Taoist Law

Chapter 7 Older Breakfast

If you put it in front, the child's edible eyebrows are sure and Lantian Jade Shiyu again, but also a report on the day of hat, but he is at this moment that there is a change in the heart, does not want to have a multi-way, there is no explosion on the spot. However, let him put down this grievance and the other party, he can't do it, and the conversation is more cold.

Wang Shouyu wants to ask Tong Bai's eyebrows to join the Yuanchamber, and the child's white eyebrow is refused. It is simply to reach the way to open up to the Dragon Bowl of the Dragon Bay. This agreement is rushing to leave the Yuan Dynasty.

On a few days, the ship arrived in Qinzhou Port, as usual on the top of the shore, the children's edible eyebrows have been won, and they have encountered the four seasons of Qianzhuang to sell the precious Zhuge Zhuge, although the price of the plow has been stirred in Qinzhou Port 20 Five or two silver, he still didn't hesitate to buy three.

He can only buy three, a development plate is limited to purchase, more do not sell. The children's edible chapters have a first day, and there is a foresight.

After leaving two months, the children's edible bomb returned to the home of his hand-building, and the Baiying Port has a stack bridge, and the stack has stopped against a sea boat, nor do you know who is. At the same time, Zhang Xian Houhuang finally built the inn. A row of six wooden buildings, neatly placed on a separate empty land, with the "Benzhai" of Bai Meng Port, in the middle of the five embarrassment, including three wooden buildings People.

The children's edible eyebrows let the tramps go to the boat. In a pool of the "Benzhai" Central Pool, the soil of Digging each person from Songjiang, completed a small ceremony, and let people help the ship.

The Queen Queen told him that the end of these two days appeared strangely, suspected to break into some kind of monster, Zhang Xian is exploring, may come back at night.

The child's white eyebrows smiled: "This is good, bought three Zhuge splicing plow, is on board, look back."

Building Safu: "There are three self-moving plows, we can open the valley of the east, at least eight hundred acres! This is good for food, three familiar, you can solve thousands of people's food Next, we can go to Haiyang recruits. There are many people in Haiyang, and the local government of Li Duo does not cost government affairs, put it so good, I will starve every year, you said, you said This is a trouble. "

Children's white eyebrows smiled and said: "You can go, but you should pay attention to the impact, don't be too big, don't follow it back, play."

Building Huan Autumn Nodded: "Understand." And the fleet has just cleaned the East China Sea, I heard that Xiao Li, if I really dare to make trouble, let's take the fleet, I have seen the Zhao Huizhang recently. A fake man who was in the feast of the scholar, Zhao Fang was said, and the inspection fleet has to take the mission, becoming a strong backing of the overseas monks and the people! "

Tong's edible eyebrows also have seen this report. For these words that Zhao Ran said, he has a deep feeling in the outside. It is really good, but still reminds: "Our fleet is now only putting down the East China Sea, and in the middle of the South China Sea. Waiting for the South China Sea, then say this is not too late. In short, although not afraid, but still trouble. "

Building is also a road: "Okay, I will go to Haiyang tomorrow. How many people recruit?"

Tong white eyebrows: "Take one hundred will be taken first. Take a person who digs Tittle Li, it is too much cheaper from the inland recruit, I also specially invited a gentleman, not only teaching our own children's literacy book, but also church all The human literacy book, but also let Li Dynasty's lifeligan learned the words of the sky. "

Talking for a while, the child is asked: "Where is the person living in the inn?"

Building: "Don't know,

It is a woman's repair, bring a child, not talking, and does not go anywhere, but the food and silver are not less. She brought the sailor lived two wooden buildings, she lived in one, not going out all day ... "

I am talking about, the building is a young eyebrow, and the children's white eyebrows turned around and suddenly stayed.

The door of the wooden building stands in front of a graceful woman, and the left hand takes a three, four-year-old little girl, standing on the bar, setting the children's eyebrows.

Children's edible eyebrows are also fixed to watch her, and they have no words.

After a moment, the American woman finished the rushing to the autumn, to the little girl: "Go to the building uncle, the mother is going to say something to your master."

The little girl was also well-behaved, and the bamboo building was boused. He jumped to the rush to the building, and his sleeve: "Uncle, take me to play."

Lou Huan autumn is full of face, completely didn't understand what is going on, but I saw the children's white eyebrows and waved his waving: "Take care of children." This is holding the child's hand, leaving this, look back . Come and beautiful women have entered the wooden building.

"Master, I have not seen it for many years."

"Teacher ... You and teachers ... this child ..."

This beauty is Zhu Qi, she sighed, faintly: "I have a pregnancy on the same day, you don't know, don't hesitate to face our teacher, leave us."

The child's white eyebrows are silent, and the road: "Are you still good in the South China Sea?"

Zhu Qi'G smiled: "Of course, it is very good. I didn't expect that the master is coming, but also set a small base industry, Bai Meng, surrounding the sea."

Seeing the children's white eyebrows, Zhu Qiugu said again: "Master, you can be so cheerful, no longer depressed, I am very happy ..."

Children's white eyebrows, don't live, look at it.

Zhu Qiuru continued: "Master, you can rest assured, you don't want to, I will not force you to go to Yunji, I will come to see you this time, and I will listen to you. "

"what's up?"

"Four years ago, the Heaven's things, can the brother talk to me again?"

The children's white frow frowned, said: "Zhu Xiang see rebellion, the world knows, this is the unique iron case, you still want to turn over? Not only agree, the dragon chair, for the dragon chair, for the dragon Many people in the temple have seen it. "

Zhu Qiugang shook his head: "I just want to listen to your see you see. Every day, everyone is in the day. We will leave the ship with the teacher, only the master of the master, the master should be the experience."

Children's white eyebrows took out the halves and filled a bite, swallowed back: "It's also, if you still don't die, I will tell you."

So, the child's edible eyebrows hide him in the Tiancheng, and the Temple bells in the Tiandao, and see the red big array of red eyes, and Zhu Xian sees the ban. It also mentioned that the gathering of the front monks in the palace, told Zhao Ziran, and the people who introduced the army broke into the city.

These things, the children's white eyebrows are in terms of bystanders. Because of any of them, his perspective is more similar to an ordinary capital of the people, but it can be seen, heard, feelings. More more.


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