Taoist Law

Chapter 109 Night War

Welcome, please remember this site address:, mobile phone reading, so that you can read the latest chapter of the novel "Taoist Law" at any time ... Taoist rule 109 chapter Night War (continued. For the teacher, you see him. More) In the law, the sea vessel is in absolute down-wind. Then the lawn heads in their hands is from the South China Sea to west, or the scrapped goods that Daming does not have opinion. After repairing, it will be used again. How does such a crack be played with the inspection fleet? What's more, they are in great disadvantages, the number is far less, and the ship type is also small. On the cannons of the sea, the rule of the inspection fleet has formed a huge gap between four to 18. Such a significant gap, let Zhang Hao's four sea boats have been able to lift their heads, half a time, all four sea boats are all being smashed, two of them have masts. It was interrupted, and there was also a serious injury, and the waterline was played two big mouth, and a wave of waves was thrown into the boat. Seeing this sea boat will sink. The sea can't live, keep going to ask Zhang Wei "When the shopkeeper, when is the big alliance?" Zhang Wei couldn't answer this question, within the range of the envelop, not only the sky is not often Even the fly is very difficult to send. This is why Wutong Taoists chooses that there is a way to receive the message in this way, it is difficult to receive the message and come to the reinforcement in time. Zhang Wei, I tried two times. I wanted to contact Yutong people, I didn't expect it. I didn't receive any reply after I sent it. Seeing your own child's death and injuries, then so, I am afraid that I have to funeral all over the army. Zhang Wei doesn't have any other way. I can only give it closer to the inspection fleet. It is not as good as the body of the body. Go to jump to help the dead battle, at least can see what the enemy is growing! To this end, he intends to concentrate on his own boat, gather on the side of the ship. In addition to his own almost a full Jin Dan, there is also the opening of Jin Dan, Zhou and the generals, and the three people are also the Huang Crown monk. So equipped, the proportion of monks is quite high. His intention quickly found that the accomplices on the left and right side discovered that everyone has a sample, and goes up to the opposite front of the inspection fleet. In the case of such a war, the sea fare actually played blood. Zhang Hao's seat quickly leaned against a five hundred bans from him. The two sides were far from five or six feens. In the electric flash thunder, Zhang Hao saw the other party's army, and the jump is ready to help The soldiers, the black lacquered armor exudes cold and dark gloss under the moment. Such an army order Zhang Yu Tensteon's first leather hair,

In an instant, the day of the Beijing-term arrival, the heart was laminated, and the martial arts of the door is really strong.

After a row of row of row of row of the pair of faces, it was a monk of the Timen Palace. These three people and Zhang Hao were very familiar. I used to nod him on the three palaces. I didn't expect to fight in the life today.

War now, it is already allowed to retreat. Zhang Yu bites the hand to his hand, and then waited for the next lightning.

Finally, it was also a five-six lightning schedped through the horizon, and the thunder was rolling. By a short "day", Zhang Hao has drunk, when the first arrival is jumped out, and the enemy is.

In the air, others have taken out the nine shares of a nine shares of the silver fork from the storage instrument, talling toward the enemy of the boat.

The face of the face is performed on the opposite side, which is strict, and it knows the training.

Nine bright silver, puncture, on one side, the whole shield wall also illuminates the light, the ten-faced shield will eliminate the strength of Zhang Yinyin, the rest of the power, Qi self-borne, one-in-borne Hold this hit.

In the gap of the shield wall, he suddenly gave birth to a lumbar knife, from different angles to Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei worships the marshnole to the Hai Fa, and the tricks will block all the waist knife in the rotation, and Zhang Hao hits unable to see it, and leap back to the ship.

The frontboard war immediately broke out, and Li Da Yin did not command the fleet, and he was very anxious. The fleet can be commanded by the flag, etc., but it can't be accurate to every ship. No one of the young auditor fleet has come to the sea of ​​hell, and no one knows that the flying fidel will lose its utility, which makes Li Dawei very bored.

Let Li Daixiao, there is also a fleet, he and Wang Shouyu have noted near two times, and I don't know how Wang Shouyu is, he regrets, should not be divided into troops to make a package copy, in case Wang Shouyu The collision rushed into the sea, the fifteen boats of the entire first fleet will have the worry of the whole army.

Li Da is uneasy looks at the current battlefield, praying for this championship, bringing the entire fleet safely.

In the remote shooting of the ship, whether it is a radius, persistence, the audit fleet is dominant, and once it is close to the distance, the sea boat takes the wind in the accuracy and launch speed of the law. In fact, after the closer is close, the inspection fleet is the same, because they have a fire dragon on the boat, and their jump armored equipment is more first. But at this moment, the fire dragon didn't use the land of the fire, and it can only rely on the thrill of the water dragon gun to increase confusion on the opponent.

The heavy rain is still pouring such as note, the battle is still in full, Zhang Hao's resistance is very stubborn, but the disadvantage is getting more and more obvious, and it is going to die.

When you don't have a whole, the sailors tied to the top of the top of the mast suddenly crazyly pulling the cable, the fingers northwest direction, shouting loudly. The shouting snorkerage, faintly, was rarely fallen by the wind and heavy rain, only passing the words.

"Boat Care"

Li Da is tight, climbing the mast, looking at the towers, walking in the northwestern direction, seeing the model is a shadow of many masts. At this time, a lightning has been drawn from the endless heights of the sky, and the whole sea area is taken through, and Li Da hungs and looks at the front, creepy, cold.

The endless vessels who can't find a strict surrounding loop, from left to right, the inspection fleet is in the inside, the only way to take away the route behind the inspection fleet, only the demon hobs.

The masts of these sea boats hang a variety of rare weird flags, and the big words on the pole, and some are also painted in a pattern that looks very horrible.

All the vessels of the sea, one look at the count, at the moment, in the second mile, rushing up and down in the big wave, rushing to the inspection fleet.

Is this a middle plan?

When did they come to the north?

Why didn't Zhoushan have no news?

what to do?

Is it going to funeral the inspection fleet today?

How to explain?

Do I have to go?

In a moment, Li Da looked up all kinds of thoughts, and the legs were trembled.

Taoist law

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