Taoist Law

Chapter 186 seat (send blessings for qdaozhang)

After talking about the truth hall, Zhao Ran said: "For a long time, due to the combo committee is not in Beijing, it is not possible to enter the joint meeting, but from the region, Mao Mountain is not far from the Jingshi. I will recommend inviting the evaluation committee to send people to join the joint meeting and regulate the Jiangnan Road. "

Sima Yunqing and Wang Jingyun pair, Wang Jingyun said: "I am competing with Sima Brother, and civilized cities create a combo member, will be affected by Sima."

Zhao Ran thought about it, said: "Slightly tender."

But from the age of age, Sima Feng is forty-eight years old. It is eight years old than Zhao Ran, but Zhaoran evaluates him "tender", and a few people don't think it is, but feel very popular.

Zhao Ran into the ten-party jungle experience for more than 20 years, entered the True Mastro. It took more than ten years. He took the lead in a flat war. After that, he presided over the Jiangnan business affairs for four years, and the entire joint meeting has not been there. It was pulled by him.

In the fact that in fact, I have been in the four years of Jiangnan's business, and even dominated a war and achieved decisive victory, and the entire East China Sea income is treated. Such a qualifications, almost anyone can criticize anyone.

It is said that Sima is rich, and what did you have for more than 40 years? Almost no dry! Even the walkball is just to play, never participate in the formal game, even Zhang Tengming is better.

Don't say that Zhao Ran can't compare it to the conference, and the other seat representatives of the joint meeting can also be described as "tender".

Lu Xixing did something in Raytar, and I was in charge of the Temple of Tiandao. Nowadays, the inspection fleet is to lead the huge fleet;

Tang Yaizu served as the Sanqing Pavilion for many years, and now there is three years of the Hidden Palace;

The Wei Chaozong's performance in the East Eastern Gerteang has been invested for many years. It has been investigated a series of major cases including Xiu Zhen case. Nowadays, they are also in charge of the Lingji Palace for more than three years;

The nine girls took care of the dragon and hills from the small, and they were served as the Jiujiang House, and the police in Jiangxi Province, the Power Pipeline Temple can be described as a heart;

Peng Yunyi hosted the practice ball competition, and then he hosted Yuanfu Palace, but also the position of the imperial palace;

Even if it is Lu Yuanyuan, there is also the experience of Song Dynasty Tianhe Palace, and now in the speech hall, it is a deep family, and it is deeply popular in the speech hall.

Several above, which one is Maxima rich?

Even if it is compared, he also ranks the last one, the area of ​​Jin Dan, only Peng Yunyi, between Jiefang.

About Sima's joy, Mao Mountain has obviously considers, Sima Yunqing: "My grandson is indeed a little tender, but we also negotiate, let him take multi-to-life, in the joint meeting When he was held, he also learned the identity of the younger generation, heard the opinions of everyone. "

Zhao Ran looked at Pan Yangshou, Pan Yangshou slightly, Zhao Ran, nod: "This is good, there is Pan Shi Shi Zhao, you must get rich to learn a lot."

Zhao Ran agreed, everyone is relieved, so I put on the wine, saying that I invited Zhao Ran and Huang Bing to taste the wine. In the meantime, Sima gave the news, and the wine glassed came in toast. He was repeated in advance of Sima Yunqing. He didn't dare to take it in front of Zhao Ran in front of Zhao Ran, and he lived in his life.

Zhao Ranqi said: "Sima brother is in Mao Mountain, there are elders to influence the day and night,

The talent is not a problem, only hope that the brothers have learned to the same treasures, strengthen their own way of cultivation, and will grow into the successors of Maoshan in the future. "

Sima Fufu drunk wine, said: "Yes, thank you for the teachings, get rich, you must keep in mind."

From Mountain, Huang Bingqi sighed: "For more than ten years, the real teacher is like a horse, and it is really frequent."

Zhao Ran recalled, it did, in the past, in the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty was recorded in the Tang Dynasty, and the Tang Dynasty was changed in 198 years. After ten years, it will be, and the three clear cabinets Chen Zhen. Chen Tianshi, Taoji, and the Sima Tiansheng, who is now, and even, the Sima Tiansheng, which is full of five.

Zhao Ran also nodded and squeezed out the word: "The big era"

Lu Yuanyuan chased from Maoshan, to Zhao Rong: "If I have to close, I will prepare for the break of the law."

Zhao Ranxi said: "This is a good thing."

Lu Yuanyuan was a feather, said: "Father said, let me have to ask you in advance."

Zhao Ran laughed and said: "Okay, I wish the Lu Shi Dan Life God, the big mage is smooth!"

Lu Yuanyuan: "Okay, I have closed the customs for two days. The transaction of the speech hall has made the following people, but what should I do with the joint meeting?"

Zhao Rong: "With your deep skill of the road, I think you can't use it for a month. Just a big victory, there is no need for a few months, and the joint meeting will not open, you are absent two times, The problem is not big. "

Lu Yuanyuan said: "One month? OK, then you will borrow you."

Lu Yuanyuan's thing just talked, and the peace chased it up: "Zhao brother, can you ask you to write a piece to Junshan Technology, we want to purchase several Zhuge self-moving."

Zhao Ran said: "Junshan Technology has been prepared, is supplying to Qinzhou Port, of course, the quantity may not be so much, since the Miao teacher opened, I talked about it, give you two, you go Qinzhou Port picks up the goods. "

An Miao Daxi: "That's more thanks to Zhao."

At the end of June, Chen Shan Road returned from the East China Sea, and the joint meeting organized thousands of people to go to the river. The big natural Nanzhi Battle is slowly stopped in Yanzijuanjun, the day, Suzhou, Fuzhou, Yangzhou, Song Fun, Long'an and other six heavy drive guards, both sides are more Frig ship and patrol boat, wind fast boat.

More than seventy warships, piled up the Yanziji Pier full.

This is only one tenth of the entire auditor's fleet, but it has been gone.

The emperor got to the dock, he welcomed hundreds of Chen Shan Dao, Taoist Highway, and Wenwu, listed on the Yanziji Terminal, the periphery is more , the rich room, a time drums.

Chen Shan Road came down from the south, holding his fist: "Your Majesty, I am afraid."

The emperor waved, and the Division of the Division was printed with the tray of Chen Hong, and the emperor personally filled with three cups and lured Chen Shan.

Three glasses of wine drink, the emperor will strive again, Yu Maji will take Feng Bao to grab the two steps, give Chen Shan Dao to the pure gold jade mouth, the emperor has hit a thoughts, and personally give him some.

Chen Shan Dao smiled: "Your Majesty is deep, the poor treasure is soaked."

The emperor smiled and got closed, once again, Feng Baogao said: "His Majesty will have a will, Chen Tianshi led the army to the East China Sea, Yang Tianda Guowei, and the teacher. Loan Fund Wan two, comfort the whole army! "

Chen Shan Dao Hugged: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Thereafter, it is a short visual prisoner, and the boat is escorted with a heavier sea of ​​crimes, and the Yanzhiji is proud of the Yanziji, and I have left a cross.

Originally the cabinet wants to have a prisoner in the afternoon, and Zhao Ran discouraged. Zhao Ran believes that the East Sea is a big sea since ancient times, it is actually a , actually, simple, simple, but it is not necessary to make too heavy. Otherwise, how will it be a victory in the national war?

After a hot, Huang Bing, please Chen Shan Dao, the white jade crane, straight into the mountain gold chicken peak.

PS: Congratulations to QDaozhang to participate in Linghu Road ancestors, eight treasures people from blesses. This chapter is the title of blessing spending the convulsions.


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