Taoist Law

Chapter 1 Bridge Completed

At the end of June, Jinjifeng convened the world's refining conference, and publicly pushed the Lei Zi Zhao real person.

In this struggle for nearly a year, the former is a disciple of the real people, and the Legend of Lei Yin, Huang Bing, who has received more than forty support tickets, defeating the powerful competitors of Ninnanzong - Guangdong The old qualifications of the vocabulary, the highway, Lu Zhen, successfully entered the Pavilion.

On the day after the success of Huang Bing, Huang Bing was successfully entered the same day, and the library was announced by the Tiansma Mission, preparing to take the way, explore the threshold of entering the right.

Sima Yunqing's sudden resignation made a megador for the world, and Daxian Zhang Yunyi took this opportunity to continue to continue the public.

Huang Bing suggested that from Mao Mountain Wang Jingyun Tianshi took anyway, in the publication of the publication after three days, Wang Jingyun defeated Lu Zhen who was nominated again with the number of votes, and took the palm of the pavilion.

It is said that Lu Zhen is very popular, and this life is not in the real teacher.

After the two publications on the Lushan, the rushing ceremony of the Heavenly Changjiang Bridge was officially held in July 7.

The Tianyang River Bridge is Jiajing twenty-nine years, Zhao Ran's contemporary contemplative, after a year and a half, in August, Longqing.

After two years of construction, it is actually completed in Long Qing in the four years.

After the engineering acceptance, it was originally prepared in May, but because the East Sea decisive battle was postponed, from June, it was postponed again because of the real teacher public.

This is a great engineering, across four hundred and eighty-eight-legged rivers, 19 water in the bridge pier, twenty-four bridge piers, more than 200 coarsess cable, pull the bridge sideline in eight feet more High, such as the giant dragon, the north and south, and circulates on both sides.

On the bridge piers of the shores of the two sides, each of the strange gods, is the image of Jiang Yongyuan Emperor. Of course, these two gods are only wood carving mud, used to shock people's use, truly taking confidentiality, is the two emperor temples on both sides of the bridge, the god in the temple directly through the Kyushu Cabine Credit Pool.

Such a magnificent bridge, such a tall god, anyone who looks, it will be shocked!

This is the effect of Zhao Ran, it is not only the effect of passing, but also has the ability to collect the credit, it is not possible.

There is a tribute to participate in the tutorial ribbon ceremony, Qi Qi bridges to the bridge. Who is so embarrassed to have a warm invitation in Kyushu Zhou Zhou?

The Lord of Hongze, is also very honored to be invited. As early as May, the spirit dog Li Xiao and the Ling Cat Wang Daxi never hit Zhaoran's Jingyang Tower, and he went to him, and his body Tip him, in the near Lake, Hongze, there is also a formation of the big demon for the bridge.

Zhao Ran is not forgotten, and the bridge written by Yan Yan is completed, and the Lord of Hongze is also written in one sentence. Don't underestimate a sentence, most people can only reveal a name in the list of programs on the inscription.

Sun Biyun and the red pinegus must be present, Chen Shan Dao has not runned, and he was wrapped in the ritual guest list by Zhao Ran.

In addition, there are also five major people of the emperor, the cabinet, the three products, the ultra-high officials, the number of people, so that the ritual is busy steering.

The original ribbon ribbon ceremony is at the entrance to the southern end of the bridge, in the statue of Guangyuan Emperor. But so many prominent characters are attended,

There is only three embarrassments at the entrance, which does not let anyone touch the scissors, will cause very serious problems.

After requiring Zhao Ran, there are forty-six people who have column columns, and the shear is also turned into the screen. It covers the huge red silk on the high god, and forty-six are divided into two teams. Pull up the rope and pull the red silk.

This plan is really good at the ceremonial effect, so that all the onlookers have seen the scene of the red silk, the applause sounded.

Zhao Ran invited Zhang Yunyi, Wang Changyu, Hong Ze, and the emperor took four carriages, and drives them to the north to the north. They are the carriages of dozens of dozens of the same specifications. They are all in four columns.

Four carriages, this is the width of the bridge.

After a long time, the entire pass ceremony was completed, Sun Biyun was emotionally to Zhao Rong: "For this bridge, I have worked hard for more than three years. Now I can finally have a breath, rest."

Zhao Ran's head: "Sun Zhen people are hard, these three years have come to the rain, the construction of the bridge is, it is necessary to adjust it. This way, Sun Zhen people will take a month, relax and relax, let's go dry again. ! "

Sun Biyun asked: "What?"

Zhao Ran took out two drawings from the arms, and buryed his head to the road: "Sun Zhen people please see, this is the drawings of Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge. This bridge river has a big span, six hundred feet left and right ... this is The bridge of the Wuchang Yangtze River Bridge, this bridge is slightly small, three hundred feet can be. I have been over, there is a mature experience in the sky, the material supply system has been complete, the Jiujiang Bridge can take, Wuchang The bridge can be completed in eight months or away. Sun Zhen people look at the bridge ... "

Picture of picking color said for a long time, Zhao Ran suddenly didn't, looked up from the drawing, and touched it all around: "Sun Zhen people? Sun Zhen, where are you old?"

Looking for Sun Zhen, Hong Ze's main is full of red light: "Do you want to find anyone?"

Zhao Ran asked: "When you see Sun Zhen? There are too many people, too mess, I don't know where he is squeezed ... I am talking about him ... "

The main breakdown of Hong Ze: "Still, I will tell you something first. I heard that Chen Tianshi was in the East China Sea, and the fairy, who made the fairy, is it?"

Zhao Rong said: "Yes, Chen Tiansheng fights a game, the two fighting laws lost, defeated the demon hit."

The main road of Hongze: "These two are old friends, the old husband is willing to mediate, and I don't know how it is reasonable?"

Zhao Ran thought about it: "This matter involves the entire East China Sea Strategy. The younger generation can't immediately answer your old. If we don't wait for us, give you a reply? Of course, my personal opinion, the East China Sea is already determined, the can be resolved is the best , You will come out at this time, helping us have a big busy, and you will express your gratitude to you here. "

The Lord of Hongze is acknowledged: "That line, I will wait for you, then find them again."

After the agreement with Hong Ze, Zhao Ran continued to look for Sun Biyun, Sun Biyun did not find, but Chen Shan Dao was willing.

Back to Jingyang Tower, Chen Shan Road gave Zhao Ran's island directory, said: "This is the battle report sent back from Lu Xixing. To this day, the inspection fleet has occupied almost all islands, you will see."

Zhao Ran took a detachably, the above is densely marmalable, and these islands are divided into four major parts: Boyang Hai Ba Isles, Take the Yunli Island, Yajo, and Island twenty-three island.

Among them, Zhao Ran's attention is that Zulu Island is in the island, and has been officially income in the capsule.

PS: Today is the birthday of Wutong Taoist, although the Wutong Taoist has been afraid of the demon hit sea, but the eight treasures still have to send blessings, and wish you a happy birthday, the wife and wife are in group.


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