Taoist Law

Chapter 16 Charity Tang

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It's hard to do small, it's not easy. This is not a question, but the system problem, which is not a fine table. Zhao Ran's current identity is the square of the Doumen's unprotive court. It is very identity in one county. Don't say that he can help people are busy, but to be bad people, it is absolutely not very difficult. But if you want to do something, don't say it is in the big tomorrow, even if you put in Sichuan, even Longanfu, he is still a small person, even if you are huge, but it is impossible to think.

The most typical example is that I am so happy that the gray face has returned to the mountains, and the whole eats. Therefore, he has also had the idea of ​​establishing a relief station. With the official documents of the Accent, after approval of the county, Jin County, the commitment to help, he started.

The pine forest outside the East Erli, Yogang County is next to the official road. This official road passes through Guangyuan County in the Northeast of Baoying, and it is an important train in the northwest of Sichuan. Songlin is a pine forest, and there is a three or fifty feet between the official path. This is an open place, there are some hawkers sell some tea, the cakes, and the people are quite large.

Zhao Ran immediately wanted to talk to Kong County, and put this less than three acres of land under the reserve price, but Kong County is not dry. Later, he made an idea and said that the purchase of the right to use it, Kong County is half a day. After listening to Zhao Ran explained the meaning of "use rights", it is still not dry, saying that there is no precedent. Finally, I talked about the results, Zhao Ran can use it without any, but do not set up the year, in other words. When is the government want to recover? This is more pit, but Zhao Ran has no way, only acceptable.

In order to set the most in the least amount of money, Zhao Ran's construction design plan changed again, and finally determined. It took ten days to prepare materials, in the beginning of February, it works. Zhao Ran mobilized the top ten parsman who hired earned earnestly, and he was dried for half a month, so the relief station was completed as scheduled.

The long bamboo fence will have a three-acre round land, as an exterior wall. The gate is from the official path; the main is the three main housing of bamboo and the mud, which is the publication of the relief station; the east side of the 12 large house, each room is connected Pavement, the full number can accommodate 120 people; the same twelve large houses in the west side, including hiking residence, kitchen, globes, clinics, etc. A spacious warehouse is built on the inside of the north wall for stacking relief materials, and there is a large shed in the inside of the South. Place a simple table and chair, can accommodate two hundred people.

What should I do if the hawker who made a living here? Although the place is Zhao Ran from the agreed by the county. But it is not easy to bomb these people, and the county is still able to pay some taxes, do people drive away, is not a sinner? Zhao Ran also thought of a law,

At the outside of the southern wall of the official road, it built more than a dozen simple sheds, which will move the hawkers who have made a living here. Hands don't pay for it. When I was buying and selling, I have a shack of windshield, it is a big joy.

The main material of the whole relief station is bamboo and dirt, bamboo is adulsed to the unpolated hospital room, who is purchased at very low prices, and there is a very low price. Zhao Ran directly sent people to cut down. After the construction, the material is taking the money, and it is counted, and Zhao Ran took more than one hundred silver, less than he expected.

Zhao Ran hired eight people, a spending, a book, two heterogeneous, two kitchen, a craftsman, and further extended a doctor, monthly spending twenty silver salary. If you count the meals, soup, every month's spending is probably between thirty and fifty two, it is necessary to see the number of help.

This expenditure is not a decimal, and it will become a heavy burden for a long time, so Zhao Ran wants some ways. The first is the twelve people in the east side. His a small piece of small plaque on each of his houses, and the two rooms in the middle have written "Longgou Zheng's Hall" and "Triage of Three Pings. "" - Yes, he sold out the title of these two rooms. For this reason, Zheng and Feng's will donate two silver every month.

The other ten largest houses are looking for a big family talk, because Zhao Ran's identity is there, plus this is a good thing to spend a long time, and the current progress is smooth, it is estimated that all crown has no problem.

It is adjacent to the official road, there is still ten auxiliary greenhouses. Zhao Ran has already officially set up a brand. Welcome to the hawoller, but the new hawkers are not more than those of the original, and they want to pay, tentative rent. San money silver.

So, in addition to more than one hundred and two silver, it is actually only five to ten in the cost of each monthly subsidy in the relief station, and it is dead for twenty.

Zhao Ran requested the Supervisor Song Zhiyuan to name, and Song Zhiyuan took a "unprotive courtyard" name, Zhao Ran went to Kong County Zunqi, and Kong County respects the push after the push.

At the beginning of March, the plaque of "No Qi Qi Charity Hall" has finally hanged, and it has been aware of a rescue.

The whole March is Zhao Ran's big harvest season, the Relief Station of Yangma and Liu Zhuang has been steadily providing merits, Zhaoran's Guanyang's new rural sports is about to work, and with the opening of the charity hall, Gong Deli's cultivation has reached a very high level, with an average of more than 30 silk virtues in Zhao Ruran, and then transformed into mana.

Nowadays, Zhao Ruyi's "big mouse" has become more and more active, and it is getting hotter, but Zhao Ran has never known how to do it. His question is that I don't know how the acquaintances of the gathering place, such as Zhou Yuko, Yan Zhongze, Daxie and Xiao Zhuo Shi, can only be paid by passive. Of course, I really want to pull my face, Daxie and Xiao Zhuo uncle can still contact, someone in his hand returns to the tab of the long insects, just uses no emergency, he is afraid of himself The story of "Wolf is coming" is staged.

Fortunately, Xia Zhuo Shu once agreed to find a few refiners, he can still wait for the restraint.

After the two Zhuo Shi had forgotten him, he finally remembered him and sent a parcel from Huayun. I don't pick up the package, and the doors walk to Zhao Ran sent the parcel itself once again let the unpopular hospital have turned down.

Zhao Ran returned to his home house to open the package, can't help but mad. Inside the parcel is three books, the first presentation "system spectrum", the second book is "on the tanity", the third is "positive and one conviction". In addition to the three books, there is a letter to Xia Zhuo's uncle's book.

In the letter said that these three books are the practice of the master's special book when he first entered Huayun Hall, although it is the entry level, but the content is also profound. If you hold it, you can achieve good achievements. In addition, Xia Zhuo said that he has asked his master. This matter has been consent to the master, let Zhao Ran are relieved to practice. As for the test of Zhao Ran, Xiao Zhuo Shi, who can enter the library. The uncle is also concealed. This is more difficult, like him "is not exhausted", I want to find a master is not easy, of course, Xiao Zhuo The teacher also advised him not to discourage, say that he would try to help him with him, and strive to find a good master for him.

Zhao Ran sighed, from the line, it can be seen that the idea of ​​the attachment of the Pavilion is probably difficult. However, he is indeed sincerely grateful to Dao Zhuo and Xiao Zhuo, these two divident unfamiliar with your own help, at least without any selfishness, not to picture your own return. Is it more suitable for cultivation?

The end of the letter, Xiao Zhuo Shi briefed a sentence, saying that he and Zhuitangyun were afraid to travel a trip this month, looking for tongue vines, let Zhao Ran people cautious this day, there are two people It's hard to catch back in time. Uncle Xiao Zhuo also specifically indicated the shape of the tongue vine, and Zhao Ranwu may see it, do you know him.

Zhao Ran's heart moves, and quickly looked at the pneumatic finger, and found several tongue vines in that pile of medicinal materials. (My novel "Taoist Law" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there is 100% lottery gift to everyone! Now open WeChat, click on "+" "Add Friend", search The public number "Qdread" and pays attention, speed is tight!) (Untrained ..)


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