Taoist Law

Chapter 16, his hometown

Welcome, please remember the address of this station: It sounds strange and kindly, he will not remember, there are many teenagers who have not listened to themselves. Fifty years? Sixty years? Or seventy years? His name is a child's voice, when it is yellow, because the small accidents are inadvertently, there is a lot of fire into the magic. Fortunately, I didn't have a big problem, but also successfully formed a Dan, but since then, I have become his sign D, so that "white eyebrows" gradually became his name. It's a man who is so uncle! However, the eyes didn't think of the other party, and I didn't think of who the other person is. I asked: "You are ..." "Sixth, Zhang Six!" Children's edible eyebish suddenly thought of, the chapter has a child, row Sixth, I immediately glared in: "Are you six? The sixth of the old chapter?" "When the words reminded?" "When I left the country, you are only six years old, how many years are you ... you Sampling, I can't recognize it. "" For seventy-two years, the words of the words are not small, or if this is required, I almost can't recognize it. "Tong more eyebrows:" I have left the country. 72 Year ... this year ... I haven't been practiced in this year? I didn't look at it in the country. I didn't see the talent. Haha. "When I am walking, I am going to go, I am just six years old, maybe the root bone is not displayed. After the age of 12, I met my teacher. He took me to Shandong, joined the floating part, gave me a list. "" The original floating river First is six ? This is really ... I have heard the news you broke into the refiningant a few years ago. At that time, I was still thinking, the floating river fair is the first big faction of Shandong, one four Refiningant, it is really great! "As the saying goes, the fellow, the two tears, the children, the child, the children, the chapters, the chapters, suddenly evoke unlimited memories, do not leave, and immediately open the sea in this restaurant, order to wine To talk half of life. There are too many things to say, the previous friends, old houses, waterfield, hills, fish ponds ... All everything can be said last three days and three nights.

But it is clear that the children's white eyebrows say less than three days and three nights. When they arrived in the evening, they started to swear in the wine, and the cause is just a "recent".

Seeing that Zhao Ziran first, Tong's edible eyebrows explained Zhao Zhaoran in detail, from Zhao Ziran, how to enter the accepted hospital, how to scam, how to be brought to the long, but finally died in Zhiyuan All things have faltered like a bamboo tube.

After that, I talked about that I have been in the past these months, I have a hard time, a bit of wine, when it is a bitter, full of abdominal sorrow.

Hearing the chapter first shot anger: "There is such an unachable in the world, and it is really anger! Mo, this is anxious, I will help you!"

The child's white eyebrows did not hit a few months, and there was no door, and they were in the white eyes and ridicule. At this moment, some people were grateful, and they were grateful, and one side of the water and soil, what did you do? Fellow!

When the two suddenly made a careful planning, Zhang first asked: "Uncle, are you not the disciple of Chu Tianshi? Chu Tianshi is the first to be the world, and it is not as good as the world, it is better to ask Chu Tianshi. Zhao Zengran, is it better than you are so much? "

Not to mention Chu Yang Cheng is still good, Zhang first mentioned this, the children's edible eyebrows are more angry, full of red, a punch on the table, suddenly put the table collapsed, dishes, broken bowls, hate hate Tao: "Zhao Ziran, this is the most good, Ah is flattering, my teacher is in the middle of his soul soup, only ... Nowadays, it is far away ..."

Said that I said, suddenly silent, continue to have a glass of wine into the belly.

Zhang Xian So Liangqi, said: "Somet, things are difficult. The words are high, the famous head also sounds, I heard the famous head of the words very early, but at that time I was low, no Dare to find a uncle to confirm ... "

The child is eyebrows. "This is you are not right! It is a village's fellow, even if you are not repaired, you can find me, I can avoid it, I can avoid it? You think I am Zhao Ziran that kind of villain ? "

"Yes, it is not ... If you come back, you want to pull Zhao Ziran, and you will be difficult to achieve. If Chu Tianshi can't rely on, can it rely on Zongmen? Yuhuang Pavilion ... "

Children's white eyebrows shook their heads: "You can't expect them, the Zongsheng Pavilion and Yuhuang Court have to wear a pants, the same thing is the people of the Jade Emperor, or the disciple of Yuan Guara, what? Let me give up ..."

Zhang Xian Shen said: "I still have to refine the virtual highway to support the waist. I heard that Mao Shan Sima Tianshi is not coming, it is better to ..."

Children's edible refused: "I would rather hit it, I don't want to find Sima Yunqing!"

"Is this why?"

"The character is returned to people, private enemies are full of fence, Zhao Ziran is not good, but he is still in Daming to open up, can Sama Yunqing? In this big big, what is he doing? What is he doing? Sima Yunqing and I have no private enmissions, but I don't teeth in his act, let me find him for help? Absolutely impossible! "

Zhang first lost a bit for a while, and looked at the children's white eyebrows, it's awesome, and I was ambitious. "The nephew saloned uncle!"

After drinking, Zhang Xian said: "I think of a person."

"What do you mean?"

"Wang Shou Yun, MANSHHHHU said?"

"The Queen of the Inspection Fleet is the special hero, the world is all known, I know, I don't know."

"That uncle knows, Wang Shouyu has been a hatred with Zhao Ran?"

"Oh? You said!"

Zhang Xian said that Wang Shou Yu and Zhao Ran said it once, then said: "With the festival between them, it is difficult to make together, but because of the good merits, the world is eye-catching, Wang Shou Yu is defeated by the court ,, now the status is very high, Zhao Ziran has had to rely on it. This also explains the side, Zhao Ziran, is a very powerful. He doesn't care about private grievances, who is high, who is high, who is high, who The role is big, he will deal with who. "

"Do you know Wang Shouyu? He is willing to help?"

"I know, but he will not take over, he is not willing to defend Zhao Ziran."

"Hey, no mice!"

"Shu uncle, from Wang Shou Yun, did not be inspired? Zhao Ziran ignored the uncle, because the words were not in the door, there is no power in the hand, there is no one in the hand, there is no use, this is no use, this It is a common problem of people who are dominant. "

I'm trying to have a long way to say: "If there is anyone in the hand, there is a famous priest, the palm has the power, Zhao Ziran will still do it? When you say uncle, you are afraid that all journals in the world have to report. Will it be rejected in the door today? "

When a doctor, I immediately fell into pensive.

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