Taoist Law

Chapter 108 Night War

Welcome, please remember this site address:, mobile phone reading, so that you can read the latest chapter of the novel "Taoist Law" at any time ... the Tuan law, the first hundred and eight chapters of the night war, the cloud is awkward, it is already a , Li Da hidden The sea fleet of the seven-eight miles, thinking, said: "Chamap!" The Zhouying responsible to the air will shop in the wooden box, press the paper, to Li Daixi: "We should now Here. "The finger is stamped at a point. This is a five hundred miles in the southeastern direction of Qiari Rock. It is also a watery that the inspection fleet has never arrived. If it is not prepared in the past year, this chart will not include this watery. Unconsciously, have you been chasing it so far? Li Da Yin hesitated, although it is only a seven-eight miles, but it is really going to catch Zhang Wei. At least it is necessary to drive 50 to one hundred miles, there is the legendary demon hob sea, sea navigation. Perhaps Zhang Hao also wants to take a risk to hide the edge of the demon hit, to avoid your chasing. Li Da woked Zhao Ranfei informing the pursuit, and Zhao Ran is very difficult. Chasing it, it is very likely to launch this sea battle in the edge of the demon jailed sea, the danger is very large, and now it is necessary to land, there is no air exploration means, and the security of the fleet cannot be guaranteed. But if you don't catch, let's let the sea boat are robbed around the North Coast, which will make Daming very uncomfortable. What kind of major losses will be caused, no one can say bad. After repeated entanglement, after repeated trade-off, Zhao Ranfei Riche Yan Yin: "It is recommended to stop chasing, the fleet is from the miles away from the original, and then the flight instrument will be released after tomorrow, according to the observation results, it is actually equal to giving up." Pursuit, the past night, the sea will run to where it is not a lotus seat. Of course, the joint meeting has long agreed that the rear recommendation is recommended to truly determine the fleet action, or as a total command. Li Dawei considers a long time, always staring at the sea fleet running in front, time is a little bit. At the end of the , when the two sides were closer to the last five miles, the sunset sprinkled a string of Xia Guang, Li Da Yin released the order: "The fleet is steady, and it is 32. There is a ship of infinite lotus." The senior military officers who have hidden around Li Da, the senior military officers, etc., the senior military officers, and the same weight, everyone is very sorry, everyone is very busy for a day, and the result of the mouth If you run, you will feel unacceptable. But the command is the command, no one can defy the order, and everyone knows,

This is to protect the precious auditor fleet. This fleet is too important, how cherished it all.

The inspection fleet slowdown, the movement of the direction, soon he was noticed by the sea experience in maritime experience, the Zhoushi said to Zhang Hao: "The shopkeeper, the door gives up, they don't chase!"

The ordinary sailors are cheering, and fortunately, they have escaped the pursuit of the Doumen Fleet. There are only a few people on the departure of several boats to know the internal feelings, and they will fly. Zhang Wei, ask how to deal with how to deal with.

Zhang Hao is very nervous. He doesn't want himself to be chased by himself, but the ambush of the Wutong Alliance is empty. After thinking, he told him to stop using the flyer, let the brothers down the cabin, and row the boat, tell everyone, the flying character is used up, and I want to escape to sell the boat.

The paddle windows of the four sea boats were opened, and the long wooden scales extended out of the window, and one row began to work hard.

Zhou Ke Li and Lingwen were manipulating infinite lotus, when they drops half, the old traits suddenly pointed at the distant sea fleet, shouted: "Two fairy, thieves, they have no mana ! "

Zhou Ke Li and Ling have seen the past, seeing four sea boats like a big , is relying on the paddle to "climb" in the sea.

Two people pay more, even busy flying compacted Ri Weiyin: "The thief is falling, they are rowing with the ship, and the visually sail is sagging, the sail is windy, the sail is no wind!"

Li Dawei also saw this scene, but he left too far, it was not true, he got the end of the air Zi Ke Li, and the spirit is one oscillation, and the lookout tower on the top of the mast is personally confirmed. After observing the moment, it is finally confirmed.

Li Da hi smiled, after being squeezed into a group, the hand was hit on his face, and suddenly looked at the nose, only a full face, tears, tears, there was a stream.

Li Da hiked back and saw it, smiled and said: "Don't be excited, this is just a chance, etc. I have won the victory, and it is not late."

Under the mast, Li Da hiddenly ordered: "The sea is not in the style, everyone chases, destroy this!"

The inspection fleet is large, and in addition to continuing to increase the wind of the character, simply simulate the sea, the sailors down the bottom, open the paddle, and improve the speed of the foot paddle.

When the sky is completely black, the two sides are only 2 miles away.

The infinite lotus is located on a ship that is on the last ship, avoiding the upcoming method.

It is still chasing it out of ten miles away. The distance between the two sides is shortened to two hundred feet. The wind here is beginning to increase, set off a burst of four, five feet high waves, shooting in the sea boat, shaking the sea boat, bumps Powerful.

A lightning scored through the horizon, thunderous sound, suddenly the rain is poured down, poured all people's clothes.

In the thunderstorm, the Zhounie said to Li Da Yiduan: "Cannot move again, it is already in the edge of the prison sea, always commanding you to see this heavy rain, it is God to stop our entry!"

In lightning thunder, the other vessel is not far away, and it does not dare to go deep into the south, but to the south.

Li Da hidden fidelity, requiring shooting in the west side of the sea vessel, and must not collide without authorization.

With his order, the auditor of the auditor of each ship of the inspection fleet started, and the first round was opened.

Because the situation is very bad, the rule of heavy robust is inherently effective, and it has been hitting the third round. When approaching the distance of 80 times, there are two heavy hit enemy ships. But these two heavy scorpions did not hit the key, hit the ship wall of the deck line, collapsed a few ship boards, but did not hurt people.

Under the command of the cannon, the handlers put the heavy rules on the string, and the string is desperate to shake the squash. The cannon adjusts the gun, and the opportunity to feel the opportunity in the upper and lower bumps of the vessel.

The artillery waving strike down, the wooden stick hits in the mechanism, the machine has burst into the spiritual power in the gatherings, and slammed into the strings, the huge law is emitted by the bouncing, the blink of an eye Ten feet far sea, taking into the boat of the sea, breaking all defenses, sweeping all hinders!

At the time of 50 feet, Zhang Hao's Haiyu fleet started to hit the law. In the heavy rain, both the gunners were desperately robbed, and a huge law will be shot to the other party. From 50 Zhang has been hitting twenty feet, the battle is very fierce.

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