Taoist Law

Chapter 12 New Countryside

PS: Thanks to EAGLE Week, thanks to QWE79, , , DFG453, Betald and other monthly tickets encouragement. The poor road today is trying to make a codeword. It is a loose tone, but it will be more busy tomorrow. It is really not imagined to have time.

On the way I didn't have a pass, Zhao Ran didn't send it. I ate a closed door in Heishan, I have been able to foresee what attitude towards him on his proposal will, so he is a little depressed. However, I just had a depressed, and I suddenly changed a lot. At this time, he felt a lot of hot influence in the gas sea.

The old donkey fought four hoofs, and a little kills back to the unligated mountain. I didn't think about the second and Lu Jin. I didn't mention how the two people had a sense of thinking. I just said that Zhao Ran returned to their own houses. The closed door, according to the "Congenital Gong Dynasty" first chapter, the total three-silk merits of the total three-wire merits were converted into the mana.

"Congenital Gong Dynasty" does not turn heavy adjustment, so the transformation is very fast, and several breathing room will be successful. But after the transformation, Zhao Ran found that there was too little in the sea in the sea, and he was almost in a slightly uncomfortable. He is probably estimated to transform the ratio, probably between ten more, but compared with the merits before transformation, but it is more condensed. If your strength is like a cotton, then the mana is like a rope.

What is the mana? Almost everything can't do, Zhao Ran's only thing can do, in accordance with the methods mentioned in the scriptures, raising a small spark from his fingertips, and a few breathing is annihilated, with the disappearance of the spark, The mana in the sea is immediate.

Zhao Ran is not anxious. He closed his eyes, and he walked a bow in the Acathy Hospital. It took probably a time, and the mana will reappear, and Zhao Ran can continue to play the pointed ignition of the small trick.

In other people's eyes, it may be just a small step, but for Zhaoran. It is a big step in the earth! Zhao Ran is very exciting to shout out, and the child can finally practice!

After exciting, Zhao Ran began to think about his practice planned.

First, you need to solve the problem of scarcity of merits, because it is not absorbed to swallow, so Zhao Ran believes that the word "cultivated" is more in line with the actual situation. This problem is already a eyebrow, just doing good deeds, doing practical things, making things good for others. The establishment of the relief station is a useful attempt to do. With the smooth progress of the rescue of the sheep, he can cultivate merits from time to time, as long as the assistance is not reduced. Gong Deli will continue to increase.

Then it is necessary to consider what will be practiced after transitioning merits into the mana you can use. "Congenital Morality" is solved by there is no problem, but how should it be used after a mana? This is not recorded in the scriptures. Therefore, the problem in front of Zhao Ran is now that he does not have a book for cultivation. How to draw, how to fight, how to fight. These things can be the means of life, no corresponding means. He is empty and will not be used, more talks.

But now, he has some time to buffer, after all, I want to learn the magic means, first of all, I must accumulate enough mana.

Zhao Ran carefully wondered for a long time, and many ideas were taken in the mind. It's not easy to do something well? Learn Lei Shu's good example. He is deeply educated and remembers this.

I thought I did it, and Zhao Ran immediately made people summoning the second and Lu into the sum. The task given to them is very simple, that is, the surrounding field recruitment.

Two is very inexplicably, but still runs in the villages under the vast mountains in accordance with Zhao Ran's meaning. It is until it will go back to the mountain very late.

Early the next morning, Zhao Ran took Guan 2 and Lu into the mountain, there is already a group of strong labor as soon as possible. According to Zhaoran's instructions, Guan 2 and Lu Jin attacked ten bats and also specially invited a muddy hard from the city of Yugang County. It is a good time to pay for a day, but also double the rewards of two meals and muddyers. Nowadays, there is a peer-to-peer time, and these people are also happy to listen to the difference and earn some household subsidies.

A group of people rushed two big cars, carrying various tools on a car, and the other car is full of new watts and lime and other materials, and the flock is in the hometown.

Zhao Ran's first village was in the northwest five miles in the northwest of Wuhan. This village was almost all the unprotive households. Rent all the fields in the hospital, of course, from themselves.

Entered the village, call the old people in the village, Zhao Ran simply a few words, so that the elderly heard it, and did not respond for half a day. Zhao Ran's request is very simple, that is, this old man will take the way and responsible for communication, re-repairs the house to all houses in the village.

Old man, of course, LI. He actually understood Zhao Ran's meaning, but he didn't understand Zhao Ran to do "why", can only be embarrassing Zhao Ran "escort" to the east first home. Zhao Ran looked at this house wall with a few broken caves with a herb, and immediately expressed very satisfied. The old man negotiated before, and then the family was full of fear, looking at Zhaoran's construction team. Zhao Ran did not explain, directly punch, "Old Zhang, see you, do it."

Zhang Waistan should be "Yes", and the commander started to start. Digging soil, filling of the fill, and mud, after a long time, the Zhao's construction team added this household's broken wall to pose, put all the ribbed wadows of the roof, still Turn your hands to re-launch the fence wall of the shake.

This move opened Li Laodou and the people who were stunned. When they arrived, they were grateful to thank you. Zhao Ran has already waved: "Total!" Zhao Ran can not work with them, do a good job, it is necessary to hurry Time.

A silk man has cultivated in the gas sea, Zhao Ran is very satisfied, urge Li Lao to go to the next family.

After seven days, the Zhao's construction team finally repaired the thirty-six damaged housing of Lijia Village, and Zhao Ran has 36 silk merits, and it is converted to the mana. Ruplely settlement costs, payroll, materials and rice, total consumption of four or two silver.

In the meantime, the rescue behavior of the Sheep Horse Relief Station has also been continuously in progress, bringing twenty-three silk intensive efforts to Zhao Ran, and also transformed an empty one by Zhao Ran.

Nowadays, Zhaoran has been able to feel the gradual growth of the gas in the gas, the spark of the fingertips is already able to maintain half of the tea.

Li Jiacun is very surprised up and down, this kind of stuffed pie is true, and the two and Lu Jin, who have been helping it around Zhao Ran, but they will soon understand Zhao Fang Lord. More and more compassionate.

So I justified, asking Zhao Fang Lord is not ready to repair the broken house around a few villages, Zhao Ran replied that this is really not, the poor road is intended to put a broken house in all the people in the entire county!

Guan Er and Lu Jin took a Tongda, and then carefully entered the words, saying that Zhao Fanglo is so ambitious, it is really impatient. In this case, it is not more faster than a few times, it is not even more faster than a lot of tricks.

Zhao Ran took the brain, secretly, really confused, so decisive adoption of good policy.

Zhao Ran's duty is the mainman, mainly responsible for inspected the county, one of the most important tasks to assist in speaking demon. After the long in-mountain Oolong incident, Zhao Ruo Da Zhuo, Xiao Zhuo's uncle pointed, it already knows how many demon in the county, most of them have been listed, and it is a big "good demon". "So it is temporarily invited to catch the soul." Now, since nothing, simply send the ten sets of inspections of the square hall, each group is responsible for recruiting a construction team, each construction team delineates the village, and is responsible for a stall.

The "New Rural Sports" in Yugang County officially begins.

Zhao Ran rolled around and rushed around, checking the construction effect, and gaining merits in the gas sea beginning with the speed of ten times before. When I arrived in the New Year's Eve, Zhao Ran has opened a pair of pairs, which means that as long as they will continue to start, they can get twenty-text work every day, and the muddyers can get forty-piece, and the meals are also added. Meat. Almost all labor can't stop this temptation, and I have been working until the evening of the New Year's Eve, and I have been working, and I will continue to work in the first month.

Ten days ago, Zhao Ruyi's intentione is a straight line, and the mana after transformation is also able to feel clearly. If a mouse is drilled, it is very judged. And Zhao Ran's fingertips have been over to more than three inches, and they are eye-catching! (Untrained ...)

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