Taoist Law

Chapter 8

PS: Thanks to Daxie, EAGLE Zhou Ten, thank you for your desire, enjoy the rain, Foshan bookmad, accurate identification, the monthly ticket of the fish in the Northern South to encourage. + ◆ Top + ◆ Point + ◆ ​​Small + ◆ Say,

A autumn rain fell densely, will Zhao Ran and Guan 2, Lu Jin three people freeze enough. Guan 2 pointed to the front: "Square, there is still one in the sheep house!"

On the official path of the mud, Zhao Ran took the neck of the nectar, and the old man had a throat. The dried and hoofed, and the mud water stepped out was splashped behind him. The two and Lu Jin face were. Three people quickly saw the yard around a wooden fence in the official road, and the yard was a broken house in the yard.

At the front of the Er Yue, I opened the fence door. I took the first to Zhao Ran to go to the largest room in the middle. I saw it in the mouth: "Li Yizhen! Lao Li! My family is coming, I will come out! "

The three ,,,

Zhao Ran saw that he still looked around, nor too much, directly entered the house. Guan Liu and Lu Jin were followed behind him, and the Taoist said: "Jiang Fangli remembered the house to the house, this is my new Zhao Fang Lord. Lao Li, I will pick up a house, the bucket hot water Come, my family is mainly dressing, this rain is bad, "

Li Yizhen did not agree, and arranged Zhao Ran and others into the guesthouse to wash, and then prepared some hot soup, cake and other eating, for Zhao Ran and others fill the stomach.

Eat the feet, dry the clothes, Zhao Ran finally looked at this station. The station is not large, and the five or six wooden houses are squeezed in one, and there is a colored gorge with the top of each other. There is a simple horse outside the house. A , two embarrassments, this is all of the people of the sheep. Such a station is much smaller than the other stations that Zhao Ran have seen. It is also too much - except for the largest authentic house, the rest of the remaining rooms are leaking, and there are several wooden drums below. .

The quality of the station is not related to Zhao Ran. He came here to go to the mountain. According to the description of the relationship. The long insect hill is a few places where there may be a monster in Yugang County. It is also a key inspection of the Ease of Endang. It has only heard of the rumors of the people only, but I have never really found the monster.

Zhao Ranzheng is struggling, and the priest is a few steps. The trip: "Meet Zhao Fanglo, Li Mou does not know Taishan, and there is more rude, but also hope that Han Han."

Zhao Ran hooks: "Yes. Li Wei. Tove this time, it is necessary to go to the mountain, you don't have to prepare, the rain stops, you will go, you will stay here. I am in listening with you. Is there any absence? "

"Dismantamous? Hey ... no,

Marsh is flat, everything is well. "

"Hey. That ... have there any rumor in the village? For example, have anyone who killed?"


"Does anyone miss it? Especially children ..."


"That ... is there any kind of animal, such as. Since people know, will people say?"

Guan 2 and Lu Jin have also seen the past to the country in the yard.

"Didn't. Zhao Fang, forgiveness, do you come to find a demon? If so, the square is big. There is a monster in the people. That is the monster in the mountains. That is yourself, Li Mou in the Yangma In three years, I have never seen it, and several villages nearby are all right, and they are still still unusual. "

Zhao Ran is very discouraged. Come on, I was poured by Li Yu's head, this taste, it is really better than autumn rain! However, since he has already arrived here, it is certainly impossible to fight back to the government, and there is no interest in the interest of Li Yizhen, and it is waiting for rain.

Li Yuxi is careful to wait, never take the initiative, but also do his best, until the autumn rain stresses, Zhao Ran is aligned to go to the horse (), then go back, watch the crush on the table Face, heartache said: "It's two pounds ... Dao, you can come again, my sheep horses can't afford!"

Zhao Ran didn't know that Li Yizhen was behind her heart. He did not give money, Guan Liu and Lu Jin have not given money, and the station is the official government, and everything is responsible for the government, if they are responsible for Zhao Ran, if If you have to pay, everyone will not enter the door.

Although the autumn rain is stopped, the sky is still gloomy, and the river is walking towards the mountains, and it will enter the mountain. The more you go deep into the mountain, Zhao Ran is more discouraged, no him, there are many people in the mountains, smoke, terraces, and chicken, where is it half a monster?

Zhao Ran is a bit anger, I asked back: "Guan II, you tell me that there is a demon, you have a look, is this like a demon?"

At the same time: "Square, then ... There is a demon, what should it be?"

"Nature should be , people are inaccessible ..." Zhao Ran just said that he took the brain, secret how to fell into his mind, who said that there is a monster place must be this scene? " When I was interested, I laughed: "Let's go, let's continue to go!"

A angry smile, caught two and Lu into face each other.

The long insect mountain is not big, and the village has a village in the village. Although there is no resignation, there is still a lot of people. At least the mountain road is very spacious. Zhao Ran opened the eyes, observed around, and finally was broken by him.

Zhao Ran immediately sent the old man to leave the mountain road, went to the mountains on the south side, the old man turned over the mountains, and the emptiness crossed a unwell deep, from the high-tech hoof, and will Zhao Ran Brought to a soil slope.

The jujube red horse riding the jujube and Lu Jin ride, he had no old age, he had to follow the horse behind him, but it was deeply resistant, but he had to call: "Square, wait for us!"

Zhao Rao said: "You are waiting here." You no longer take care of them, ride a secret hiding, taking a moment, taking a moment outside a water pond, the heart is big, the dark road is really There is no white run, and it is really not to come to work.

When he had a good night, he found that the flow of the heavens here is not the same, and there are several kinds of blunt, less natural. I have been waiting for careful observation, it is definitely, this is a magic, and the arrangement of the Factor is not high.

Zhao Ran is quite "talent" for the array, and it is also a magic of the five-line gods in the murderous class, even with this fight, so I quickly saw this illusion. The root of the array. This pond is just a magical selection, and it doesn't actually exist. As for what the pond illusion wants to cover, it must be smoked first.

How to break this illusion? Zhao Ran also had a way, although his five-line gods have been damaged, but there are two five-five-day gods, as long as they hit a picture, with this power, the simple illusion of the eyes Can break. However, he certainly won't be so stupid, one is very valuable, and you can't use it here. After the second is broken, who knows what it is, in case, Zhao Ran will Purely looking for death.

Zhao Ran will take the tap of Jiang Zhiheng's hand, and the mouth is spent, and the tutor is shaking in the air, turns a ferturbation, and goes to the northeast direction.

So far, Zhao Ran still can't conclude, whether this illusion has the "mission" he wants to visit. But at least this square water pond is indeed unpubeded, as long as it involves the law, he has enough reason to summon the Taoist line. If there is a monster, then he Zhao Ran is equivalent to a job. If there is no words, it doesn't matter, and the brothers and great sets of Da Zhuo, Xia Zhuo, see if there is any possible set of batches, and it is also very cheap. .

In addition, Zhao Ran urgently wants to see Da Zhuo, Xiao Zhuo has one, and his green rose disappears. If the situation in the dream of last night is, Green So should be within the gas sea of ​​his home - he feels almost already recognized. But almost, there is still a possibility, he can't see the inner view, I can't see what I am in the sea, so I don't dare to do the final decision. He wants to ask if the uncle of these two teachers, there is no big life in the end, if the orthogon is made, then the dream is true, if there is still no son, then ... Zhao Ran doesn't know what should be Judgment is good.

Now that the sky is black, Zhao Ran observed a moment of pond, and did not see anything, and quietly left here. He doesn't know how to arrive, but the distance from the tone is shot, but at least it can arrive at least for a moment, and there are few three times, and it is probably a delay. It is not necessarily in two days.

Going back to the deep side, saying that it will be the second and Lu Xiang advised back, let them find a personal home for the former mountain, waiting for themselves there. Catch the demon, you can't bring these two, you have the old bonus, and there are five thunders and the gods, and there is a certain self-insurance force. If there is any accident, this two It is also very likely that it is also likely to have a life.

Guan Liu and Lu are very righteous, I heard that Zhao Fang Lord has discovered the monster's trace. Although the heart is emptive, it is still to "protect" Zhao Fang Lord, until Zhao Ran sent a temper, this is not willing to leave.

Hassing two "bodyguards", Zhao Ran returned to the secrets of the secret, and took out dry food from the spanning finger, and heard the pointer of the farmity in the distance.

Just pulled the last dry grain, gently wipe the face of the mouth, Zhao Ran's eyes suddenly stopped on a small tree next to the Turndo, and couldn't help but suddenly.

A group of black shadows is working in treetops, as night winds rise up. (Understanding ..) (this article is started)

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