Taoist Law

Chapter 174 Doubu team (blessing from flowing people)

Welcome, please remember this site address: mobile phone reading, so that you can read the latest chapter of the novel "Taoist Rules" at any time ... Dow Method, the first hundred and seventy-four chapters Doubrass (blessings from the stream) night fall At the time, the inspection fleet blocked on the two waterways is still steady, and the firm card is firm on the way of escape of the sea. The Battleship, the huge destroyer's pangyama is like Taishan, in the heart of the sea, only the front road cannot be paid. The night war is the strength of the sea, the Wutong Taoist took more than 100 boats to come to the forefront, ready to get close to the enemy ship, and strive to kill. Just prepared, the silver also sent it, but saw a few battleships and the destroyers suddenly lit up long beams, and the waterways between the two wars were shine as white. This is the concentrating method of the simple version of the Simiming Wutong Palace of Mushan Science and Technology, which is extremely effective in the night line, and the sea night battle is extremely effective. Its refining cost is expensive, but Zhao Ran is still adding in every battleship and destroyer. Seeing the other party's warships, there are more than ten beams, and the Wutong Tao people sighed, after a long time, the saying: "Attack cancellation." Night attack canceled, meaning that the plan to escape to the demon Hellhouse has failed, this The strip is not going. Qingshan said that he nodded: "Please don't give orders, I am going to arrange." If the command of the army is open, it will inevitably cause great chaos on these two narrow waterways. Wutong said: "I will write a handling for you." Qingshan said personally rushed to the back team, desperately suppressed the panic of each island owner and the shopkeeper, letting a ship of a ship withdrawn from this place, return to the central atoll . So dredging overnight, almost tired of semi-dead, the sea fares slowly retired. In the middle of the night, the patrol boat in the outline of the auditor fleet was different, and a lot of wind boats were advancing, and the Haiyu took out the waterway and immediately fed this situation. Chen Shan. Chen Shan Dao Siki, ordered: "All ships are standing for life, not pursued!" Pursuit may be able to take a drumming, but it is also possible to fall into a melee. At the same time, because the water trail is covered with sea vessels, it is very troublesome, the battleship and heavy visual vessel must not be easy to go in, and the maximum is the frigate. Two-phase weighing,

He chooses to stabilize. As long as the fleet is holding the channel, it can stand in an invincible, and the adventure is unnecessary.

After the dawn, the array really lost the trail of the sea, and only the broken board cockroach, bucket canvas, and countless sea bodies on the remaining water.

There are also many wounded and falling water survivors on the wooden board, and Chen Shan Road will order all to pick up.

Yunxiao lily immediately lifted the empty, and did not have longloaded the news: The sea is returning to the central atoll.

Also reported the number of points to: "670 ships."

Compared with the previous battle, Yesterday, the loss of the sea is approximately a hundred and fifty ships, planing approximately hundreds of longitudinal boats, really by the fleet, including the turtle ship, should be forty To 50.

Of course, there are also many injured vessels, but this is unable to count.

The losses of the self are mainly patrol boats and wind boats. The patrol boat lost two, and there were four ships lost in wind. In addition, four frigates were taken out of the battle, and there were two ships that were short-time. Two of them can be Restipture and re-invest in the ground.

In the battleship and heavy-duty destroyers, many ships are filled with the law of the sea, but their skin is thick, this injury is nothing.

According to personnel, there are more than 20 monks casualties, and there are eight people who have killed, the casualties of sergeants and sailors are not 100, because the battlefield is controlled, and many injured are saved, and there are a lot climbed up. The nearby reef is also saved by the boat.

Not only on the goal of battle, but also in the contrast of casualties, the inspection fleet has achieved a victory.

Chen Shan Road sent several monks underwater to check the waterway. I found a wave ship that was already sitting in a sinking boat and the turtle ship was seriously blocked. Don't say that the heavy drive is only can't enter, even the frigate can not pass.

Another channel is not serious because it is not the main direction of the sea.

This means that the main fleet can save boats. The next war is as long as the monopolis will be, and the channel that is severely blocked is sufficient to leave the frigate.

Chen Shan Road judged that the next timeout direction of the sea should be the four channels of the periphery. To this end, he re-stores the strength of the Sichuan, Changzhou, Zhenjiang, Guangde, Dongchang four heavy destroyers and eight frigate, ready to support the perimeter tomorrow, hand over Huang Bing, enhance him Mobile power in hand.

The battle of this battle immediately conveyed the whole army, especially the four blocks of the periphery. In the notification, it has focused on the battle law of the sea jacket, telling the countermeasures of the main fleet.

Du Xingquan's seventh building monk team applied to join the Navy, Yang Xiangjin said, the seventh group is prepared in Doumen Construction Corporation, needs to be coordinated with Zhaoran.

Zhao Ran knows that there will be such a day, although the seventh group of buildings can be very prominent, do not engage in buildings, but people have a message, when they dismiss them, they are already in the construction of the Navy base, they have been done. The transfer from the army is prepared, and the application is approved.

In this way, the seventh group fire line from the army, was edited in the third part of the flagship Fuzhou, and joined the Fuzhou dare to team according to their will, which is the squad that specializes in jumping.

The Fuzhou is a heavy-duty destroyer, and all members have prepared a hundred and twenty-eight, of which thirty people dared.

The seventh group is a goldenan, a three yellow crown, a jade, plus the original yellow crown, the whole six monks, Fuzhou dare to team, the stronger of the whole fleet fighting power.

Because Du Xing is a Dan Master, in the default personal strength of the dare to be awarded the team's total flag, the original Huang crown is helped him to bring the team.

Of course, this is the war, waiting for this battle, they must be dismantled to mix into other battleships.

As for Yang's advanced, according to Chen Shan Dao, directly pulled the trainee, the Zhoushi is the technical officer responsible for the navigation, the head, the first, the rudder, the general, the total banner, etc. Senior officer.

His next step is inevitably, this is no doubt that the inspection fleet is impossible to waste his navigation.

After receiving the news of yesterday, the entire Fuzhou number began a tense research analysis. The next step of the next step may be on this side.

This makes Wang Jianguo very excited, she keeps praying, I hope I will not miss it.

PS: Congratulations to the flow of people to participate in the Linghu Road ancestor event winning, his wish: I wish you all the best under the Taoist shelter, the world will be safe. Taoist friends, feelings! This chapter consumes a surreservation of the Lingdao ancestors.

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