Taoist Law

Chapter 159 is too idle

Welcome, please remember this site address:, mobile phone reading, so that you can read the latest chapter of the novel "Taoist Rules" at any time ... The first fifty-nine chapter of the Taoist rule is too idle, and the emperor sprinkled out massive Silver, earned merits are not less than Lu Ziyu, but it is still behind Lu Zhun, which is that the reasons are that Lu Zhun is better than his dragon. Lu Ziyu is a poor mountain area in Lizhou. It is much more difficult to have more people. It is much more strong than the emperor. The generation of the energetics is more than the Son of the emperor. It is more than the old man of Guanta, which is also It's far beyond, so this can be born. Of course, this is also to look, and those who have made this by Xuanjiajitang, but it is better, etc., after another year, Zhuge Since the throwing, after further promotion, Zhuge's family is soaring that it is foreseen. And said that the emperor took the Jingyang Tower, sent Zhao Ran to the birthday of the birthday, and then drilled into the crowd after the four seasons. After the gods of the champies, they have retreats after the ceremony, and the highways of the south of the south of the south, and the emperor is slightly illustrated. Feng Bao immediately, his hands holding a wishful device, and the emperor personally Like the volatile, a pile of John's three feet long, buddha buds - bamboo sticks are separated from the bamboo tube of the bamboo tube from this high-priced purchased storage. The distribution of things has been completed, and the emperor will also take one, introduce to Zhongdao: "I have recently got a batch of baby from Yunnan. Don't have a taste. I hope to share with you. This is a hooky. Shake the bamboo tube: "I haven't heard it, it is water. Suction is , I am very interesting. Come, I'm doing it!" One finger, the fingertips fell out of the highlight, hunting in the air Running, causing a notch supervisor, the excitement of Sansu. The emperor is very enjoyable, and I will give them some points, then stare at them. After the mood is extremely full, after a slap, there is a five or six people who can't live in this effort, and the sky is turned around. When the emperor suddenly laughed, it was unknown, laughed for a while, only to sit in the ground, full of enjoyment, smoke cloud spit out, shouted: "Quick!" After retreating, the group of the latter is surrounded, one by one Taken out their own hookah, and the group swallowed in a circle, and it is more than timely a lot of functions in the respective fingertips, discussing all kinds of interesting things in practice. Zhao Ran pays attention to this scene and is also amused.

The Suzhou Manhuai has a colors to him, and I'm pleasing: "Abbiries, you are the abbot of Wenchang, it is the abbot of Nanzhi, how can this thin, the same trend, the same trend, the same trend is your biopsy, I am waiting for this blessing, please also ask the party! "

He immediately fell to more than a dozen: "Please ask the abbot!"

Zhao Ran smiled: "Please come up with you, I promised that it is."

In the banquet, Zhao Ran received the flying compliance of the teacher and the Zongsheng Hall, received a blessing of Zhou real people, received a lot of more congratulations, one night, white light around him, smashing, shaking Open.

Ruru saw him happy, but faintly still had a heart, he would ask Su Chuan medicine to ask: "What is the difficulty in this day?"

"Nothing is difficult to place?"

"Today, I've listened to me."

Su Chuan medicine tells all things over again. After listening, Rurn girl nodded.

On the feast to the night, the guests were dissipated, and Rong Niang pulled Zhao Ruan to the house, said: "Children is still making trouble, what do you think?"

Zhao Ran took the mind: "Can you think about it? I really don't work, I see him is idle!"

Rong Niang said: "I also carefully consider these two months, Fu Jun said right, he is idle."

Zhao Ran took a moment, wake up: "What do you mean ... give him something?"

Rong Niang said: "Yes, don't let him be too idle, people are idle, I love to figure out me, I will arrange it."

Zhao Ran thought about it, "Don't hurt people."

Rong Niang smiled: "Don't worry, I have an inch. But I need a joint meeting to push it." I will tell my mind.

Zhao Ran listened to the statement: "This is a good thing, even if there is no children's burdling, this matter is also worth operationing. But just started by the joint meeting, I am a special trip to Lushan!"

"Then you don't want to praise me!"

Zhao Ran gently held Rong Niang: "Wife! Come ..."


The children's editorial department came from "Qilu", and the other party sent to the door, smiled at the door: "I am sorry, I am a big refining teacher, such a life and death, you can mutual intercortial, put it in front of the public, it will be difficult to do , We can't afford this responsibility "Qilu". "

"The old man remembers, seven years ago, Wei Zhi, Wei Zi, Zi Zi, Ziyi, the world, boiled, all the journals are big, why did you come here, you can't do it? Photographing me, you are afraid of him. ! Hey, when you are true! "

The chief editor is dark: "I know I still ask! Is this not intentional?" But the mouth is said: "The big refiningant laughed. The so-called at this time will also come out for two years, everyone I don't know how to do this, I really don't have any temperance. But in the past few years, we understand a truth. If you can't tell, your fart can't be put, you said yes? "

Children's white eyebrows: "What is not the same? I have the same!"

That's always: "No, it's really different. In March, I went to the annual exchange annual meeting, and Zhao Hui was invited to attend, giving us an important speech. He said, we do these public Media people spreading ... Media, transit standing, always keep in mind social responsibility on our shoulders ... "

Children can listen to an important speech of a abbot, and go now.

That's the summary of the child, seeing the children's white eyebrows, the smile on the face, the same garde sleeve: "I don't want to say that I have a few pounds, I want to pull us with you. Unlucky together? Running it! "

The other party did not pick up the opponent, and I wanted to follow the Temperal Sword Four Refiners in the journal, and there is no one is willing to publish it. How is this good?

For a time, the children's burmkered is very depressed, walking on the streets of Jinanfu, some are somewhat in the heart. He knew Zhao Liangran's high-level weight, but he did not expect active power to smoke one as soon as this, the influence will be big, and more than two months of six provinces have gone, they are all fearful to his maionship. I don't dare to speak, how is this?

But he quickly revived, and Shandong did not travel, he went to Shanxi!

In a restaurant next to the sputum, it is full of gourd, and even more than ten altars. Just account, found that the opposite side is always giving yourself.

I am always attractive, and the children are used to it. It is going to leave the restaurant, but the man hesitated, and tested his sentence: "Uncle?"

Tong Bai's eyebrows suddenly: "Are you?"

The other party is happy: "I am six!"

Taoist law

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