Taoist Law

Chapter 8 Teachers and Shi

When the child's edict, Zhu Qiugu listens to the breakthrough, the Baiguan Feng Tian Temple, and then welcomed the new prince's things, the children's white eyebrows: "I am seeing it in the Battle of the City, the Hundred Entrance to the Hall I have not seen it, but it is said that your brother and the body of the emperor were in the temple. No one moved too much, and the officials were witnessed to witness your brother's dead, and they were unspeakable. It is undoubtedly. Teacher, if this hatred, you want to In order to report, I will say fault words, you should revenge to the real teacher. No one is killed your brother, he will die! "

Zhu Qiugu did not move, continue to ask: "Then? Ask the brother to say."

The children's edible eyebrows and then talked about Taimiao fire, white crane return, Longyang Zu Shi flying, these are all see him, although it is not good to say, but a strong sense of speech.

Listen, Zhu Qi's sorrows, asked: "What happened before the fire in Taimiao? How did Shao Da Tiansi feathe?"

Children's white eyebrows shake their heads: "This, I don't know, I said that Shao Da Tianshi took her life to break the Red Red Big Array, so the feather, saved millions of Limin people."

Zhu Qiuntu also asked: "How do you know how this red is coming?"

Children's white eyebrows: "Don't you say that it is related to the return of White Crane? Some people say that it is a white crane."

Zhu Qihu shook his head: "Rumet, it is not true. Which real teacher did you have confirmed?"

Children's white eye thought, said: "It did not have to have been ... Teacher didn't know? Oriental Shibo is the Tianshi Tianshi, please ask the teacher, and ask."

Zhu Qiugu said: "If Yang Cheng wants to tell me, can I run to your white eyebrows? He is not willing ... In fact, he will take a loss, but he is not willing. Lied to me......"

The child's white eyebrows looked like this, sighed, persuaded: "The teacher, what's the matter, I still see some good. The teacher is not willing to see the head for Zhu Xian, and his death is self-acquisition, this is a righteousness, It's not private reh, there is no news! "

That night, Zhang first hit a wild boar back, and the high-rise of the Bai Meng Port - so far, it is still a children's white eyebrows, and the banquet, Zhu Qiugu, a featured food, in addition to racking the bonfire, bake the wild bokeh, Also picked a lot of unique delicious petrology soup.

Zhu Qiuntu is a great refining teacher, and it is a very famous women's repair in the practice. I have set off a hurricane in the West, and the glazed lights can put the seven treasures, and the Buddha is talking about. More and the emoticon distinguished identity, but also the wife of the new promotion of the first day of the door, Zhang Xian and Holu, the autumn, and the wild cooking means of practicing this month will be exhausted. Let Zhu Qiugu eat very satisfied.

Especially the wild boar, was baked with a wooden stick in the campfire, and the buzz was falling, and the splash was splashped and stunned. He looked comfortable, heard the mouth.

Zhu Qihi is happy to eat, from time to time, it is tight into the mouth of the child, the child is not stopping, and even the eating.

The children's white eyebrows look through the smoke of the smoked fire to the children of Zhu Qihu and her, and a warm thing is to born. If it is the same, then how much.

Unfortunately, this moment is too short, and it is destined to last for a long time. Zhu Qiuntu stayed for three days in Bai Meng Port, and she took a dedicated Liang Wolf, she was still ready to leave.

"I said it and Lan Lan,

She played again in Bai Meng, asking the brother to take care. "

Children's white eyebrows: "What does the teacher mean?"

Zhu Qiwei said: "I haven't returned to the Central Plains for a few years. I plan to go back and see, the distance is hard, I am afraid that Lan Lan can't eat, first stay here."

Tong white eyebrows: "Are you still not dead?"

Zhu Qiugu smiled and said: "It doesn't matter if you die, you just want to go back and see."

Children's burmover silently, slow down: "Children I show you, you can rest assured, give up this old life is not, will never let her do something."

Zhu Qiwei said: "The brother is protecting, I am relieved."

Children and white eyebrows asked: "When are you coming back?"

Zhu Qiugang shook his head: "This is not good, after a month, if I have not returned, ask the brother to send the child back to Yunji Island." Said, hand on a chart: "This is the location of Yunji Island, hard brother. "

Children's white eyebrows came over to Moh chart did not open, Zhu Qiwei said: "After all, it is a teacher, still go to see it. Yang Cheng him ... I have been very sad for your business ..."

Child wroth finally nodded: "OK, I promise you, send the child back. I also persuade my sister, after all, there is a husband, what is going on, do you want to leave home?"

Zhu Qiki smiled and shook his head: "You finally recognize me and Yang Cheng is a husband and wife."

The child's white eyebrows checked: "The matter has come, the child is so big, I don't know if I don't recognize it?"

Zhu Qiwei: "Teachers, you can say this, I am really happy. I have time to go to Yunji Island to see your teacher, he is very told you."

Children and white eyebrows asked: "When did you start?"

Zhu Qihu looked at Lanner who was playing with Huanqiu next to him. "On the night, otherwise the child will be troublesome. When you wake up tomorrow, you said that her mother went to buy her sugar."

Zhu Qiugu went to board the ship in the middle of the night, and the children's white eyebrows sent the sea boat to sail. Looking at the bokeh, the lanterns of the bow, pointed to the palace lights in the direction, returning to the wooden building, holding the sleeping Lan in his room, Give her a thin, sitting around her, looking at her cute and delicate little face, thinking about how many years I don't know how many years.

After ten days of sailing, Zhu Qihun's boat stopped in Longjiang Terminal, looking at the majestic cross-river bridge in the distance, very shocked one, still spent a two silver, in Jiangwu Temple, worshiping God .

The pedestrians come in a hurry, there is a piece of money and worship, and there is also a lot of Zhu Qihu, the silver, the temple, the temple is not asking, worship, the money will not stop you, the money is more I will not give you a replenishment.

Zhu Qiuntu came back from the bridge, which is still unfained to enter the city.

In the twenty-ninth year of Jiajing, the big changes in Jingshi, and the brother, Zhu Xian, is the cheap dried brother Zhao Ziran. Zhu Qiuntu understood that this is not private, and also knows that the heads of their brothers will be self-sufficient, but they can't stand the floor, but they always have a little bit of cockroaches, and they are hesitant to see yourself for the time of the day.

Qi Wangfu has been copied, her long princess is a good, so I quietly entered the government. The servants still sprinkles the worth, indicating that the court and the people are still waiting for her, and they do not involve her body because Zhu Xian sees.

Perhaps, this is also related to the preservation of cheap brothers Zhao Ziran, Zhu Qiuntu is like thinking.

Her entry into the festival, no one, I felt, waiting until the middle of the night, she came out from the bed, crossed the high wall, and went to the palace.


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