Taoist Law

Chapter 142 disturbing order

Welcome, please remember this site address: After listening to the movement of the inside, I looked up in the wall, and I saw it in the wall, and I was sure that the children's white eyebrows were not there. This knocking: "The poor will come back." The home servant of the door is busy to open the door. Meet Zhao Ran into the inside, while telling: "There is a family name just now, the words are rude, and there are a conflict with several spirits." Zhao Ran asked: "How to conflict?" He opened his hands, and several spirits didn't play him. "Zhao Ruen frowned:" Actually do it? "It's said that a big firefago flew down from the corner of the Yuanyuan, put into Zhao Ruai In the middle, it is Li Xiaodu. Li Xiaoduo "" shakes the tail shrinking in Zhao Ruai, two eye beads blink, go out to tears. In the moment, the Ling Cat Wang Daxi also jumped from a big tree, directly covering the eyes on Zhao Rong, and the two cat claws took Zhao Ran's eyes, and she was "so scary". Zhao Ran asked: "Who is it?" Li Xiaomo did not speak, , Zhao Ran saw that his neck was like a homework, showing the blood printed inside, In the heart, I quickly reached out to explore. It's just that it is just a skin injury, and I have not been treated, and I will take the plaster to give him. Niu Da also ran over, "" said: "Zhao Fangzhang, the surname is not a good person, playing three brothers, old cow, I heard that the dog should also watch the master, can be surnamed I don't know this gift at all, I am a little bit! "Zhao Ren said:" You are coming back? Even if you don't do it, you have to bite him? "Niu Dabujun:" We see him to meet you, no Dare to do it ..... more don't fight, he is so powerful. It's really not, let's go back to Hongze Lake asking your father to come out? "Zhao Rong said:" For the matter, this is not the Lord of Hongze, I want to think The way is for you. "The arms held Li Xiao, with Wang Dacao head on his head. Zhao Ran's good students soothing them several times, and then left the spring breeze. When I was returned, I received a flyer of Gu Tengjia: "If you have a predecessor, there is a native of the old knowledge, and now I am waiting for the view." Zhao Ran replied: "What is the old knowledge? Unfold,

not see! "

Gu Teng Jia replied: "This child's predecessor is white eyebrow, his big name, I have heard of it, it is the disciple of Yuhuang Chu Tianshi, the high-profile teacher, can't really see it?"

"not see!"

After a moment, Gu Tengjia's flying characters were coming again: "This person does not make sense, saying that the good words are not listening, now accounting for the Wenchang Temple, saying that you can't see you, don't want to go into the temple! It's just that he is stunned, we are all nearer, can't catch it, how is this good? "

Zhao Ruen's bead turned, said: "Disturb the public order, alarm ... News Dongji!"

Gu Teng Jia replied: "I also have this point, then we will report the east pole."

Wenchang Wen Monasters personally alarm - Well, personally report to the East Pavilion, the Empress Pavilion is very valued, and I heard that it is very famous big refining teacher, and it is from the Wei San Niang, bringing several East Pavilion. The monk went to Wenchang, ready to persuade, let the children's white eyebrows down the mountain.

The children's edible megows rushed to the day, first-to-chicken garden, and went to the spring breeze, and then went to Wenchang. He is a same reply: "The abbot just left." When the anger burned, he also known this Zhao Ran is deliberately hiding him, so sitting at the threshold of Wenchang Temple, blocking the door, not letting the pilgrim into the temple.

When it is blocked, I will see a few young monks to arrive, and I am signed up the surname, but the people of the Eastern Pavilion Palace, specially investigate his case.

When the child's white eyebin suddenly angered: "Do my case? Do you know who I am? Laozi is a children's white eyebrows! Large refining teachers! Laozi is born in Bai Mountain, in crossing the mountains and Buddha, the demon, bloody battle, how much to do? My case? What case I have? "

Wei San Niang said: "Your old success is not small, we are also very respectful. But what is the matter in Wenchang? Not only don't let people go in the fragrance, but also drink alcohol in the temple, the wine is everywhere, say you A sentence of Wenchang Emperor is not too. You hurry out with us, everything is better, otherwise, this crime can be more and more. "

The children's white eyebrows pulled the throat: "When will you find Zhao to find it, when will I go out!"

Wei San Niang said: "You have to find Zhao Shouzu, no matter where you love to find, you can't get the order of the Wenchang."

Child and white eyebrows: "You have this girl, who teaches you to talk to the elders? Here is Zhao Zhili's Wenchang, I will find him here! You give me a rolling, dare to step back, even your doll beat!"

Wei San Niang asked Zhang Zong, or if I would like to ask Zhao Qi Ran to solve the problem, Wei Chaozong replied: "If you host Jiangnan politics, if he is dangerous, the consequences are unimaginable. It is impossible to let go of it, warned A few times, put the work on the face, I took someone to return.

The child's white eyebrows are dead, and it is not easy to take mandatory measures. Wei Chaozong immediately mobilize the big refining teacher's blue road, but also borrowed Tang Yaizu's refining teacher Lantian Jade Shi, and then Bring three big masters and rushed to Qixia Mountain together.

A big refining teacher, two refining teachers, four Dafa and five Jin Dan Master, this lineup is enough to take the child's white eyebrow.

Tong's white eyebrows are to know the blue road, but they didn't have to have a hand. After meeting, I immediately laughed: "The surname is blue, you can be really interesting, I still see Zhao Zhao, I don't plead, I will follow Zhu Xiang. The building, how come this day suddenly changed? For the tiger? Well? Is it wrong, when I went to the dog? Behind Zhao Zhili's horses? Haha, laugh! "

I saw Lantian Jade Shi and pointed to them: "A bunch of jumping, and dare to come to the old boy."

The blue road does not touch the color, cold and cold: "Long Wen Tong's name, no admiration, today I am lucky, I should ask for a face. This person is coming, it is not very convenient, dare to ask the children to come out, we go to the mountain A fight. "

Children's edible, I was filled with wine, and I couldn't see my mouth: "I will teach it to teach the blue big refining teacher. I don't know if I don't eat it!"

Wei Chaozong and Wei San Niang surveillance the children's edible eyebrows, and the protective law, the child's weapon is majestic, and it is said: "Blue Road, today teaches you to open the eyes ..."

Didn't finish it, the Wei Dynasty praised everyone, and the east Pavilion crocked, the group was siege.

The children's edible eyebrows were wrapped in people, and they shouted: "Said to fight, you play!"

G / D Chart: "What is the fight against illegal disciples?"

Tongyu: "Oh, the old man is old ..."

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