Taoist Law

Chapter 176 (Blessings from Qingshan see you can't see friends)

Welcome, please remember this site address:, mobile phone reading, so that you can read the latest chapter of the novel "Taoist Law" at any time ... The third part of the dense fog is still a nervous, but the big fog has been fast When there is still no movement opposite. In the afternoon, Shen Xian, Dougroup, Du Xingru, was recruited to the ship's office, after a moment, just faintly said: "Bulletin, the fourth fleet is playing, the captain makes everyone alert." Wang Jian Guo A burst of disappointment, hands helped in the side of the ship, and the face is full of depression. Blue and water came to her, comforted: "Maybe Haiyu soldiers out of two ways? This is a bad thing, the founding of the country is cheering, even if this time did not meet, the opportunity is more ..." is talking, Some people have repelled: "Whoever is silent, don't talk!" Reverse blue water, it is the original dare to fight the total flag of Zhang Yu Chen, the blue water, I want to argue, the two sentences are not very sound, but was taken Chen Chen Chen I went back and went back, and he also knew that his own losses, no longer screaming, just lost his face in front of Wang Jianguo, and his heart was not very comfortable. Zhang Xi Chen did not care about the blue water, and the sky is still uncomfortable. The whole god can also listen to the movement of the opposite fog, and suddenly the front of the eyebrows, pointing to the right front direction Du Xing Yan: "Banner ..." Du Xingquan first stepped on the team, It is very relying on experience in experience in experience. He is Jin Dan repair, and it is more eye-catching than Zhang Yu Chen. It's too early to hear an aspiration, but I didn't dare to judge, so I asked: "Is it sure?" Zhang Yutian nodded, Du Xing Yan Immediately ordered the dared team to prepare, the gunman on the side of the plane also installed the law, and the eight laws were aligned with the right front. Du Xing Yanfei told Xiaoshan's situation, Xiaoshan immediately came out from the command cabin, just came out of the cabin, then he slowly took out a ship in front of the front of the boat, and the ship is judged to be five bass, and the fleet standard frigate The ship is very different. After drilling from the dense fog, the ship passed through the tail of the Fuzhou number with the slash angle, and he would hit it! The two sides are very close, the bow and Fuzhou are only the seven or eight feet old. It can clearly see the sailor colors standing on the deck, the weapons are different, and the figures of the boat are also the case. Very different. The boat is standing with a monk, and the body is shared, the right hand is holding hammer, and the eyes are hit by Xiaoshan. Both sides are still! The sea is undoubted! It turned from a buzzard, Xiaoshan raised his hand, ten families throwing past,

Big drink in the mouth: "Playing!"

Ten legs were surrounded by the top of the opposite Haiyu monk, and the golden arrow was saved down.

After the direction of the direction, a waves are condensed in the top, and they will live the golden arrows under the head, and the three monks around him will be able to resist the inner law of Xiaoshan.

Xiaoshan himself is a refining teacher. This hand has an estimate of the other's realm. It should be a big master to be successful. Fighting, of course, can win the other party, but before the two army, I want to kill the other party is not in an instant. He is the command of the entire third division, he is not available here.

On the side, the whiteboard is flashed, and the straver is a bit of star mangmang, and the flying hammer of the other party is the first.

Xiaoshan took the hand and immediately returned to the command cabin, ordered all the battleships of the fleet to fight, and fly to Huang Bingyue.

Huang Bingyue asked the number of enemy, Xiaoshan also contacted all the ships, and did not have the first count, immediately feedback Huang Bingyue.

The two sides of the big mist are entangled together, and it is possible to understand that the eight warships have encountered the thirteen of the sea, there is an even one to fight three!

Huang Bing was once again reported the second time, Xiaoshan immediately made the shipping plan for the second statistics.

The Fuzhou number suddenly swayed, and the command room was suddenly swayed. In addition to the ordinary officers fell away, the table case was slanted into the corner, the chair, candlestick, chart, etc., all fell on the floor.

But the Fuzhou and the other boat hit!

On the deck, Wang Jianguo, who was first experienced, was started to have a blank in his mind. She didn't know what I thought, just stayed, only to see the scene of a slow shot, but I can't hear it. Little sound, just like a bystander, not in this situation.

She saw the two scarlet characters engraved in the opposite Haiyu bow, saw the dangerous gray of the Haiyu monk, who was fighted with Yang.

She also saw the eight-way laws on this side of the Fuzhou number, and she broke down the side of the sea, the boat tower, and overturned a law, and the law came out. The name of the name is far away into the fog ...

I saw a way to screaming, and the Fuzhou number is broken, and the four-scattered debris hits it on his face ...

She also saw the blue water ink on the shoulders of Zhang Wei, sent to the opposite deck ...

Then, she witnessed the left stern of the Fuzhou number, and the big earthquake came, the feet were shocking. When the foot was in the event, Yu Guang also saw the other football head and the self-ended sashimi on the tail of the self. I was shocked into the water ...

This earthquake suddenly shocked Wang Jianguo from this magical situation, shouting, killing, in the ear of the ear, let her return to the world in front of him.

The side head made the flying feathers, Wang Jianguo raised his black iron, step on the boat, and the empty jumped into the enemy.

In the air, I saw a sea, she shaken, and her wrist shook, a fire was on the opposite face, and instantly ignited a fire.

At the same time, she is struggling with her hands to hold down, and the Haitan monk who sneaks the blue water is directly smashed from the upper deck, splashed a piece of crushed.

The seventh group is finally in one place, and the next year's instructor, today's second fleet commands Du Yangchen's teaching method, with a small five lines, in the sea, there is a crazy storm.

Wang Jianguo turned the water level, blocking the flying sword to Du Xingquan, Blue Water ink flying to the sea, Shao Wei, and Mo Zhao, who hit the left side of Du Xingzhi in the side of Wang Jian, stabbed a sea. Transparent, Du Xingyan handheld the singer of the sky, turn to the earth, Luo Tia umbrella brushed out the Yudang Wuqi, and finally put it into the small five lines of Yan Jin Dan monk with him.

The five people simultaneously stepped on the foot, stepped on the other side to spit blood, no longer moving, and I don't know whether it is dead.

Yang Xingjin has been paying attention to the seventh group of war, until this time, he finally determined that the seventh group cooperated with strong power, temporarily worry-free, this was concentrated on the opposite Haiji Island.

I have a line of words on the whiteboard: "Take the big, please fall!"

The other side drinks: "I will smell your Yang Baiboard big name, let Laozi surrender, win the old man and say!"

PS: Congratulations to Qingshan to see if you are not annoying, how to participate in the Linghu Road, the title of the Linghu, the ancestors This chapter blessings to the Linghu Road, the ancestors are more than one.

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