Taoist Law

Chapter 11 is not so simple

I have just got Zhao Ran, and Li Yizhen just got happy. Seeing this generous Zhao Fang Lord seems to be very cool, frowning, I don't know what I am thinking, so I am uneasy. I saw Zhao Ran, Si Jing, suddenly opened: "Li Yizhen, you are waiting for the imperial system, the money is not unhappy, but some things want to ask you." Please say, but I know, I will never hide. "" One, you are on the side of this official, how much is the roadr in the daily path? Second, how many livelihoods are difficult? Third, how many will, how many people will take the initiative? "These problems, Li Yizhen can't give a certain answer, no one will be" no "wrong" novel. Quleu.cm day with several people on the roadside, but probably impressed still. After listening to Li, I nodded, and Zhao Ran nodded. "Somet, there is something to do with things, I also hope that Li Wei can help me." Square, although the command is, where to talk about it! "" Good. From now on, please, Li Wei hang a brand outside the Yangma House, write ... Meet ... Three words of the 'relief station', the brand is underwater, which is convenient for passers-by. Daily Cooking porridge, there is a need to extend within the station, every person is porrlenting, asking the bowls must not be less than five inches, the bowls of porridge can do not fall. If there is special circumstances, such as heavy rain, heavy snow, Also or patients can't hurry, you can take a few days in the station ... "Li Yu listened to Zhaoran explained. Just feel stunned, then the heart is shocked,

Say: "Square, this can be made."

"Oh? Why don't you do?"

"Zhao Fang Lord, or that sentence. No money."

"I will give you money, but I have a condition. Every relief is a person, I want you to write down the name of this person, blessing and current accommodation, I sent people to check the account every month, but also to choose a little person and verify, if there is If you are not true, you should know what consequences! The help people can eat up to two porridges per day, I only give a bowl every time, I am afraid that you will raise a group of lazy. Then it violates me to set up. The spirit of the relief station. Just listening to you said this official pedestrian situation, I will give you five two silver people monthly, it should be enough, and more will be the reward for your sheeph, but there is At a little, you must never have a greedy, these five or two silver, at least half of the month, I will pay off. Otherwise, I will detect your silver next month. Do you understand? "

I heard that there are five two silver children every month, Li Yu is happy to win. The full mouth agreed, patted his chest: "The Squarer despite the confidence, Li Mou will help the side of the sake. Well, it is better to defend the Lord, which is worse than the brand of this relief station."

Zhao Ran stopped: "It is not, the name of the unprotice is good." He didn't have a good name, and the name did not use it for him. The only thing he care is merit.

Things have been told that Zhao Ran lost five silver and gave Li Yizhen, and said: "Pack the station to pack, the tiles will be completed, and there is always such a row."

Leave the sheephim. Zhao Ran let Guan Liu and Lu joined the road, and rushed to another station. There are three hospital stations in Yugang County, one is in the northeast direction, one is west, and the other is the sheephock in the south. All the three stations are on the side of the official, but the Yanshan in the northeast of Liuzhuang and the west is much larger, the facilities are more perfected, because the official path where the two stations is very important, is the court from Shaanxi Sichuan is just one of the way to go to Song Fan.

Zhao Ran first arrived in Heishan, He Yansheng compared to the sheep horses, and the four hundred institutes set together, the width of the wattage is not 10, the gate of the gate It's not lively.

Guan Er hesitated, to Zhao Rong: "Square, if you want to listen to the monster trace, let's go in, you have to rush here, there are many monks who have come and go, there is a demon, I avoid it."

Zhao Ran looked at the look of the two: "Do you know that I am not coming to catch the demon, if there is anything directly!"

"If the square, if you want to set up a relief station like Yangma, you don't have to find a mountain. Let's go to Lijia Village."

"I understand what you mean, here is the necessary way to go to Song Fan, I want to be a definitely, I will not be lacking, people don't necessarily see my two silver. But here is pedestrian business brigading to trade If you can relieve people, the relief station is placed in Lijia Village, can't get too big ... First, take a look, after all, it is a good thing to be good, it is not willing to be willing. "

It turns out that the fear of Guan 2 is very reasonable, and the Yanshan Zhongcan, the Yishan, has not been exposed, and the reception of Zhao Run is the book of Zhong Yu. The book is good, it is quite polite, but the result of the conversation is very fascinated.

"My family said, I want to personally treat Zhao Fanglo, but because there is something to do not open, I have to entrust a small person to listen to the bad, and Zhong Yizhen is very interesting. I have repeatedly apologized. Right, Zhao Over the road, don't you use rice? Small people have prepared meals under the kitchen, please ask Zhao Fang to move. "

"There is no need, the poor road is just some small things to be with Zhong Yuyi, I don't know when he is empty, the poor pass can wait."

Is the book writing frown: "This is not known, the two mages of Chengdu Quitan went to Baima Mountain, passing through the , Xi Hui Hui, who is in the West, is resting, my family must follow On the side, there are two thousand people of Jinyiwei borrowed the Hedaishan workers. In addition, Ning Tanwei Zheng command to make the family is also in the world, and Zhong Yizhen is also afraid. It has been passed by the county, and the staff of the military department must pass through the , about the launch of the lunch ... "

This book is finished with a point to Zhao Ran, and it is full of respect, but the mouth can't hide the meaning of the silk. Although he did not speak, but the meaning of the words is quite clear - I am a big man every day, and I have no reason to take care of you a little unproved place!

Judi and Lu Jin are listening to it, it is already full of angry, I want to attack, but I was stopped with an eye. He didn't have a fire, but this book is very old, the number of gifts is not bad, said The situation is also normal, you are with him, and you are not happy enough.

Zhao Ran took the airway: "So, I don't know if you can turn to your home. The poor deck wants to pay a relief station, and it is also helpful to the bell." The coming of the rejuvenation station is described in terms of specific methods.

The book is listening carefully, listening to the latter: "Square is compassion, this is a good thing, the little man feels, it will turn the Square to convey my family. But the small people also think about it, I don't know Unhappy. "

"Guo said."

"He Yansheng is affiliated to the Ministry of War, is to rush, it is Sichuan West, now the white horse mountain is not allowed to be opened. If it is in the past, it is necessary to participate in it, but it is not the time, how much is it every day The honorable characters are giving, how many important military feelings are swearing, saying the big vernacular, here is Longanfu, and even the lock key of the whole Sichuan, it is not a place. This person came to If you don't leave your god, you will come in, that is, you are going to be a big thing, is the Square, is it? "

Zhao Ran was blocked by the book, although the heart was not cool, but it could not be refuted, only to say: "You can also take a shed next to the station, do not need to be in the middle of the world, as long as you go out to help. "

The book laughed: "There are fewer people in Heishan, so many transactions are not finished, where there is a work to manage these trivial matters, you still think about it, this is not good."

Zhao Rong said: "The poor road is looking for a few people from Lijia Village to do this relief station. I want to be near the station. I have a lot of time. Can you turn it with a clock? If you have trouble, you will go Zhong Yu Yu, "

The book is smiling and shaking his head: "Zhao Fanglo, the three miles around the station, I don't want to take this matter, after all, now is a war, the summer is everywhere, I have a bad thing, I am in the mountains, you said yes. Not this? "

Zhao Ran nodded and said: "Somet, you are in the distance." Said that you will go.

The book has a sound: "Don't send it." See Zhao Ran out of the door, clearing, secretly: "A small road square, really thought that he is a big man? I still learn other people to send, it is really funny. By! "Tugged your face, I came to the Zhengzhong Hall, and the two people who were talking to the hall were talked to the hall." Zhong Yizhen, Dong Dao Chang, the priest of the surname Zhao gone, to take director, he Enemy is not available to any requirement. "

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