Taoist Law

Chapter 161 1 position

Welcome, please remember this site address:, mobile phone reading, so that you can read the latest chapter of the novel "Taoist Law" at any time ... the first hundred and sixty-one chapters, a status, the children, the children, the moment "You said that this is so truth, but if you want the old man to go to Zhao Qiran, there is no possibility of just now with the North Yuan, with the Xixia, and Tubo, there is no war, can't act before the army." Also sigh, "When the Bai Maoshan Wars, he assisted the truth to the Buddha's door Xu Chi, the real teacher's book would give me the teacher, but it was refused by the teacher. It used to change to this child." Zhang Xian Dao " Unfortunately, the past has been embarrassed, saying that these are not used, it is better to look at the current. "Children's white eyebrows look like the chapter of the bamboo, and" there is something to say, don't sell Guan Zi. "Zhang Xian Dao" In fact, I just have a heart, I haven't taken out the idea, but I have listened to the encounter of the words of the words, but I've been determined, my nephew intended to go to the southern Xinjiang. "The children's white eyebrows can solve" Southern Xinshi "chapter first pull out a journal, put it The children's white eyebrows "said uncle." This is the inside and outside of the Huangcheng, just before, and the children's edible mei has been running around. The new journal didn't look, open the first page, it is eye-catching The title Fengshen Law is about to introduce the confused look at the first, see chapters first pointing to the article "on this article" article saying that according to reliable news, the joint meeting is promoting the road and the court to issue a decree, order Blocking law. The general content of the seal method is to encourage the various monks who have effects in the inspection fleet, but the joint meeting will be in the Central Plains in the Central Plains in the Central Plains. After the war, the East China Sea will build a cabinet, and the islands that are separated will be alone or jointly build a house, and is included in the Doumen Hall. Each of the islands should pay 50% to overseas reclamation. It is used for the branch of the reclamation company. After fifty years later, the reclamation company withdraws from the East China Sea, and the Donghai Pavilion Pavilion is managed by Zigong Hall. Seeing this, the children's white eyebrows are good, but still in the sentence, let the old man go to Zhao Ziran to make effective, and if the "Zhang Xian Dao" is not busy, continue to see. "Childbow turned pages and continued to read. Article analysis, the promulgation of this decree originated from the voices of the frontline soldiers, but in this way, the interests of all shareholders of overseas reclamation companies have been damaged.

To this end, the seal method will compensate for overseas reclamation, will cross the mountains and their south development rights to overseas reclamation, and the deadline is also 50 years.

The article finally said that the joint meeting and the overseas reclamation, the Council discussed the development method of crossing the south of Dashan. It is reported that the opinions of most people are issued by the reclamation company, and the holders can go through the mountain.

The children's white eyebrows are closed, asked "How to cross the mountains and my happening"

Zhang Xian Dao "said uncle, you see the author of this article."


"Jiajing twenty-nine years, when I entered the teacher, this is an interview with me. I have always had something to come and go. The words that she may not know, she is very valued before the and Suichuan medicine, can interview I can't interview something in someone else. She told me that for the disposal of the south of Dashan, Taoist is like the example of the East China Sea, the implementation of the Pavilion system, and the East Sea is different, will occupy the default purpose."

"What do you mean

"Where to occupy, where is it, where the land under the foot is yours, and you can build a house of the house."

The child's white eyebrows are bright. "If I take the place of the family, I am the owner of the house."

"Yes, if we account for enough, the population is enough, the influence is strong enough, the court must be sealed, the real teacher will also recognize it, in this position, such a battle, so hope, your dating Book, what is the journal will not send your voice, and someone will hear it? I dare not say that I can pull Zhao Ziran, but I have to fight with him, afraid it is not difficult. "

One of the words, I said that the child's white eyebrows were shaken, and there were some sitting.

"The Lord of First

"The status of the truth and power"

"Real Master" commendation "

"This is glory."


"Kind of the world"

"real or fake"

"I thought it almost didn't run"


"Shu, there is your lead, nephew will attach the tail"

At the moment, the two began to negotiate. It is not so easy to cross the mountain development of the mountain, there is a spirit of spiritual demon, and I don't know how much dangerous, of course, also means the same wealth.

Tong's white eyebrows are in crossing the mountains, although it is just the edge of the northwest, but for the understanding, it is not a star half of the average, and it is said that the head is the way.

With his cognition, it is not recommended to develop the destacgence of the sky, although there are many treasures there, the benefits are the biggest, but it is also easy to demon. He suggests that it will start at the edge, not in the north, that is South side.

The north is close to Da Ming, and it is easy to support, but competition is definitely fierce. It is expected that there will be many way to grab the ground. Don't say anything else, the single is a family of Sichuan Longanfu Huayun Hall. He has also piled up sixteen smallmen. Once the seal method is introduced, it will not grab the scalp.

The people going in the south are certainly less, the competition may be weak, but close to Da Li, who knows what the big supe will cause conflicts with Datan

These are all problems that need to be considered and must be carefully studied. But no matter how it is considered, there is a problem to hide, that is, the silver.

It is necessary for the silver to buy connictors, recruiters, buy food and life materials, and even ordinary people used by ordinary people.

Zhang Xian reminded that if you want to develop a cross-section of the south side of the mountains, you must take the sea from Guangxi, which requires a vessel.

Let the store to remove the wine, two people lay on the table, one of a row needed. After the list is listed, it is necessary to invest at least 10,000,000.

Tong's edible eyebrows all the silver tickets and gold and silver jade, probably can convert 3,800, and the chapter can take out nine thousand two, and there are about 6,000 gaps.

Zhang Xian Dao, "I know a small friend, surnamed Huai Hui Qiu, is the monk of the Kunming Fuqing Hall, the realm is slightly somewhat, just in Jin Dan four years, but it is very dedicated, the words are unconcerned, I will put him Also pulled in, let's create a foundation. "

The children's edible eyebrows rusterly asked the quality of the building, agreed. Zhang first quickly gave the building to the Queen Fly, after a few times, the building is decisive to the group, willing to make a silver eight thousand two, increase the principal to 20,000.

Children's white eyebrows are sorry, "I have little older"

Zhang Xian smiled "Silver is the body, you can be a big refining teacher, no you lead, where do we dare to cross the big mountains?"

Taoist law

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