Yeah, I am full of him two gangs, otherwise the little person can cope with it. But then it is okay, I heard that the Dong Director of the house was turned away. Zhang Ze followed him to leave the helpless ..."

Zhao Ruen came to the spirit, busy asking: "Dong Deh is taking away? Where is it going?"

"This is not known."

"Who is the deacon today?"

"Small people are not very clear, it seems that the room is empty. I don't know who is to take."

Zhao Ran listened, did not delay, ride on the old man, come to the mountain, holding the old man to board the mountain gate.

The mountain gate is a fireworks in the guests. The guests of the guests are extremely good, so this is very familiar with him. At first sight, Zhao Ran came back, and I was busy taking the old age. The mouth is constantly flattening: "I didn't expect it to be a quiet master. The Lord is a white horse mountain. It is a good meritorious thing. When I look back, I have to reward me a good job!"

Zhao Ran smiled and said that two fires were in the case of the situation.

I have a number in my heart.

Nowadays, there is no greatness of the eight major deacons, high-powered Liu Zhiguang, Tour Zhang Zhihuan, Dictionary of Chen Zhizhong, Fang Qiao Qi Xun, Kuke Owner Wu Zhiqing, the account money is in question, lacking is the two dealtress of the guests and the guests. Both deacon seats have been missing, this has not been tasted not a good opportunity to go.

Zhao Ran didn't rest, I heard that the Supervisory of Song Zhiyuan is in the hospital, so I will find it directly.

Song Yuanzheng and the tourist Zhang Zhiwei talking to the house, Zhao Ran is waiting at the door. After the two people finished, Zhang Zhihuan came out and saw Zhaoran at a glance. I was attest: "Zhao Shi? When is it coming back?"

Zhao Rongji is the first: "I have seen the tourist brother, the teacher, I will go back to the day, first see the supervisor. I have to go to the teacher, I don't know how to be free."

Zhang Zhuan pulled Zhao Ran, very enthusiastic: "Good to say, I said, I will wait for you here, you have seen it to the tour room after you have seen it?"

Zhao Rong said: "It is also good. The brother is very big, it is better to ask the brother to rectify a table of wine in the tour. Please gather in other deacons, I will come out."

Zhang Zhihuan, a hand: "What a few more money? Still use the teacher to break the fee? That is said, I will go back to rectify the wine, and I will get together in the evening!"

Song Yuan, heard the outside movement, personally came out to meet, pull Zhao Rong: "The brother came back? This will be more than three months, my brother, I will be tight! I come, I will see, um, although it is thin, However, a good time is a bless! How is the white horse mountain? What have you been in these months? And let me talk about it ... "

The two entered the house, and Zhao Ran said that he left the experience. Of course, his statement was consistent with the survey in Baima Shangjun, and did not use the Bao Bottle Zen Master, Ming. Hui, Bao The Master Zen Master, the clearing thing, and the death of the death, involving their greatest secrets, such as why they must be concealed.

Song Zhiyuan knew that the identity of the child, heard that there were only a true deeds, but he didn't know the origin of Zhu Qi'hu. After the introduction of Zhao Ran, he couldn't help but envy, and it is awkward. When I heard Zhao Ran and Yan Zhongze escaped back to Bai Ma Mountain from Ba Zalai, I was deliberately asked to ask Zhenzhi and said that Zhao Ran knows that it is half-solving, but does not hinder him "Qingyun Pavilion" Returning to the mountains, I'm still talking about it, and the face of the Song's face is also a branch.

When Zhao Ran said Chu Dawn, when Song Dan, Song Zhiyuan has been completely speechless, and one is secret in his heart: Zhao Ran is really good! However, Zhao Ran took the use of scatteran but did not succeed. This allowed Song Zhi more less and less. He did not help but feel comfortable with independence, but it was comfortable: "Zhao Shi does not have to be discouraged, I am more expensive. When I arrived, I also heard of the brother. I have been in the early first time, and I will gradually get into the door of practice. "

Zhao Ran smiled and said: "The Mono-House brother is comfortable, how many good things happen to my head, this example is no one, I am not so good."

Song Zhiyuan said: "Zhao Shi brother and Chu's refining teacher are so close, even if this is can't be accessed, ask the big refining teacher to give a bone Dan, maybe it will become."

Zhao Ran hesitated for a moment, decided to tell things: "The big refining teacher is seriously injured, and it has went to the southern Xinjiang to find the mechanical treatment. I don't know when I can come back."

Song Zhiyuan quickly pursued, and Zhao Ranyi said everything he know, Song Zhiyuan listened to it.

Zhao Ran talked about the root bones, Song Zhiyao: "The Jade Emperor has sent a letter, Yuan Dynasty refiningant personally collected him. The day date has made the house to put his strategy and The object sent in the hospital sent people to send people. When the brother came out of self-helmy hospital, he was in practice, and he would have a success for me. I said. It's not the second day. Teacher. "

Talking about a moment, Zhao Ran took out a small porcelain bottle, handed it to the Song Yuan: "Mon the Monitor, this is the three Wuyuan pills I have to come. The drug effect is not better than the nursing pill, and even better. Sentence sin brothers If the brother is young. Nowadays, I will have a teacher who has a nephew. I will take a trivial thing. I am afraid that the brothers can't hurt. Teachers and brothers and the three Wuzi pens, which feels really tired. Observed, take one, the effect is absolutely immediate! "

Song Zhiyuan Dadi. Although he has never heard of Wuzhenu, the big name of the Yangxin Pill is like a thunder, that is, "Xian Dan" taken by the cultivator of the hall! Don't look at Zhao Ran, eat Yangxin Pill and Wuziu, like the sugar bean, but Zhao Ran's situation cannot be determined by the constant, this pill is not will be able to get at will. If Zhao Ran said, Wuzi Pu is more effective than Yangxin Pills - he feels that this sentence should be not fake with Zhaoran's "background". Then, the three Wuzi pens are absolutely difficult to seek. Good things, critical moments can even save.

The ritual is under people, there must be something. Since Zhao Ran sent such a valuable gift, the request of the next proposed is not easy to satisfy, but Song Zhiyuan is hesitating. I finally took the teeth to pick up three Wuyuan pills. He has already set up ideas. As long as you can do it, do your best to help Zhao Ran's willingness!

Zhao Ran has not planned to propose their own requirements on the spot. If so, the traces of the transaction are too heavy. It will be uncomfortable. But he wanted to leave, and Song Zhiyuan did not agree. Just joke, you don't know clearly, I can sleep in the evening, you will make you clear first, you can do it, you can't do it, I can't do it, I will give you Wuzi Pill now. In short, don't let the poor heart crane can't be in the air, the poor pass can not stand this stimulus.

Ok, since Song Zhiyuan repeatedly persisted, Zhao Ran simply challenged his intention.

"The Monitoring House brother, Yu Zheng brother went to the Jade Emperor, and Dong Mushan heard that it was touched. In this way, is there a nozzle to empty two deacons?"

Song Zhiyuan god hiked, laughed: "Zhao Shi brother's heart is really cut ..."

Zhao Ran just didn't hear the sorrow in the Song, laughing.

Song Zhiyuan also said: "Zhao Shiyu is a quiet master in June? Since it is more than three months ..."

Zhao Ran still didn't talk, so I didn't look at the Song Yuan, Song Zhiyuan sighed, and had to pick up: "Zhao Shi, I don't know why you are so embarrassed? To tell the truth, you ask the commission to be difficult to do. It is not a brother I don't want to help, I am also very optimistic about the brother, just ... Is it too short? I remember that when you swept it, I was allowed to go to the net room, but you will leave the opportunity. Give Jiazhan and Zhou Hua, this is very emotional, the hospital is a great tribute you have the wind of the ancient benevials, then you will enter the rice room, will be affected, the hospital is not unknown, You are modesty on the same day. I have no major adjustment this year. You have a great effort, and you will recommend the horse to rushing, and the other people will move at the same time. Therefore, although you have advanced to the speed, it is close to the Lord, but no one has I am very uncomfortable, this brother, I can't figure it. Why are you so eager? If there is any difficulties in the brother, I will give you severation with the brothers, or the brother can help it. Just if you are directly planned, I am afraid that the group is not only, not only It is difficult to do it, and I will be sick. "

Zhao Ran took a breath and sighed: "Teacher brothers are sinful, the teacher, I really have a hard work, but this is unable to speak with people. I also know that I have a little more urgent, but ... this matter can not be thought, only to do their best for."

Song Zhiyuan did not die, still advised: "The brother does not say, I don't ask, but it is so urgent? Can you wait for some time? Teacher, I assure, only three or five years, no, two years, two years Inside, I will have a teacher who has been paying for a long time. "

Zhao Ran shook his head: "I really can't wait."

"Teacher, even if you are really moved, can I think of the consequences? How to see you in the middle of the school?"

"Brother, I know that it is definitely not appropriate, but I can't take care of it ..."

Song Zhiyuan said that Zhao Ran said that there is no feeling, and it is a bit angry. If you want to go back to Zhao Ran's non-point, you can't help but build a deep relationship with the people of Zhao Ran. Break, Of course, I will not be more reluctant to ginseng pills, , Through the words, the Kobi Division will be prepared from outside. "

"That is the house, what?" Zhao Ran asked.

"Jia Zhaoxun teacher is the Lord of Fangtang, now is also a person who knows his life. He said to me before, and I want to prepare for the future, and I have to say the old man. I have promised him ... "

"Nothing, after the brother got the room, the empty Sangtang Fang Division ...?"

Song Zhiyuan is surprised, said: "Zhao Shi, you can be clear? Although the Square is also the eight deacons, but it is not good for the future. Don't say that you don't get the room, you will live in a quiet home, Don't look down on the square, but it is passing through the way. It is absolutely unbearable to be above the protocol, and it is absolutely unbearable, with the mainstay of the main change ... I really don't know what you think. "

After Zhao Ran left the pole, the interaction of the children's burmkets, Zhu Qi, Chang Wanzhen, and Zhen Zhongze's stream practice, personally saw and experienced all kinds of fighting methods in the practice. I want to be a skeleton's mind is particularly urgent. What he needs is immediately promoted, and it can be practiced immediately. Which workers are proud or not, I can't get a three-year five years, so I am quite sure to answer the question of Song Yuan: "Song brothers are relieved, as long as it can be upgraded, Teacher, I never regret! "

Song Zhiyuan stunned, and he was again silent. (Untrafter continued) (this article is started)

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