Taoist Law

Chapter 4 Thanks to this world

Zhao Ran has a good harm to the duty in order to get the trip to the duty. If you can't do it, you can't do it. Yingbin is "booked" in advance, he would rather abandon the prostitute of the palace, only for the promotion. Otherwise, in the past two and a half years of history, he is too shocking.

Four months were tonged in the room, and it was directly affected by the four months. One and a half of the Children of the Tang Dao said, now the position of the quiet, it is necessary to directly rise to eight deacons, this makes supervision The courtyard of Song is a headache. The adjustment of a duty is to involve all aspects. By balance to master the power, it is the non-legal door of the upper person to consolidate the status. Zhao Ran's demand will obviously break this balance. Nowadays, there is no great hospital. "Zhao Ran is Song Yuan Yuan Yuan "The words of the son", I really want to continue to promote Zhao Ran, and Song Zhi Yuan really don't know how to face the garden.

Looking at Zhao Ruyou, Song Zhiyuan couldn't help but laugh, who said Zhao Ran is my son in Song? He is my dry and is almost the same!

After Zhao Ran left Song Yuan's governance, returned to his own quiet home, first in the bedroom, guest hall, study in three houses, and fingers on the table, and wipe it on the doors and windows. All the cleansing clean, no dirty dust, obviously someone often sprinkles, not satisfied with some point. Although I have left for more than three months, I still look at it.

He opened this side, and there was already a message in the Songtong's passbook to meet, and Zhao Ran was freely perfunctory. I invited a little girl to save the customs.

At the return of "patrol", I haven't stopped, I have heard that Zhao Ran is coming back, and I have to see him, I don't dare to delay. I have been coming over.

As soon as I see Zhao Ran, Guan Ernai worshiped: "Jing Lord, your old man can come back!"

Zhao Ran is still not closed, and now it is called "old man", I don't think there is a little fun. Of course, this kind of call listening is very useful, Zhao Ran does not speaking. Joined the two: "Guan 2 brother, when you go back to the mountain, you will talk to you when you go back to the mountain. See that I don't have to travel, you can don't blame me!"

I saw Zhao Ran did not finish, and I would like to receive "rebuker". I warm, I don't know what to say, sitting in Zhao Ran.

Zhao Ran wants to do a party, and naturally, I will first inquire about a square situation. The second is that Zhao Ran is transferred to the square after half a month. It has been in the square for more than two months, and it is almost familiar to the situation, and the situation will be described again. Jia Zhaison is forty-seven years old. I have been working on the square to do it for thirteen years. I am planning to take a number of rooms. The housemal officer, including the mountain forest, all kinds of shops, can be described as an oil and water, Jia Qixun is obviously going to go down the mountain after a few years, so Zhao Ran is not going to compete with him. Blocking is like killing parents, Zhao Ruoti is not a money, and it is not necessary to say red with Jia Ziying.

Under the square of Fangtang, in the case, there is a head, the main two people, where Mo Hou has already taken Zhaoran's waywifery. In June, I went to the warehouse to serve as a cheaphead, not only the light, not being blown up, but the income is several times more than the original. Therefore, there is only one prescription owner today. The ahead is still a miss.

Jia Zhaison transferred to Yingbin, there were many people who want to see the master's one, but the most promising is the main.

The situation in the square, Zhao Ran is in the heart, he finds the two, and of course there is another thing.

"Guan 2 brother, when I left the mountain, I have invited the second brother to help watch my uncle and big in Zhao Village, I don't know what it is today?"

"Jing Lord is wide,

I have told the brother of the dart, I took two thousand people left, I gave Zhao Daxie a big house, and purchased a hundred and twenty-acres of waterfield, and the remaining banks were transferred to Zhao. Uncle. It's just that there is a stone spring in Shiquan County. I have a little far away, I don't want to look good, buy the field is not too smooth. Originally, I would like to ask him to move to Long'anfu, but Zhao Daxie is unsained, I have to first. "

Zhao Ran nodded, said: "There is a good relationship between the two."

Guan I'm busy: "It's not all I am busy, and Jin Jiu is a lot of effort. If it is not his home, this one hundred and twenty acres of waterfield is afraid to settle down. Yes, Jin Jiuyi listened to Zhaojiazhuang's four uncles Your old man is not inferior, a little bit of thin punishment, these waterfields are purchased from his home, only one or two silver children per acre. I have the meaning of me, this point is too slight, but I will say there. I have been involved in Yugang County, temporarily uncomfortable ... "

Zhao Ran smiled: "Guan 2 brother, do not mention the Japanese hatred, think about it, if there is no day because of the date ... Yes, I have said that I have left the mountain on the same day, the silver bureau, Half to Zhao Dade and Zhao Dali, the other half ... "

Guan two busy: "Jing Lord, your old man said the rest of the rest of my split, this kind of human feelings are waiting, but the calm master has a great kindness for me, if you have divided your old people Silver, then I am not a beast that is not as good as pork dogs? This is not more than 3,000, the silver ticket is in my room, and the calm is to use, I immediately take it. "

Zhao Ran is now using money, it is not polite, and immediately said: "So, I will give me a silver ticket, I will have an urgent time."

After the two silver tickets were sent, Zhao Ran took the silver ticket and went straight to the "moon ownership" living in Sansu. The moonhouse is a three-way yard, and the three are all houses, the door is unique, and it is not involved. Sanbu is distinguished, although there is no matter whether there is a customs between the hospital, it is necessary to have a big event, so that Zhao Ran wants to move the protocol, one of them must be acquired, or even the consent of the two.

Anything to sit in three are high, if it is not confused, basically, there is no hope, so it is particularly valued for money. Yuan Quezu, Luotou, Zhu, said that it is a good way to speak in this case, so Zhao Ran has no other good way, and decided to spend money.

Sanbeng, the most concerned about Zhao Ran is the Luotou. Luodou is old, has been in the world, and Zhao Ran listened to him many times. In the last two or three years, he would pay attention to the resignation, returning to the hometown.

Seeing Zhao Ran, Luotou tuned huh: "Zhao Shi is a few more than March, it seems that there is a lot of thin, but it is more stable. How come today, come to see my old man?"

Zhao Ran said: "I will return to Mountain today. After I have seen the supervisor, I have to pay attention to you. You are always looking at me, if you don't come, I will sleep tonight. "

Luotou's laughed and introduced Zhao Ran into the house and tanded a moment. Asked Zhao Ran, Zhao Ran smiled a few times, tease him a few times. Zhao Ran didn't delay, and Luotou was very old, and the body was not very good. It couldn't talk about it. At the moment, I took a silver ticket from the arms. I was on the Luotou's case. I said: "This goes back to Baima Mountain, there is no time to give you the old ready to be indigenous, thinking is very uneasy, and I don't know if you like you. What, this is my fault of the teacher, please also ask you Haihan. I have to give you old people, but also hope that you are not going to spend. "

Luotou telled a few silver tickets, five one hundred and two tickets were in one place, and the heart was very satisfied. "You have a heart. How can it be?"

Zhao Raohe said: "It is a little bit."

The gift is to pay attention, try not to mention the conditions, will make the other party feel uneasy, sometimes it plays the anti-effect. As long as Luo Tu has harvested the silver, it will naturally help Zhao Ran naturally, no need to say anything more.

Zhao Ran is very good today, and Sansu are in his respective courtes. Zhao Ran then went to Zhu Yucheng and Yuandu roof at all.

Zhu Cheng said that Zhao Ran is also a tacit understanding, but he is different from Luotou tube, doing anything to find an excuse, from failure to people, the same is true. He is willing to help Zhao Ran's busy, Zhao Ran called "doing things", if one day two people flip face, Zhao Ran will evaluate him with "human assault".

Zhao Ran saw the process of Zhu Cheng as smooth, of course he found a good excuse: I have a big house in Zhao Jiazhao in Zhaojiazhuang, I need someone to help questions. Zhu Cheng said that it is not easy to leave, and immediately gives Mo Bao, Zhao Runshun is a "roll pen", everything is quite natural.

I only ate a mortuary in Yuandu kitchen, I was "don't don't have a good high", and Zhao Ruo bowed her mentions, and then thought that Yuandu kitchen was purchased. Send a silver ticket. Yuandu kitchen is not resigned, no help Zhao Ran throws a silver ticket, Yuan Tufuqi has to attract "unfortunately".

San is all done, Zhao Ran has tall, but also thanks to this world. If you put it in front of the world, what is the simple? When I returned to the house, I was already black, lying in bed, he began to ponder on the next day. (Untrafter

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