Taoist Law

Chapter 13 New Year

PS: Thanks to the sideways of the song and EAGLE Zhou's reward, thank you, not dead birds, lost ladies, Foshan books, wood, SA, Moon ticket encouragement. Vertex novel,

Zhao Ran's touched monk was a lot, and the front and he maintained Zhou Yuku, who had been more than a year. Zhou Yuku, who has opened his eyes, and Xiao Zhuo Shi, which is very good for him. Zhu Qi's, and Yan Zhongze, and the death of themselves, of course, there are also Chu Dawn, the old, black clothes, four brothers and brothers, and the understanding of the practice, I don't dare to say that in ten party jungle belongs to the leader, at least In the same way in the level of the Court, I also have an extraordinary.

Therefore, Zhao Ran is very surprised to have the speed of his mana growth. If he listens to the above "senior people", this situation should be the situation will appear after more than three months, but he only used it. More than half a month, every thought, this is not exempt from some little proud.

Of course, such achievements are related to their own big handlers in addition to their skills. In just half a month, the Zhao's construction team spent nearly one hundred and two silver, in the expected next month, this kind of investment will continue, and if the plan is completed, the home repair of nearly 100 villages in the county is completed. His investment will be close to one thousand two.

Since I first entered the unprofessory, I didn't care about my wealth, but I have to re-inventive savings now.

The silver winning the market was sold in most, there are still more than one thousand, it is a silver ticket. In this regard, Zhao Ran can't hurt it, but I think it carefully. If you spend out, you are still worth it, otherwise you will not have your own today. There are more than eight hundred two, it is a gift that he is promoting the feast of Sangtang, and it is not very serious, but now it is very far.

In addition to the silver ticket, his current main wealth is in the spanning, and those medicinal materials and instruments are not allowed. There are more than two hundred gold ingots that can be directly allowed, each is a big ingot, and there is a small gold ingot from the Temple Temple, add up to 13,000. The giant, converted into a full silver, when it is over 100,000! In addition, there are some broken silver ingots. Zhao Ran is still not intended, because the money has arrived in this copy, it is already a digital concept, he can't spend it. But now it can be different. Every two silver represents a silk or a few silk merits, that is, it is the foundation of the real price.

There are still some jewels that are not good to be valued. Zhao Ran is going to be used, future or gifts, or exchange silver, can be saved.

This is a huge amount of wealth, and if you enjoy a simple person. It is not easy to spend it, but it is now involved. With him, how far is it in practice, it is not good to estimate it. Therefore, the silver is of course a lot of benefits, how should I have money? It is necessary to play.

But what he is now concerned is to practice spells. Do not be arrested or Naddan, regardless of the refiner or magic, as long as you can,

He wants to thank you, but he is in the ten-way jungle. Nothing.

Zhao Ran sometimes thinking, is it just something you simply, it's a matter of chance to Taoism. Anyway, Green Sori has entered the sea. Others want to take it, but after he is impulsive, it still has to bear it. Head, he has hidden in the road that does not seem to be "right". Don't know if this Mono-practical figure is to be the door. If there is anything, there is no time to regret it.

Just unfortunately, you have a mana, but it's hard to ask!

In the evening of the New Year's Eve, Zhao Ran issued a payment for the labor, and the inspections of the square will be an annual example (this money can be in the court, and finally, the help of Zhao Ran's expenditure), just returned When you go to your own square, there is a fireworks to come to summon, saying that the Monitoring House Song Zhiyuan let himself see him.

According to Zhao Ran's current position is the marginalized square, except for his duties, there is a big thing in the court that is around him. But his relationship with Song Yuan is extremely thick, and this is also related to him, so Song Zhiyuan is not surprising.

Xizhenwu Palace compared to the unprofevess of a newly recorded a new list this year, and there is still two days to officially be officially being affiliated, but who should be given to this quota until it is still unable to determine.

The key issue is that Song Zhiyuan is still swinging around, I don't know who the places will be given. This year, there is only two competitive candidates, one is a farm, the other is gold.

Zhao Ran's competitors in the previous year, the biggest Feng Can, who came to the first month, was in the first month of the first month, and the rest of the beloved, that is, the secular nation of the Xi Zhenwu Palace Shuffore, has been two years. The resilings have been somewhat indulging, and it is a great pressure to Song Yuan.

Jin Dynasty is Zhao Ran's candidate, the father, is a candidate, the father, is the county of Yugang County.

In fact, no matter which aspect, Zhuang Huai is more in line with the Quality. First of all, he has been continuously resumed for three years, at least the qualifications are stronger than the gold; than the background, the Ximuwu Palace is not more than one county county, and then looks at the study, and the farm is in the past. Zhao Ran is driving hard, but it is even more important than the child.

But the key to the problem is that Xi Zhenwu Palace is far in Long'anfu, Jin County is in the county town outside the mountain, the so-called near-water building first, in this regard, Jinjia accounted for great cheap. Jinjia is not only very attentive, but also the county bureaucrats are all lines, including Ho County Zundu's head, but the unprotive court is more expensive than the official, but many customs Captor to open Yugoyang County, especially the private Tianzhuang of Zhuxiao, all of the hospital, is Yang Laiyang County, I really don't care, it is difficult to open.

The Third of this matter is extremely difficult, and it will not die twice. The biggest background of Song Yuan is the old man in the hospital. However, the old abbot is not like cultivating him as a cultivation of Zhong Tenghong, which is, that is, the Song Taoist Institute is far from the forefront of the old man. The old Shengshu did not want to be sinned for this thing, so the Song Tricenter did not get any affirmative answers in the old man.

But this thing can no longer be dragged, what should I do, I have to come up with my idea.

The Song Taoist Institute rang juice, and finally thought of the way is to find people's top tanks. In the accepted house, this recognizable people who recognize the top tank are undoubtedly Zhao Ran.

The Song Taoist Institute is very respectful about Zhao Ran, and the meaning in the words will be handed over to Zhaoran, and he also told Zhao Ran, this is the consistent suggestion of the three.

After Zhao Ran, he immediately understood the high-rise intentions of the unprotive hospital. It is not necessary to let Zhao Ran continue to pull the tiger skin. No matter whoever has, he has an excuse to be excused. Zhao Ziran decided! Who is Zhao Ziran? Oops, have you heard of his relationship with the monks and the monks?

In the face of such a heavy trust, if you change it, you will like this, you will have a sin, but you don't know how to get it, you think about how you have this. But Zhao Ran has a experience, he understands a truth: more than things within his duties should not be able to do it, otherwise, more than half of the people will be taken as a sin.

It is necessary to refuse to comment on this, but Zhao Ran suddenly remembered a thing, hesitated, or decided to pull this tiger skin. Of course, he will not make a flag, since the supervision hall is giving his own opinion, he will give an opinion, and the other don't say anything!

Who can Zhao Ran's opinion, there is no doubt that is gold. As for the Zhuang Huai - I can't afford to have a girlfriend. You have no intersection. You have not paid my door, and even I haven't been ever. I certainly impressed you, I don't know what you have.

Song Zhiyuan asked again: "Are you sure?"

Zhao Rong said: "I am sure."

In a word, I decided that Different Destiny of Jinjiu and Zhuang Huai Jiajing fifteen years.

At the beginning of the 15th year of Jiajing, the golden arrivals were sacrificed, and they became a formal Taoist.

On the third day of the first month, Jinxian Yuxian specialized in the mountain, sent Zhao Ran sent a banquet invitation, attached to the stabbur of Jinxian, this is a very heavy courtesy, Zhao Ran did not push, happy At the invitation. He is waiting to see the golden county. (Understanding ..) (this article is started)

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