Taoist Law

Chapter 88, 2nd Reference

There is no real value in the day of Jinji Peak, this is a very little situation, and it means that the people have been too busy. Finally, there is a little air time at this moment, and all return to this mountain.

For example, Zhou real people returned to Guizhou, Yang Zhen people returned to Yuanzhou Tai Xuanpu. They rarely went to Lushan in the past two years. This time, when I got it, I took it back to see the Zhao Ranzhuang.

The commanding is a three-person inquiry group: Kyushu Pavilion, Jing Hui, Sanqing House, Long Lao Zhuo Feng, and Taoist Pavilion Ming Yue.

The relationship between these three and Zhaoran is good, when I ask, Zhao Ran is also relaxed.

Zhuo Yunfeng first: "Congratulations to the double repair, no to go to the Grand Junshan to worship, the facts can't open, the general view has not been in the town last month, I can only stick to the hill."

Zhao Rong said: "When the ceremony brother came to Damshan, the old man was commented, and the disciples were very grateful."

Zhuo Yunfeng said: "That's good. Please let go of this time, because of last month, you are in the jungle of Song Fan, the government, the military camp, this matter is born in the world, so please ask you Come and ask questions. Of course, I don't say that I don't have to do it, but said, I will have some incredible thinking. Can there be a lot of boneless This is entrusted to learn more about it. "

"It is indeed a disciple, and it's okay to report to the real teacher. But this is also accidentally prepared, and there is no careful preparation and planning. I really have to cause trouble and predecessors."

"What do you mean by accidentally doing?"

"Disciples go back to Da Junshan into the way, break into refining teachers ..."

Ming Yue out, inserted: "Road on the road?"

Jing Hui nuts to Ming Yue: "Zhao Ziran fought very high, and his born is different. When he was two years ago, I was around him, I used two times."

Zhao Ran is the hand: "Multiple predecessors to protect the law on the day."

Zhuo Yunfeng also said to Ming Yue: "He entered the Huangshou, I heard that it was an hour."

Ming Yue people did not dare to talk, and the thoughts were messy in a moment.

Zhao Ran then said: "After entering the refining, the understanding of the practice is different from the past, and I will think, can I inherit my own practice? Later I thought about this way. I call it a merits. "

Zhuo Yunfeng asked: "I heard many times before,

Thousands of avenues, you choose one, you choose one, is this merit cultivation method? Is this your homemade? Is there dangerous? "

Zhao Rong said: "This is one of my choice. It is also my homemade method. As for the danger, I have no potential danger so far. If you want to practice, you will do a good job, practical things, and worry about the people. The replacement is dislent, does not do these things, and it is difficult to save. "

Ming Yue: "Can Zhao Shouzhang have the practice of advent in Bao Baoge?"

Zhao Ruyi Head: "Of course, I will write it out to my predecessors."

Ming Yue: "If you are feasible, you can enter Treek in a few years."

Zhao Ran is a text. The magical spirit of the first day and merits is impossible to practice the virtues. The ideographic map is in the hands of Zhao Ran and Jiang Teng crane, so there is no danger of the cheats.

In fact, the Tangzios have been recorded in the Tang Dynasty's skills, and the rollup of the volume, but the study can only grow the learning, and the truth of being a person is doing things. If you want to enter the threshold, it is never possible.

Quiet question: "If this set of practice can practice without qualified roots? Can this be determined?"

Zhao Ran thought about it and said: "Can be sure."

Jing Hui and Zhuo Yunfeng, Ming Yue look at the eyes, have some vibration, and I asked a moment: "What is the difference in the demand for credit?"

Zhao Ran replied: "The difference is very big. The merits of the merits, the foundation of cultivation is to do things, things are in place, and the cultivation is constantly increasing. The monks who practice the virtues, do not rely on spiritual power, not compete for the hole Tianfu The demand for Tianwei Di Bao is also less, and the implementation of the practitional system of each of the original Xuanmen. The only problem is that they need to be affected. "

Seeing Jing Hui and smile, Zhao Ran is busy: "But compared with the credibility of consumption, they can create the credibility, I expect to be ten times, 100 times. And we can also find ways, increase their threshold For example, to create excellent first, choose its superior. "

"Don't cultivate hard, can you go to a look?"

Zhao Rong said: "I don't know, because I am just a refining teacher. Maybe you can think so, in the future, I will practice, and they can go."

"What should I do if I get a way?"

"Or that sentence, I don't know. How can I get up? Is it necessary to keep against the robbery, build a Hongqiao, no one knows. But in any case, I can do more possibilities, not always Strong? "

"What will I do next?"

"I am the abbot of Xuanyuan and the chicken. I intend to pass the law in Nanzhi, try this set of repairing the system to apply. In Song You, I have passed more than two hundred people. In the day, I also More than 200 people will pass within the jurisdiction, and the number will be taken to five hundred. I will focus on these five hundred people. See how many people can succeed in the Taoist feet, and consider the future. "

Soon, the three-person inquiry group ended the question, the Ming Yue people were responsible for the record, taking the conversation to a few people, including Zhao Ran, recognized and signed, conversation, completed.

This inquiry record will immediately send it to the degeneration, any problem, will continue to summon Zhaoran, and Zhao Ran said full cooperation.

Rong Niang and so on, Zhao Ran returned her a rest assured smile, so the two will be on the clouds, straight to the sky.

After returning to the chicken, Rong Niang went to pick up the Jingyang Tower. Zhao Ran rushed to Wenchang, and gave Gu Tengjia, cold Tengxing, Jiang Shi, Lu Ziyu and others to enter the ideographs, etc. They enacted, Gansu, Wang Zongyi, Liang Youyi, etc., have been looking for home.

Zhao Ran rebuilt the September of the September, and it is easy to enlighten the ideographs. Including Zhang Dang, Zhang Juzheng, etc., but all of him is close, there is no fall.

At the end of November, Zhao Ran did not stop the emperor's reminder, and finally entered the big, in the Kunning Palace, the emperor of Longqing, of course, also included Feng Baohe Chen Hong.

The emperor wanted to know how to get a lot of effort, Zhao Ran gave him a big idea: "How much benefit is younger every year?"

Feng Bao Dai: "Your Majesty is 1800,000."

Zhao Ran knows that there is nothing more than this, but he didn't pursue it, but said: "If you take out one-third each year, you can do a good job, I think, I will enter Jin Dan within ten years."

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