Taoist Law

Chapter 6 Meiyuan Closed

Tong Bai Mei stands on the ship of the sea boat, looking back at the Tiantian Yangtze River Bridge, this bridge is so spectacular, which makes him do not tease.

The sea boat is in the east, the tasting is more than ten, and the Jiangwu Guangyuan Emperor will disappear outside the sight.

Turning the head, the newly raised Zhouqu took him to introduce him: "You see the fairy, here is Qixia Mountain, do you want to go to walk around? Wenchang is above, yes, the three martial arts are also In the fore, we were no blessing, and the immortal could go to worship the mountain gate, pretty good. "

Not this, the boat reminder, the child's white eyebrows have forgotten that he was captured by the Empathetic Hill on Qixia Mountain on the same day, and an anger was born. In the heart, you are waiting, you are waiting, wait for the old man to cross the famous mountain, do not fight with you, for the distance revenge!

He hopped in Qixia Mountain, shocked to the boat, shook his head, took out a gathering character and a fan, got it, and woven to the sailors on the boat: "Let's go, rush to Bai Meng, let you It also sees the benefits of being seen in Baiying Port! "

Zhao Ran, who remembered the children's white eyebrows, in the three museums on Qixia Mountain, and smiled and smiled. "This is not worried, it is difficult to turn off, I still have any difficulty. Easy to relate! Reconnect Dandon, I have already gone through it, but now it is a heavy sample, I don't dare to say that driving is less familiar, at least also is also the same. "

Rong Niang said: "Every closed door is a ghost door, let alone this is your spiritual sea, after all, different from merits, I don't want to mind."

Zhao Rong said: "Okay, I know, hurry back. Many speakers, less than one month, accurately."

Said, return to Meiyuan, latch the big door, and put down the satellite.

Zhao Ru Lili Jin Dan has been joined for seventh year, because the powerful gas sea is full of Dafa, the refining troops are full, and the long-term cannot be practiced. Therefore, it will refine the spiritual power of the chicken in the daily flexion.

The harvest of four fine roso, as well as a dollar phase of the spiritual sea and merits, which makes his nominal refining efficiency, and has also grinded Jin Dan.

He has experienced experience, not necessarily like a chance of waiting like other monks, or after missing the sentiment, it is often a few years or even more than ten years. Feelings, I can grasp it immediately.

After the big gathering of the sea, it is necessary to send the gods. Because of the practice of waterstone Dan Dan, Zhao Ran can send the rule and the instrument at the same time, and then form a double life again, thereby bringing his own big incision to four.

The Gong Deli's The times were used in critical moments, and they did not work twice, so that he always thought that this is a disabled product.

Therefore, when this is a spirituality, he is carefully prepared, one is the real pen of the Lifferen, the Dragon, Zhutian, the other is the dowry of Rong Niang, the mountains and rivers, the true text Frequency, human bird five characters.

In Zhao Ran's plan, Wu Zhi's words are used to replace the jade scenery. The jade scenery is quite unreliable. You must choose a shortcomings to make up for this. This is a lack of escape, always The first premise when Zhao Ran is.

Rong Niang describes the story of Longyang Zushi to the Dragon Yang Zu Shi, and listen to it in Zhao Ran.

This is simply an optimal cutlery of escape.

With his current cultivation, you want to play the power of realism, absolutely impossible tasks. He has also been trying to try to figure out for a while, but he ended in failure. In this case, then I'm pinned with the knowledge of the knowledge, so I can use it as my heart.

In terms of inquiry, three eight-order rumors are the top-level horses of individual attacks. If one can be promised smoothly, they can also make up for the obvious weaknesses in single-to-one, after all, the gossip is a magic weapon of the gossip. To deal with strong enemies - such as a big refining teacher who has always been fighting with him, "medicine is not symptomatic".

With the real pen and three eight order characters, Zhao Ran entered Meiyuan, and turned around in Meiyuan, I felt the strong spiritual power, and the spiritual force created after he changed the Feng Shui in the chicken cage. The room is to be strong, so satisfied with the mime tree.

I thought that when Chen Shan Road under the plum tree, Zhao Ran learned to sit down, and the eyes of the head of the head and the sun, and the donuts were clear, and the dust was thrown after being thrown, and the heart was a sound.

The inner view is spiritual, and the golden Dan is circling crystal, emitting a position. It is grinding to the icon. Zhao Ran's heart is still unfined, and there is between the people, wrapped in the big group aura, and started the package of Jin Dan ...

This is a month!

In the words, the children's white eyebrows will start from the sky. In the next two days, they will go to Songjiang to go out, take a little break, let the ship have signed the long-term wandering wander to go to the boat, each digging a can of dirt, then continue to take boat, along Under the coast.

After the Yuan Siji Island, we will repair the two days again, so that the tramps will resume the unwell to the long-term sitting boat, and they will turn it on the shore to see if there is a finish of the order, but also persuaded or simply recruits into Bienni Port.

After the shore, I found that there is already a traveler on the island, one to listen, it is a native of the Tiangong Monk, Wang Shouqiu is separated. Children's white eyebrows wonders, simply got off the door, I want to talk to Wang Shou Yili to talk to the matters to let the land, and the vessels who will fight for Yuanjue Island can set the passing white eyebrow port as a fixed line.

At the same time, he is also very enthusiastic. If you want to know the "predecessors" that benefit from the Fenglian method, ask his feelings after Qi Jue.

Investment to Yuanzi Pai, not much, the road hall opened, Wang Shouyu personally greeted: "Long Wen Tong's predecessors, today, is it to be a guest on my island? The younger generation is welcome!"

Children's white eyebrows: "Try to be island, hear Wang Daoyou is feudited here, specially come over, it is really taking the liberty."

Wang Shou Yaha smiled: "This is a year, if the child's predecessors come two days later, I will re-have sea."

Talking about the laugh, I will introduce Wang Shou Yu into the Daoli. After entering the Zhengutang, there are three people from getting up and welcome, and the children's edible eyebrows will be seen, and they are somewhat embarrassing.

These three were the Lan Tian Jade, Fang Qing and Fang Zheng: who arrested his Lantian Jade, Fang Qing and Fang Zheng. It is Wang Shouyu to pay attention to his own hand, and pay a large number of ransoms, replacing the consent of the Empress Pavilion, let them join the Yuanchao, which is an important island in Taoist Town.


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