Taoist Law

Chapter 87 Real Bay

Zhao Ran did got to Tianhe Palace, there is no relationship with Zhou Yuchang's departure, in the Tanghe Palace, he just came to the forefront, it caused thunderous applause.

Not only the Tianghe Palace, the White Horse, the Snake Academy, the Turtle Seminar, the Dragon Sale, Song Fan Ten Square Jungle Academy Eight October, the Taoist Taoist Tiantiao, such as Jin Li and others come to listen to Zhao Ran law.

This is a real biography, not to move, play with words, and talk to everyone talks about life and ideals.

After the purpose of "Sincere and Sincere, Being Goodness", Zhao Ran opened a pair of one-on-one way mode, did not ask everyone to pay under his door, and even the name of the disciples did not have, just one one will Gong De Li Haijun wants to map into their body, and teach them the top three chapters of "Congenital Gong Dynasty" to ensure that they can practice to the yellow crown.

Even the review of the character is saved, anyway, it is not your own disciple, you don't have to take responsibility, have a problem, and the East Pavilion is waiting for them.

What's more, it's hard to have any problems. If you don't do good things, you can't get your strength. I don't want to practice. I don't want to practice. I don't have to take a lot of money. I will urge you to run quickly.

It is not a relaxed thing to enter the ideas. If you need to consume the mana, Zhao Ran is just a lot of consumption, a lot of refining, so that the Yuan Ying in the sea is more white and fat.

Zhao Ranfili refines the speed of extreme, the efficiency of the fines is eight times before, and there is a huge amount of merits, so the number of times can be cast more than ordinary people, and other refining teachers can be two. To three people, he can cast sixteen times. Only three days, the ideographic map was opened for more than forty ten-party jungle.

Song You 's bridging and governance system has followed the guidelines of Zhao Squash, and now, officials have also created officials into the new road of the Taoist system. Take the White Horse Hospital as an example, the Hongyuan County, the county, the main book and the county are all teach the Dao, and to participate in the Mission on the White Horse, including the publication meeting.

Accordingly, the resolutions of the Three Battle of the White Horse Article and the Generalnections have not crusted unconditionally.

The county is involved in the Three Site, and the rest of the rest of the major agenda, from the top floor, put the government into the Taoist system, and tie them closely together.

Therefore, the second phase of the Tianhe Palace also joined the heads in the official government. At the Sichuan West Governor, Xiaji, the Governor's Office of the Office of the Office of the Office of the Office, from Lei Shan, etc.

Zhao Ran is at the same five days in Tianhe Palace, which is a 72-year-old cast, leading them to the road to practice. Unfortunately, Zhao Ran's own merger is huge, and a lot of merits have not entered the body, otherwise he can perceived the seventy-two thick and dedicated strength to become his "result" - attractive

It is also a big merit.

This seventy-two people can finally stand out, or they will be promoted, and they can only see personal efforts.

In the nine, the Chongyang Festival, Zhao Ran returned to the Dajun Mountain, and he had a meal with the teacher and the new woman, and he continued to carry out his busy biography.

He once again came to the Hongyuan Guard, and he intended to all hundreds of military officers into the Made in the sea, including reminiscent of Ningde Shou, including his own name of the disciple.

Song Xiong is now a hundred households who guards the defending, cultivated in the Yu Shi, which is the upper limit of his practice.

With the Deli practice, the door to another practice is open, and what kind of achievements can be achieved, and they need himself.

At the Hongyuan Guard, Zhao Ran is in the ideographic map for 23 hundred hundred households, but also points to the methods they practice. The army and government are different, you need to fight for a long time and kill, where is their merits?

Zhao Ran pointed out that the military is as good as me, their merits lies in the safeguard of the Guard, who bleeding sacrifice, not to give personal safety, selfless dedication, is to have a deep affection for the people of the people.

As long as you always put the door, put the home on your shoulder, put the people in your heart, merit it naturally.

In order to encourage this military officer to practice well, Zhao Ran's scene teach them to sing a military song: "Maybe I say goodbye, will not come back, do you understand, if you understand? Maybe I fall, will no longer get up ...... "

When singing, this helping the military officers in the first line of battlefield for many years, and many people left tears.

Afterwards, Zhao Ran received Song Xiong in order to formal disciples, in order to enter the third. He is the earliest to join Zhaoranmen, but now it can only live in the place of disciples, which is also a problem of compatibility.

Then, Zhao Ran came to the Song Duty Camp of the CCtan Valley, and the military officer of more than 60 purchases was allowed to enter the ideographs, followed by the Archeng Guardian.

The path of the way, Zhao Ran also opened a passage hall for his old department, led Zhou Hua, Lin Yuwen, Jiang Zizhi, Zhang Wu, Iron leg dragon three, Bazhong, Zhang Wuzhong, etc. into practice.

In the entire September, Zhao Ran is intended to be able to enter the ideographic map for the Local Door, military camp, government, etc., and a total of more than 2 million times.

When he returned to Da Junshan in early October, his face was faint, and his face was hidden. He immediately took out the tonic to him. At the same time he helped him to recover. It was repaired for seven days to slow, and once again live dragon.

Zhao Fangbima caused a sensation of Song Ten-party jungle and government in Tianhe Palace. In October, when Zhao Ran is ready to end the wedding holiday, he receives the general view of the flying fidelity, let him go to Golden Peak.

This will not be a repeat of the general view to cooperate with the survey ten years ago? Zhao Ran quickly asked Zhou Zhen people, Xu Zhen, two real men told him that don't worry, the real teacher did just understand the situation and let him put down concern.

Rong Niang's finishing took the line, and the two will first go to Jinji Peak Tong Tian to report to the real teacher, and then transfer to the day. In the next few years, Rong Niang married the chicken with chicken, and there was no hole to live. Fortunately, I was refined in the Chicken Cage Mountain, which can meet normal practice. If you need to be closed, there is also the use of Qixia Mountain, and you don't have to worry.

Yunxiao lily flying in the air, Zhao Ran looked at the mountains and rushes under the foot, and Rong Niang saw him did not speak, comforted: "Reassure, the real teacher is dare to be trouble, I will never give up with them."

Zhao Ran shook his head: "I don't worry about the real teacher's inquiry, what I do is for the public, it is a good thing to the Taoist door, they just want to know the inside."

"What are you thinking?"

"I am thinking, who is refining? Yunxiao Lily can not be dismantled, let Cai Yunxiao, Guo Ziyu and Longqing have research research, see if it is large-scale mass production?"

"go to hell!"

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