Taoist Law

Chapter 9 5 Color Master

PS: Thanks, the source of the song, thank you for the moon ticket encouragement.

Although it is in the dark, Zhao Ran's eyes are very different from ordinary people, and immediately see that the black shadow of this group is on the treetop is a brocade. So, with a tone, spit out a turbidity, and secretly scared himself.

This brown chicken is very large, it seems quite fat, several long tail feathers behind, the moonlight is flourishing, it looks very beautiful. Zhao Ranzheng, how to think of a magazine, caught this brocade, seeing it fluting from the treetop, and the land is only near Zhao Ran.

Zhao Ran, slowly got up, the mouth: "Oh, don't be afraid, here is delicious, ... ..." Heavy waist to Jinji, take a piece of dry food, Throw it to the brocade before the broken.

Jin Chicken bowed and looked at the dry food under its feet, and looked up and looked at Zhao Ran, which was gradually approaching, and couldn't help but got a few mouthfuls ...

Zhao Ran saw that Jinji did not escape, and he had a roast chicken. When you have a short body, I suddenly listened to the opening of the brocade: "Gigg, not good."

Zhao Ran's foot is slippery, a butt is sitting on the ground, stunned at this brocade, his heart is broken, this Nima is really a demon, and it is a spirit! "

Zhao Ran once listened to the Zhuo Teng Wing, and the demon practice is in the initial, there is no intelligence, and it is active, and the whole credit can be. After being repaired, it will be in general, you can think about it, you will take the moment, know the refund, and the roots. This stage of the monsters can be called a spiritual demon, even Zhuo Teng Yun, Zhuo Tengyi's two yellow crown level monks is difficult to pay.

Zhao Ran sometimes thinks, his old man should belong to a spirit. Because it understands people, there is your own thinking and emotions, and there is not difficult to exchange. The old man, Zhao Ran has seen it in the big swagm, waiting for the idiots and beasts, and even ordinary demon are not in the words, and a scorpion directly kicks. That is quite a mighty. Otherwise, the old man will not meet the point of mouth. And this brocade in front of him actually speaks, isn't it more powerful than the old age?

Thinking of this, Zhao Ran couldn't stand back and looked at home, and he saw that this animal did not know when it had been shrunk behind Zhao Rong. It is full of fear in the eye.

Zhao Ran said that this seems that it seems to be expected, can only rely on himself, so the heart is moved, quietly takes two characters, pinched in the hand, one is a gods, and there is a god. The tactical plan is very simple, throwing thunder, escape!

When I look for "Throwing Thunder", I listened to the brocade and opening: "Gone. Is there anything else?"

Zhao Ran stayed back to the sentence: "Don't do your meat? Oh, you are vegetarian.

Sorry ... "

"G, who said that I can eat vegetarian? I also eat bugs, but the bug is not delicious."

Zhao Ran took a shot of his brain: "Sorry, it is too nervous, forget this ... , this is a grilled meat ..."

The brocade took a few times on the barbecue. Will the barbecue, swallow it. Then: "Gigbling, delicious, is there?"

Zhao Ran took out the last barbecue and threw the past: "The last piece is ... What, the sky is too late, I will not accompany you, I will go home first, let's go back." Said to strike , I have to smash the old man.

Who knows that Jinjan is not letting Zhao Ran, and he shakes his wings to him, "giggle, don't go first."

Zhao Ran is busy: "It's really late, I am afraid to bother you to rest, come to visit again."

Jinji Road: "Gigle, can not go, I haven't eaten yet, what do you gone?"

Zhao Ran is shocked and said: "I can't eat, I am the Square of the Ease of House. If you eat me, you will provoke the boss!"

Jinji Tao: "G, Who said to eat you? You are waiting here, I will come back soon ..." said that the wings were flying.

When I saw the Jinji, Zhao Ran turned over to the back, and the old man ran with Zhao Ran. Zhao Ran was shocked on the back of the back, patted his head: "Don't be relieved, brother, just hiding behind me."

" ..."

"Don't call, call the chicken, you and me die!"


"Don't call it ..."

Between "Go to", a group of black shadows passed Zhaoran, and he was over, before the old branch route, the old donkey "Angang" has two throats, and the two front ho hos high, one is stopped. At the moment, Zhao Ran hangs fell.

Zhao Ran closed his eyes, and the hustle is a wild boar. When you are pondering, the brocius falls from the sky, and he fell on the wild pig corpse. "Gone, isn't you waiting for you? Run What to do here? This wild boar is catching, and you will give me a meal. "

"Ah? Ah ... What, don't you eat barbecue, I will pick some of the houses, huh, huh ..."

"Gigg, go back, Chai Ge, I will pick it up, your barbecue is good."

Zhao Ran, I heard that I had to go back, I have a desperate thoughts, kicking the old age, whispering: "I am fighting!" He wanted to join hands with the old mouth, he threw the five thunders, If the enemy is hit hard, then in the side of the shoulder, if the enemy is fine, then add a common character to the old man, and run away.

Who knows that the reaction of the old age is just a "Ang", then turn it back, go back to the original road, and you will have a strong "you have a biliary beast".

But since the old, since he does not cooperate, he can only praise, he is "escorted" by Jin Chicken back to the water. The brocius grabbed a huge wild boar in Zhao Runtou, the pole of his appearance, Zhao Ran quietly thought, perhaps the old man did not dare to do it, and the current one can only take a step.

Back to the water pond, Zhao Ran fought the butcher's livework, peeled into the hair, bake the wild pig holder on the campfire. After a time, pork is baked, and there is a rich meat in the mountains. The brocade is not stopped, and it is excited about the bonfire: "Gigle, good fragrance, giggling ..."

A huge wild boar, most of them enter the belly of Jinji, left to Zhao Ran and the old mouth only one leg. Zhao Ran and the old man eat half of the other half, while eating while looking at the brocade in front of the bonfire.

"This chicken is crazy ..."

" ..."

"Unfortunately, there is no wine, or you can't try it!"

" ..."

"Is there so delicious? Why don't I think."

" ..."

"You talk to it, in fact, roast chicken is delicious than roast pigs."


"Open a joke, why are you?"


When Zhao Ran and the old man were helpless, I suddenly listened to a horseshoe sound, Zhao Ran, and Jin and Jinosheng looked at the voice. If you don't have much, you will see the two Taoists all take high Malaysia, turn in from the hill.

Zhao Ran, Gao Zhao: "Uncle Xia Zhuo, Xiao Zhuo Shi, I am, I am a no-nephew, Zhao Ziran!"

The two Taoists who come are not waiting for people, it is, and Zhao Ran, the Waun Hall of Huayun Hall, Zhuitunyun, Zhuo Tengyi two yellow crown.

Zhao Ran can see his loved ones. On the occasion of complaining, I saw these two doors and walking Qi Qi to Jinji: "I have seen five color masters!"

When the brocade, I watched the wild pig ribs. He said: "Gone, are you coming? Hey, there are half a pig leg, your brothers are divided, I don't have it, I am busy, I don't greet it."

Thank you, I won't take the pig legs and come to Zhao Ran. Zhuo Teng wings asked: "Zhao Shi, the tailor is your hair?"

Zhao Ran is already a bit of stupid eyes, dry Baka said: " ..."

"What happened?"

Zhao Ran praised the mouth, carefully referred to the bonfire, said: "That ... the chicken demon is a demon?"

Zhuo Teng Yun and Zhugeng wings glared at the eye, immediately understood, Zhuo Teng wings smiled: "You send a message because of the five-color master?"

Zhao Ran will be detailed, asked: "This chicken, oh, what is the five-color master?"

Zhuo Teng wings will be Zhao Ran to the distance, whisper explained: "The five-color master is originally a five-color Jinjie, and later I don't know what to practice, it became a spirit. This long insect hill is it. The ten-party jungle is not aware of, only in the heart of Huayun Hall, I didn't expect you to become an unprotive place, I have found it. "

Zhao Ran thought about it and asked: "This demon is not caught?"

Zhuo Teng wings said: "The year ago, I said with you, most of the demon is inhak, since it doesn't disturb the world, it is self-cultivation, why do you do it, why do you want to catch? Furthermore, this five-color master pure Sputter, mind is extremely good, are you coming through the entertainment? How can you have such a good water in this mountain? All the five-color master protect. "

Zhao Ran is sudden, annoyed: "As early as saying, the white run is not mentioned, and it is still afraid."

Zhuo Tengyi also felt funny and said: "It is self-finishing, who knows that you can actually look at its trail, when you really don't say."

Zhao Ran looked through the bonfire, I saw Zhuitang Yunzheng, Zhuo Teng Yunzheng, respectfully speaking with Jinji, thinking of he was still planning to catch it, could not help but appear. (Endlessly)

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