Taoist Law

Chapter 15 Zhao Fang Lord's

PS: Thanks to the rain, the small V77, the reward, thank you for the sandwich cookie.

Nowadays, they are still in the atmosphere of the New Year, and they are busy receiving all colors, waiting for the worship of the ancestors and Fengxiang. In the past two years, Zhao Ran has followed the help of doing a few Jozikai, but this year didn't have to be busy, because he had left the hall. Fang Tang is actually not doing unevenness, and there is no unprotice in the hospital, and the square inspection is required to maintain order, and you will beware of being small. But Zhao Ran is clear, with the prestige of the door, there is no "Lantern", and there is no disaster in the mountains, so the attention is not on this.

Zhao Ran handed a trivial affairs to Duan Jiang Zhiheng, and he took the 2nd and Lu Jin again.

The golden handline of Jin Jikou has already waited for a long time, he sent Zhaoran's life, has purchased many years, including cloth, bacon, rice noodles, oil, salt and other things, almost a few warehouses of Jin Jikou are full .

Zhao Ran asked: "How much is it?"

The handwood should have a smile: "Not much."

Zhao Ran glanced: "It is said that it has spent a lot. If there is concealing, it must be mistaken my big event!"

The trekkener is a sudden, replied: "A total of one hundred and fifty-six silver son." Dark Road, this is what is this, don't you really give money? "

Zhao Ranzhen gave him a money, and two silver tickets were given to him. The remaining banks will buy some, and they will deduct tenth. It is given to you. "

The trekkels are busy, and they have been angry with Zhao Ran, which is panicked. He hired two driving cars according to Zhao Ran's instructions, and filled the car on the car.

Zhao Ran and Guan Er, Lu Jun, put two car new year goods, do not follow the palm cabinet, and hometown.

The first stop is still the nearest Lijia Village. This time, I didn't have to run in front of the old man. He stayed in Lijia Village for seven days, and the villagers have already been mixed.

This year this year, Li Sanlang's family is very good, and only the broken house can be fill it in the day, and now it has been repaired. Not only the holes are filled, the roof tiles have also changed half, and the window paper is more refactive. Looking at the neatly refurbished room, Li Sanlang couldn't help but remember the Zhao Dao Changyou.

Zhao Dao is very young, but people are extremely good, and I don't know what to do. I actually came from the county town to come to the muddy martial arts, giving the old house in the village. It is really good. Nowadays, people are praising him. It is negotiated that I have to go to the unpleasant hospital, and I will thank him by by your way.

However, Li Lao, who had been in the village, in addition to burning incense, but also to buy a few years to thank Zhao Dao Chang, a stall, Li Sanlang wants to take ten questions, this can take Li Sanlang. It is not that Li Sanlang is reluctant, and the old lady in the family is not in bed. Almost all my money is brought to the old lady, this ten article makes him going to make it?

Li Sanlang entered the body. I said my gossip with my old lady, then sit on the bed. Lao Niang asked in a bed, only known to be such a thing, immediately said: "Sanlang, the discussion in the village is right, Zhao Daozhang repairs the house. I have a good, this money ... The mother bones are getting better, next A drug is not busy, first put the money together ... "

"Mother, how to do it ..."

"Why can't you? Listen to the mother. Be a person must know the picture, Zhao Dao is not necessarily care about our things, but he doesn't care, the mother cares ..."

The two is talking, and some people in the door shouted: "Is Li Sanlang at home?"

Li Sanlang heard this familiar voice,

I didn't feel stunned, I said the old lady said: "It seems to be the Zhao Dao Chang? I will go see, the mother is lying first." He took a house, see the door of the fence, there is a young town, not Who is Zhao Daozhang?

Li Sanlang joked a few steps, opened the small courtyard, hiding: "Zhao Dao Chang, how come you!"

Zhao Ran smiled, with Guan Liu and Lu entered the house, walked around: "The New Year, come and see you. How, this year is better?"

And Li Sanlang chatted a few words, and in the middle of the old man who gave a sick, I took the three-foot cloth that was covered with red paper in the second hand, put it in the old man's bed, said: "New Year, give you old New Year This is a little bit of a poor, you are not very polite. "

The elderly struggled to get up, and Zhaoran was forced to stop. After leaving the door, I took a small red paper bag from Lu Jin, and I gave Li Sanlang said: "Little money, give the big mother ... Do not resign, otherwise It is not a poor road! "Said that the door will go.

Li Sanlang opened the red paper bag, which is a neutral Jiajing Tongbao, which is neat, really "a little small money", you can look at the back of Zhao Ran and others, but Li Sanlang feels that nose is acid, I don't know why I want to cry.

After Zhao Ran left Samiro, according to the way to heard the house in the village, he went to the home of the family. Some hands on three-foot cloth, some give a bacon, some to send a can salt, some give a bag of tea. There is a difficulty in encountering home, and a small red envelope is given.

There are not many ways to say, just ask the body, how is the situation, say two blessings, and never bother; some people talk, then chat, ask if there is any difficult.

As his family visited, the villagers surrounded more and more, many children followed Zhao Ran to join in the fun, singing the song, Zhao Ran, touched a few dessertions or sugar cakes from the big car In order to get children jumping.

Zhao Ran is also very happy, and his strength of the sea is also increasing in a single wire.

Li Lao has long heard, followed by Zhao Ran, waiting for Zhao Ran to go to the house, he called Li Lao to call, and the gods seriously said: "Li Dabo, you want everyone to make a poverty Tudo Festival? "

Li Yantou said: "This is the heart of everyone ..."

Zhao Ran said: "This must not make it! Go to the neuriness, you can worship the ancestors, just give gifts, otherwise it is to pollute the harmony!"

Li Laou did not dare, and he gave a vows on the ground.

After scaring for Li Yang, Zhao Ran Shangdao, with the two, Lu Jin two, and put the big car and rushed to the next village. Li Jiacun looked for a long time, and it was more tense, he had to hurry, and he won it to visit three villages one day and put it up.

From the fourth year of the New Year, I arrived until the first month of the first month. Zhao Ran didn't stop it. I visited the 20th village around the acuble mountain. The merits in the gas sea rose, which made him quite satisfactory. In the next few days, he simply made the second and Lu into the heads, and the three teams visited the condolences, but immediately found a problem. Those villages from Guan 2 and Lu, he can also feel the increase in merits, but the increased merit is much better than you personally go, let him know the merits of the merits. It has also improved.

On the 15th of the first month, the year of Jiajing fifteen years is approximately ended, and people's days have resumed usual appearance. Zhao Ran took the time to the mursses, and the things he did in these days were told. He is a Taoist, and some kinds of good deeds are of course ok, but if good deeds are bigger, they have to get the size of the county and the unprofess, otherwise it is private invited to buy people, it is a great crime.

Monitoring Heping Hall, Dao Yuan, will not obstruct him to do good deeds, say, big tomorrow, the door is the biggest charitable body. For example, the Qingcian Cang System established everywhere is the road to the door proposal, and it has also been half a money; for example, the relief of the disaster, the road is still helpless, and the leading role is played.

Can Zhao Ran did not do good deeds, this is a bit strange, and Song Zhiyuan can't help but ask. Zhao Ran immediately thought about excuse, nothing more than the kind of crying, said that he is a long-lasting parent, you have to help others. This rhetoric has fallen, but after all, it is a bright and big reason, and it can't find a flaw. The Song Trunchestitute pinchs his nose, indicating that he will support Zhao Ran.

The first step in support is naturally a letter to the county. It means that the unprotive court, the master, Zhao Ziran, to set up a relief station in East Erli, Yanyi, please ask the county to agree and take the cloud cloud.

Zhao Ran took this letter to ran a county, and got the drawing of Kong County, with the help of Jinxian, so Zhaoran immediately put into the business of establishing a relief station. (Untrained ...)

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