Taoist Law

Chapter 143 Forward Base

Welcome, please remember this site address:, mobile phone reading, so that you can read the latest chapter of the novel "Taoist Law" at any time ... Tong Baiji is arrested by the Empathetic Pavilion, the crime is to disturb Wenchang, Zhao Ranquan When Zongzong, Tong Baijou would be punished, Wei Chaozong said: "What do you think?" This kind of questioning method is very tempting, but Zhao Ran is still taking test: "What should I do if I do?" I don't comment, there is no opinion. "In the end, the Lingji Palace gave a penalty decision, detained on the 15th, and regretted Wenchang. There is no hatred between Heyu's edible eyebrows, all the problems are in the distance, as Zhao Ran and Yu Zhiyuan are in the scene in the scene. Therefore, Zhao Ren hopes that after such a lesson, you can let the children's white eyebrows. But he was wrong, and the children's white eyebrows did not have this conscious. In the fifteen days of being detained by the Lingji Palace, he always refused to write repentance books, but wrote a full 15th annihilation book, ask Zhao Ziran fighting, life and death . Such attitudes are really regrettable, so the Lingji Palace can only continue to detain it until he recognizes his mistakes. Zhao Ran's mentality is very complicated, but he does not have time to continue to waste in this private entanglement, the inspection fleet is set off, and take the first step in the offensive strategy to the sea. Yuanjue Island is facing Wenzhou, located more than 200 miles in Wenzhou. As the first stop of the monk into the sea, there is a lot of monks and people who have been migrated on the land, including those who are wanted by the Doumen and the court. When the number of unclear masts appear on the sea, the island is chaos, and the big and small boats on the pier will pick up the anchor, and they have an emergency to the outside. There are more ships that they can't escape. The owners can only be stunned. Looking at dozens of warships in Hong Kong, such as dark clouds. A patrol boat traveled into the harbor with two wind boats, directly into the depth of the stack, where to find a berth, stopped. A series of servants who came down on the boat, and several monks were surrounded by Wang Shou Yun, and stated in the open service. Wang Shouqiu glanced at the small merchant ship on the terminal, and looked at the people who were tired on the battle, and the crowd behind the shore of the hidden housing, I was indicated by a Huang Crown monk around him: " Xuan! "The monk launched a scroll, with a magical sound, high voice:" Daming inspection fleet always command Chen, telling overseas islands, Zhu Minzhi knows that Zhuol is going to the country, and the back is away from the country, and the teachings, ,

Half-term half-white, telling the reasons for the ship occupying the island, officially announced to include Yuanjue Island, Dalissan Island into the treatment, establish a temple, and teaching.

At the same time, the notice also explained the policy. The inspection fleet recognized the ownership of each business, the vessel ownership and interests, in addition to death, as long as the actions were proactive, the original door and the court were all revoked.

This is turning off the people on the island, thousands of islanders and hundreds of monks have been temporarily stable, in order to apply to the fleet to apply to the fleet.

For a few days, some people were arrested in the night, and the fleeters were almost unsuccessful, and the Many Year Ages of the Empress Pavilion and the Sanqing Pavilion were concluded. Accidents.

Wang Shouqiu successfully launched the third day of the Island, Du Yang Morning Radage the fleet outside the harbor, established the headquarters, and set up a whistle tower in the island of the periphery of Yuanji Island, establish a water camp.

Wang Shou Yu, a divided team of a 16-like war boat, from the Dali Island of the Taiwan Tour, and the island is controlled the next day, the next day.

Comprehensive occupation of the control of Yuanjue Island and Dayre Island, a total of time consuming, Du Yang Chen and Wang Shouqiu did not encounter any resistance, all the process was very smooth.

After the initial achievement, Du Yang Chen flew Chen Shan, please enter.

On June 26, the monks and island people on Yuancha Island saw the unforgettable scene: covering the sky, the sails from the sea, countless warships crowded the Islands waters, Head of four huge war boats, hundreds of battles were anchored in the port of Yuancha Island.

Standing on the mountain in the southwest end of Yuanji Island, a team ship is only driving around the wind boat, and the city is divided into the island, and the auditor is officially migrated.

Du Xingwu first got a rapid five hundred container ships, stepped on the wooden stack bridge, suddenly a burst of floating, similar to standing instability.

Let Wang Jianguo, Blue Water, Mo, Shao Wei, etc.

To this end, Zhao Ran took a dozen architectural monks from the main bridge site, and the seventh group of Du Xingquan was in column, and it was a commitment to them.

That officer pointed to a row of simple wooden roofs in front of his eyes: "This is a sea business industry, fifteen years ago, and fled out of overseas, and did a good time, business is good, in the Yuan The island is built. Unfortunately, his case is too big, not in the pardon, the next night, attempt to drive the ship in the sea, was killed on the spot, which was confiscated by the fleet. Here is to build a general commander , do you see if it doesn't work? "

Du Xingquan is surrounded by the stock, and the standard military library construction diagram of the previously issued standard military library construction is studied, and then nodded: "No problem, here is good."

The military officer said: "After seven days, the transportation fleet will arrive in Yuanji Island unloading, can you complete?"

Du Xing Dao: "Say good, give me two hundred people, build the military big library to you within five days!"

"No problem, half an hour, personnel are in place!"

"Is there something inside?"

"It has been cleaned up, and you can remove it at any time."

"Building a country!"


"After the person arrived, it is responsible for the on-site stack of bridges!"


"Xiao Shao!"

"I'm here."

"Take out the spirit! Search for the founding of the country!"


"Xiao Shao!"


"Immediately check the site and drive the person!"


"Xiao Mo, ink!"


"Prepare to demolish!"


After experiencing the tempering of the Heavenly Yangtze River Bridge, the seventh group can be described as skilled, excellent in style, and a military warehouse in the district, which is not different from the pediatrics.

What's more, in the persistence of Zhao Ran, a simple repository has been divided into several modules in advance, and the material of the construction module is also completed in advance, just on the container ship, unloading according to the picture, which is simply simple.

Du Xingquan is five days, in fact, only three days of large library will be completed. Since the seventh day, the container ship of the group team is swarmed, and the massive materials are removed, the inspection fleet is beginning to start the scale!

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