Taoist Law

Chapter 14 and visit the Golden House

PS: Thanks to the rain cloud, he to hear the sandwich cookies, thanks to the reward, thank you for eating the rabbit drip, and you will encourage the monthly tickets of X6.

Still is the alley in the north of Yokoyang County, still in the golden house of half alley, this time Zhao Ran is no longer the same day's small family. Fangtang is a person who has a leader of the eight major deacons, compared with Jinxian, which is the enemy, which can sit.

Jinxian Ji Ji took the golden fly to the door, and Zhaoran could enter the house. Into the second hospital into the flower hall, Jinxian , Zhao Ran sat pasted, and the golden service was also qualified, and the face was full of festival.

In the New Year, the main customer met, it was a cold. After saying a few auspicious words, Jinxian Yu will teach the gates, mainly thanks to Zhao Ruen, and have worked hard for their own Erlang. Zhao Ran passed a few words, and I boasted Jin Jinjiu. I said that Jin Jiu is committed to successfully, diligent, this is the performance of Jin Long's own performance, I entered the Monitoring House and Sandu, I didn't dare to live cloud.

These polite words are Zhao Ran's self-modest words, and Jin County, certainly knowing what is going on in the end, it is no longer mentioned, "diligent" is not arrogant. Therefore, I have to "listen to Zhao Fang's command", let Jin Liqi tea.

Jin Jia is the land snake in Yugang County, and Jin County is not high, but it has mastered the real rights. In fact, his official official name should be "a history". Tiger historical is responsible for the transfer, and later gradually evolved into the palm of the prison, supervision prison, and responsible for training between Ding Zhuang. In the future, the Public Security Director added the army. This duties are related to the county of the front, so the people are called "county princes", "ordering history" is called.

The county is the leader, not the length of one county, and it is not a protocol. It is quite difficult to move to the rise. Therefore, the importance of gold must consider, is the golden county guard. Even accidents, Jinjia must have a child to stand up to support the facade. The county is a sinner, and there is no bone of Jin County, and the death is not known to die.

Jinshen two sons. The boss has a good fortune, but it has been a continuous loss in the township test. It is temporarily caught up, but it is always a sudden and unbearable old two, which has become a boy, with this layer of identity. It is a golden home. Extremely accentralizers, so Jin County is so grateful to Zhao Ran.

Jinxian is not expected to work hard to learn, the exam is equal, but it is afraid that he does not learn. I have adopted the trial to always list, if you encounter a strict point, it is likely to be in addition to the degree. How big is Zhao Fanglian's energy in the Ease of House. Jinxian and Jin Jiu are all about knowing, especially golden, and the shock is more profound. Today, please ask Zhao Fanglian to go to the banquet, in addition to expressing the surprise, there is a layer of Barniel, which is to let Zhao Fang don't care about his own Erlang. It is difficult to take care of some.

This problem is not a problem for Zhao Ran.

Gao Gong Liu Zhiguang, the main part is extremely thick with his relationship with him. As long as the golden is too much, what is the matter, I can fight, so he is not polite, it should be heated immediately, let Jin County . Golden is a small meaning of Xiaoyi.

A feast, the guests are happy, Jinxian Yao: "Summer Square, the square, who came to the house with the Song Dynasty, and the book volume was a gift. Now Jinmou has to apologize to the Square, the word, Jin Mou did not keep it, and he was robbed by friends and friends, and he was really tight. "

Zhao Ran, I knew that the drama is coming, so I am laughing: "There is nothing, there is nothing. If Jinxian likes, the poor road will write another one."

Jinxian Yu Xi said: "Somet, there is a life."

The voice did not fall, Jin Dynasty has already turned on the pen and ink paper, and serving Zhaoran Town paper ink.

Zhao Ran is sinking, and the pen wrote "Tiandao Remins", to Jin County, Yao: "This word, gives it to Jinshi, thinking that it is."

Jin County is busy gratifying Jin Ji, putting the fields, and said: "Zhao Fang's word has been in the famous Yangchuan Province, not only in the province's participation is very popular, many officials are unanimously praised. Many of the gold As far as a friend, I wanted to collect a Zhao Fang Lord's word, and asked Zhao Fanglian to see on the face of Golden. "

Zhao Ran also did not resort, according to Jin County's request, the pen wrote four words and a large number of three feet. Jinxian said a few sentences, let only hold a silver ticket, said: "This is a square roll fee, please laugh."

Zhao Ran sweeps, an estimate of ten things, see the top of the top is one hundred and two, folding each word, two hundred and two, secretly the word Laozi can also sell so high price! Of course, he knows that this is Jinxian's reward, so he is not polite, and it is happy to laugh.

After receiving the silver, three people re-seat, Zhao Ran began to talk about her business. He is towering for a long time, except for the Jin Dynasty, there are other intents, that is, through cooperation with Jinxian, make a long-term intention to cultivate merits.

Jinxian officially took the "public security" of the county in Yueyang County, many plans must have his help to be implemented, such as setting up a relief station in the station. Although the station is affiliated to the Ministry of the Commandment, many of the matters are unprecedented, especially in Jin County. The simplest example, the station is on the official road of the far away, far away from the city, especially like He Yansheng, abundance, and often have a talented person to stay, often the first goal of robbing, if the security is inaso I have a bad happen, which is very heavy, which requires the county to be a key protection goal, often dispatched a servant and the people.

Participate is not the fundamental way to solve the problem, in fact, by the county "Board", let the desperate "must not be disturbed", this is a steady way. Because a county is good to have a strong desperate, even the mountains in the mountains, there are often famous surnames in the county, and the county has a message, which is better than what patrol.

Zhao Ran is this idea, I want to make Jinxian princes to help him put the relief station in Yanshan and Liu Zhuang.

Jinxian printed, "Square Mercy", then patted the chest guarantee, saying that Liu Zhuang is there is no problem, and the is a good job, which is both a small thing is a good thing. I want Liu Zhuang Will not refuse. However, the head of the mountain is not good, and Zhong Yizhen is the door of Kong County Zun, and it is not very good for himself. If you want to do things, Non-Deli County is not available.

Zhao Ran said that Liu Zhuang is Liu Zhuang, set it with one, and there will be a chance to see Kong County and say it.

So Jin County handed it to Jin Li, let him handle it. Zhao Ran took the fifty two silver tickets to Jin Dynasty, Jin Jiuyun refused, saying that this is a good thing, and he also calculates a force. Zhao Ran can let the gold have saved money, how can I get myself? Adhere to a few times, Jin Li only had to collect the silver ticket, and the vowed to say that he must do it.

Jinxian Yao: "Zhao Fang Lord has this kind of good thoughts, why don't you self-exhibit a porridge?"

Zhao Rong said: "This is the poor road to seek a relief station outside the Songxian, the Songlin outside the city, which is a unmanned wild, only Jinxian helps and Kong County respect Tell, you can start. Of course, I will negotiate with the Song Taoist Institute, please have a private issue to give the county, and the gold county is still a lot of attention. "

Jin County smiled: "This is a kind, Jinmou is self-help, and the master is wide."

Establishing a relief station is not a simple thing, involving many problems such as land, security, taxation, etc. It is necessary to dispatch the maintenance order, as for the land, but also to make a message in Jin County. Jinxian said, "Self-help", then how many more than half of the matter will be successful.

This matter is talking, Zhao Ran is very happy, and he recruited himself to repair the people in the village. This is also a sense of Jinshengzhi, which is unsolved from the county.

Zhao Ran left the golden home , Jin County, for Jin Dynasty: "This Zhao Fang Lord is very unimmented, no wonder the rise is so fast, you have time to learn more."

Jin Long Yu Qian said: "I don't know what he is so disabled ... this is not a small money ..."

Jinxian sighed: "This is the name of the request! The Zhao Fang Lord is very far, the future achievements are not limited!" (Untrained continued)

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