Taoist Law

Chapter 10, 1st

PS: Thanks, Scarecrow, EAGLE, Dadet Dad, Learning, Thank you for your invitation. Then, go to Hangzhou for a week tomorrow, I don't know if I can update it in time, first give a vaccination, of course, I will try my best.

Zhao Ran catchs the demon, and is also baked with a night wild boar. I have a gray face, and I will go down the mountain. However, he doesn't matter if he is in this line, he saw Zhuitunyun, and the Zhugeng wings walked.

For their own root bone problems, the uncle of the two Huayun Pavilion left to see the right time, then told him that it was not very clear, it seems that the root bone is being, but it is not very conspicuous. This situation is usually called For "scrap root bones", that is, maybe it can try to practice, but the effect of refining is very poor, and Zhao Ran is a good psychological preparation of other people to practice ten years. Daguo, Xia Zhuo Shu urged Zhaoran, saying that this is in mind, one of the people is not for, and it is not necessarily the way.

Zhao Ran is frustrated, in fact, it is not concerned, but these two doors are more regrettable than him. If Zhao Ran took the bone Dan, if it didn't get it, it was not the worst case, because he had the opportunity to try to take the second time, but if "positive", it means he finally The opportunity is also lost. The two doors walking originally to his array talent, so it is more unfortunately.

Daxie, Xia Zhuo's uncle sent Zhao Ruyi set of cultural practice. According to their words, if Zhao Ran is working hard, it can better cooperate with him to arrange the law. of course. In the eyes of these two uncle, Zhao Ran is destined to have a budder.

Zhao Ran got a set of cultural methods that he could not use, and there was something that he couldn't worry, and his face was asked about the book of the refining method. Of course, it is necessary to refine a set of blades. Perhaps this kind of book is not a precious thing, but may be a simple sympathy of two teachers, in short, Zhao Ran's request is not rejected. Xiao Zhuo Shi said back to Huayun Hall to find a few posts.

Zhao Ran's final gain is that he confirmed his true nature of his nightnight. Just because you can't see it, you can't see the depths of the gas sea.

After returning to the Queen, Zhao Ran will combine the two and Lu Jin in the village, and face questions from these two inspects. Of course, there is no face to repeat the experience last night. It is only ambiguous, and it has been blended in the past. It has been confirmed by the second and Lu into the abdominal suspect, but it is not able to ask for the identity.

On the way back, autumn rain once again raised, three people hurriedly whip, rushed to the sheep horses. This time, Zhao Ran didn't feel the heart and Li Yuyu, and after washing, Li Yizhen was delicious. And the two, Lu Jun two sitting in the hall, drinking, while eating while looking at the outside of the house.

I suddenly listened to a few people who came out of the station, which also mixed the woman's pleadings. Zhao Ran did not care. Later, the sound is getting more and more noisy.

I can't help but get up and look at it. Guan Liu and Lu Jun were quickly taking a fight from the hall and chasing it out. After Zhao Run, he wore him on the way, put on the clothes.

Outside the station, a hlaiful woman squatted on the side of the mud, her body poured. Try to protect the baby in the arms of the arms and not being wet by the rain, while suffering from Li Yu: "The adult is good. I have to rain, let our mother go in to avoid rain."

Li Yizhen is not born: "Here is the official, only the obeys of the official, not where you can come in. You hurry away, don't be more than you here!"

The woman came to the cavity: "Adults ask you, the child can not stand it ..."

Li Yizhen said: "It is very clear to you, soon! I have no one in this station. You go in to the collision, you are good, don't be entangled, otherwise you are welcome!"

Zhao Ran can't see it, referring to the 19th: "Go to Li Yizhen, let the mother, come in." He returned to the genuine house.

Soon, the woman took the child into the station, but he did not enter the house. He only went in the corner of the roof, and the broken clothes on his body were so wet, and it was also stamped with mud, frozen.

After Li Yuxi entered the house, he went to Zhao Ran, smiled: "Zhao Fang Lord, I am very sorry ..."

Zhao Ran shook his head: "Don't say, I know the rules of the station. But the mother is not easy, the child is still small, let them continue to freeze outside, I am in my heart ... you let them enter the house, stand in What is going on outside? Well, give some hot soup and eat. "

Li Yizhen laughed: "Your old compassion, count them today." He turned around to arrange, while the heart was bitter, this month's support was super.

The mother and the mother entered the house. He first took Zhao Ran to show his gratitude, and then uneasy sat in the corner, seeing hot soup and scorpion, I still can't believe it until Zhao Ran nodded again. Smile, this is only the wolf to swallow the trepidation, while singing in the mouth, drinking soup while feeding the child. I have seen that Zhao Ran is dark and sigh.

At this time, Zhao Ran is in the heart, and only the three-inch gas sea, if there is no hot interest in the navel, this kind of enthusiasm is floating in the gas sea, and when the hour is hidden, if not If you pay attention, you can't feel it.

Zhao Ran changed a little about it, and the acquisition of Deli Deli is so simple!

Waiting for the woman, Zhao Ran called the woman came to ask questions, and the woman did not take the child to go to Yanyu County, and I went to the half-way, so the scene just now. . Zhao Ran is busy as an eye, this woman tells more about it.

This is also very simple, because last year is not good, this woman's husband borrows money to the rich house in the village, but because of the high interest, it is still not afforded, it has been reported to the county by Fuji. The county is also taken away by her husband, and now it has been thrown. This woman is going to count the county, and ask the county to fall from the width of her husband.

"You said shouted. What is it?"

"... the county caught my man ..."

"Is your home borrow money?"

"... is a five-way money ... but the family is about two points, it is too high!"

"When I borrow, I know that the monthly interest is so high? ... know that it is still borrowed?"

"If you don't borrow, you have to starve, the road is long. Your old man helps me talk, save me the home! I will give you a cow to be horses!"

"Don't be excited, don't cry, speak well ... The government has a green seedlings, which is designed for your waiting for you. Why don't you go to Qing Miao?"

Daming has a green cage in each government, which is designed to be disaster. Or the hard-working farmers provide lending, interest rates are also low. However, the four cents of this money, farmers can apply for the county, and hoped by the county. It is said that the setting of the Qing Miao Cang is also a good value to urge the court in fifty years ago. At least half of them, the money is out of the customs palace. This woman is not borrowing, but in turn, it is very unsubstably.

A woman explained a little, Zhao Ran understood that the Qing Miao is there, but it is quite difficult to borrow money, it is quite difficult, from the application for lending to the final release, the time span is often quite long. Short at least one year and a half years, some other two or three years are not unstoppable. The economic security of the poor family is most vulnerable, and once it is difficult. I will break the family in one or two months. Where is the time waiting for time.

There is not much money owed by women, and I have a lot of money. Among them, the true capital is only two, and others are all loans. No wonder that her home is still not over, if there is no Zhao Ran. Don't want to pay attention to the money in a lifetime, and the final ending is destined to sell Tian Saiting. If you are lucky, become a farmer, the breath of luck, more than half a family is a dead word.

Sketchy, Zhao Ran touched a big silver ingot from the pneumatic, almost twenty-five, directly to the woman: "These money, you will take it, there is still the rest after the debt, you should make your home Wide a few days. "

The woman stayed and stayed, and then he would thank you again. Zhao Ran felt that there was a lot of enthusiasm in the gas sea, and the heart is inexplicably, and the secret is the same.

After the rain stopped, the woman embraced the child, Zhao Ran also summoned the two and Lu in the side, took out two small silver ingots from the spanner, each two two upside down, directly appreciated these two, only to say this hard It is a little alcohol. I can't see these little money, but I still have a good time to pass; Lu Jin is joining, he is a full background, there is no background, two silver is also a small financial.

Zhao Ran, is of course not reward for no reason, he is looking for a law, see what is doing things can get merit. After the appreciation, he carefully felt a long time, and there was no new merits in the gas sea. It is also given money, giving the woman, giving it a good merit, I will not talk about the merits, and the difference is expected to know that Zhao Ran is in the end.

Zhao Ran wondered a moment, and the eyes were turned, and the idea was hit by Li Yu.

"Li Wei, come." Zhao Ruzhen took the hook.

Li Yuxi also immersed in the various envy of the woman, Guan Second and Lu Jin, and the mutual visits Zhao Ran, the footsteps quickly, and quickly ran over, and the face is looking forward to: "Don't you know what to tell?" "

"What is the difficulty in this sheep, say it."

Li Yizhen is big, he is suitable for the strand of Zhao Ran, and knowing that this is a generous master, it is not polite, directly shaking his own difficulty. The Yangma is the management department of the court, and it is not in the county. Therefore, it is not necessary to reach the county. It is not the main road of Sichuan Province, so it is not to pay attention to the Ministry of the Ministry. Grandpa does not love, the most practical difficulties currently have no money.

Li Yizhen even bitter faces the face of the table, saying that even if these cakes, their brothers did not eat very much, and they can only be used to serve. He continued to point to a break of the housing, saying that because there is no money, several of these rooms can only find some of the crepes with wet mud, and the rain will leak.

Zhao Ran Si Li Long, in fact, the problem is not large, as long as you can solve the money, the key is that this kind of money gives it to get it? Zhao Ran felt more than half. The fact also proved that his guess, after taking a spinning silver, there is no half-point hot interest in the gas sea, and it is white to Li Yu's money. (Untrafter continued) (this article is started)

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