Taoist Law

Chapter 175 in the fog

Welcome, please remember this site address:, mobile phone reading, so that you can read the latest chapter of the novel "Taoist Rules" at any time ... the first hundred and seventy-five chapters of the fog May 7th, China On the third day after the passage interception, a division of the Sichuan Battles is headed, the four heavy drives and eight frigates is divided from Chen Shan Road, start withdrawing out the east to channel, ready to wind. On the south side of the Central Sun Island Sea, Huang Bingyue commanded the peripheral blocking fleet. This fleet is not equipped with patrol boats and wind boats. The two vessels are light and flexible. Under the current situation, it is more in line with the requirements for continuing interception. The fleet came to the afternoon, the sky was suddenly changed, and the clouds were stressed in the sea, and the rain was pouring down. It is good to hug in the reef. The surge is not high, the influence on the ship is not very big, but there is no loss, but the water is not very stable under the stirring of the wind, the division is a big ship, in narrow Continue to sail in the waterway, it is easy to touch the reef, and the fleet can only be suspended. The heavy rain continued to be nearly two hours, gradually stopped in the afternoon, but the sea began to have fog, becoming more and more strong, the line of sight can not be ten. The fleet is still unable to travel, only to Chen Shan Daofei, continue to stay in place. This is the weather that is often in the island of Zhongfai Island, but today's sea fog is even greater, more concentrated. Chen Shan Road will come to Shu Lifeng, asked: "This kind of sky will not be dispatched?" Shu De said: "As far as I know, there are several is is particularly familiar with this waterway, big fog It's not difficult to walk in Zhongli Island, just slow down - at least I can. "Chen Shan Dao immediately issued a military order, let the fleet ready to fight. The third part of the fleet has also received military orders, and the whole fleet began to make a war before the warfare. The fleet command Xiaoshan knows Yang's first way to come, and it is very relying on this new Ji Zhou Shi. Yang Xingjin is very affirmative, and the phoenix has an eighth in the possibility of breaking. He pointed to the whiteboard: "Some old island owners, the old shopkeeper is very familiar with the sea road, and you can boater, you can bring the fleet. And tell the truth, change it is me, I will choose this. The sky is overwhelmed. There is no flight in the sky. Our law can not play the distance advantage. When you don't go more? I suggest that the dare to prepare for the team. Once you play, you will inevitably become a jump battle. Xiaoshan nod,

He completely agreed with Yang's first judgment, immediately ordered various ships to mobilize, not only dared to prepare for the team, all the artillery, sailors, must prepare meat and kill.

At the same time, Xiaoshan, as the commander of the branch, knows more information, four blocks in the fourth, third, fourth two branch fleets, because they don't have a battleship, in the sea In the eyes, the strength of the northwestern exit and the southwestern exit is slightly weak.

It is necessary to watch the Haiyu from himself, or choose Wang Shouyu.

This problem, Huang Bingyue, the first branch of the town, is also considering, he also judges that if the sea is to break around, the most likely offensive direction is two exports in the northwest and southwest.

Huang Bing was sitting in the first division of the town. It was blocked by Zhengxi. The third branch is located on his left. The fourth team is located on his right side. It is the choice to north or south, or it is still unable to move. This is a huge test.

Huang Bingyue does not have a good fortune command experience. In fact, he is good, Zhao Ran is good, and even Chen Shan Road, know why he will appear here.

But a big fog, let him sit, he must make a decision as soon as possible. According to the past military experience, he issued an order to separate the motor fleet mastered in his hand from the first fleet, move to the north.

This location, in the middle of the northwest and southwest part, no matter which place, time is the same. Of course, this order has a big risk, the motorfront is very likely to lose the direction in the big mist, but Huang Bing is thinking that it is better than moving.

In the big mist, group ships are unlikely to complete, this is why Huang Bing is not from the first branch of the ship, and his only moved, only stops in the rear mobile fleet - 16 frigate And sixteen patrol boats.

Huang Bingyue came down from Lucy's flagship, riding a windboy, carefully looking for a motoric fleet. It's so good, but I spent half an hour, I finally found the guard ship forever in the dense fog, and then on the Yongzhen number, boarded the motorfront flagship Red Yuan.

After the commander boarded the ship, the entire motor fleet was slowly turned to the ground. To this end, the monks of all frigates played a fire in the watch tower.

Relying on this weak instructions, the fleet is turning its original land, but it still inevitably has three collision accidents.

Because the speed is slower, the collision accident is not large, the frigate only fell into several sergeants, and the patrol ship was slightly hurt, and there was one or even whatever.

Huang Bing was decisive to let them abandon the ship, and the 18 crew boarded the flagship Red Yuan.

Because of the big fog, the direction cannot be accurately judged, and can only rely on the speed drawing operation. The fleet is more than two turtles to sail, after driving, the next anchor is stopped, standing in place.

According to the drawings, it is roughly the center of the third fleet and the fourth fleet, and the rest is waiting for the sea.

If the Haiyu chooses the third division of the fleet, Huang Bing's motor fleet will save an hour. If it is the fourth fleet, the motor fleet will be late to a time.

There is no two good things in the world, the military order under Huang Bing, is actually a balance. When the strategy is conducive to your own, the balance of keeping heavy balances is the most favorable, this is the most favorable.

There is not long after the place where the place is there, Huang Bing has received the flying fleet sent by the fourth fleet. Wang Shou Yu said that from the fourth fleet direction, it is impossible to determine the number of ships, but have received the first patrol ship. In the report, some vessels have entered the side of the side.

The first part of Huang Shou Yue, is the first fleet of Huang Bing. The fog is likely to be realized.

He also believes that Lu Xixing will definitely want to do some efforts, but he can't increase pressure to Lucyx. Any sentence of the superior, even if it is ambiguous, it will move the tactical determination of the first-line commander, and this will often lead to the failure.

As for the motor fleet, Huang Bing has not issued any instructions, the news is not enough, he must continue to wait.

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