Taoist Law

Chapter 23 Road 23 things

PS: Thanks to EAGLE Week, thank you nickname being robbed, lonely monthly tickets encouragement. "Vertex novel,

To the big household, it is a helpless, if not there is no other way out, how can ordinary people like to borrow money? In fact, the people who borrow money, 90% are farmers who have a farmland, they are mortgage, and they will pay bonds to large households. Finally cannot repay, and the fields are large, they will become a farmer, or sell them directly. The servant of the big house. It can be said that usury is one of the important factors that cause this era land merger.

Is there any solution to this? The answer must be! This solution is the Qing Miao Cang established by the official government. The problem now is that when the natural disaster is still **, when farmers have difficulty to apply for the government to apply for a greenprint, it is always difficult to pay, or the amount of the amount is very small, can not solve the actual problem, or simply delay Slow, far from the thirst.

This is what Zhao Ran wants to do, see if there is something possible to solve the drawbacks of Qingmianship, do not ask for solving in Long'anfu, at least in Yueyang County, it can put this situation to eliminate this situation.

If you do this, it is definitely a good feed for tens of thousands of farmers in Yueyang County. Zhao Ran seems to have seen the good prospects of the intensive explosive growth in the home of the home!

Zhao Ran invited Li, please enter the charity hall, then he did not stop from the arms, the film, the table, the table in the public room, was full of white flowers, and saw Li's eyes. It's all straight - not only Zhao Ran has a question, but it seems that there is no doctrine, but it is so handsome, and Li's management has seen this, from this to Zhao Ruo Ruo Tian people.

It is said that such a hand, it is also a firm, who is firm, will continue to do the charity hall. Otherwise, it is really found that there is a suitable number of people with both cultural and ideals.

And Li and Li have negotiated after the establishment of a lot of details. Zhao Ran did not stop the horses.

Monitoring Heping Heping House to deal with official documents, since he gave a monk, he loved this simple elegant yard, it was easy to return, essentially rarely returned to the luxury manor purchased in the mountain. After seeing Zhao Rong, I cordially called Zhao Ran to come in: "How did Zhao's brother come? Sit first. Teacher, I deal with these two officials, let's say."

This survived House, Zhao Ran, as casually, as casually, no guest set, did not have a gift, and he has made a cup of tea, and he also went to the water, the tea cup, while drinking tea and watch Song Zhiyuan collection. Various baubles on the yellow pear frame.

When Song Zhiyuan will have a few documents in the case, he will hear Zhaoran in the past. Zhao Ran saw a smile that I couldn't help but I couldn't help but ask: "Decreasi-Japanese brothers are laughing? Is it very happy?"

Song Zhiyuan is on the back of the chair.

I shake my head while smiling: "Where is there a happy event, just just look at the state of interest."

"Oh? I would like to smell."

"There is also no big deal ..." Song Zhiyuan refers to a briefcase on the ignifier: "The county education is empty, and the seat is empty. Confucius Zun reported a parallelism, but it is Mature. "

When the county is teaching this non-inflow, the county is nominally recommended. If it is not added, the ethics general will generally approve the consent, then the teach will go horse. of course. Things about one county education, the most important part of them lies in. The general recommendation in the county must first report the court audit, and there is no opinion in the court to report to the province.

Acacians are familiar with people, Song Zhiyuan "can" can "not", this procedure is very simple, Zhao Ran is inexplicably. He didn't look at the smile.

So Song Zhiyuan explained: "This person is called Zhang Mengchun. I haven't I enter the door when I am young, I will enter the middle of the book. This Meng Chun is incomplete, and the brother, I don't want to do it, except for normal strokes and gods. Never dedicated to the property, this Meng Chun always blames me ... I heard that he has never been inch after it has been in the show, and I can't think about his news today. "

Oh, it turned out, Zhao Ran understood, no matter what Song Zhiyuan said, this year, the teacher was filled with a deep imprisonment in Song Yuan, and did not expect it today. The Song Agency has a smile and is never a funny "laugh", but a laughter "laugh". According to the reason, Song Zhiyuan is generally not easy to hang this kind of thing in his mouth, but the joy of his "big hatred" is really couldn't help but share it, or show off, and he with him. Zhaoran, which is quite a deep relationship is natural is the best audience.

Zhao Ran quickly made: "So, this Zhang Xiucai has a good time, I am afraid that it is difficult to be a teacher, Zhao's brother can't observe, do not care for the old feelings."

Song Zhiyuan is very satisfied, nodded: "In addition, when Zhang Mengchun, when Zhang Mengchun led, he was in the classics, and it seems to be unsuspective. Therefore, when I was rejected, I was discussed."

Confucian thinking is Daming's governance thoughts, of course, some of them is revised, Zhang Xiucai is not talking about Confucianism? But Song Zhiyuan said that, there is an unbearable charge, so this Zhang Xiu is ended. Danced because of decades ago, after decades, it took fruit, when it is a causal cycle, Tian Dao Cheng doesn't deceive it!

Two people used a few words to determine a lot of a lot of a lot, and then they didn't think about it.

"Zhao Shi, I have a document here, I have to go to deal with it." Said, Song Zhiyuan handed the official document to Zhaoran.

Zhao Ran opened, it was also from the county, but it was an application for handling. There is a big household named Zongwei, set up a dragonfly in their own estate, preaching three ancestors ancestors, saying that he will be born in the endless day, the universe world will be destroyed. This person is called himself under Lu Xianzi, and the world saves the world, the world is only believes in himself. The county has already got a practical news, ready to go to the search, please send the relevant personnel to host the cloud cloud.

Zhao Ran didn't help but a smile. This Very only didn't know how to make a fans, it was a self-changing road. This kind of case is returning to the handle, it is Zhao Ran's job. In the past three years, the five years will not meet together, I didn't expect myself to be a master, I met.

Song Zhiyuan said finished the official, and he was in charge of Zhao Ran, and asked: "Zhao Shi Di came here, what is it?"

Zhao Ran will take a good time in Pingwu County, saying that the charity chuck is said. Of course, the people who have been beaten after anger have not hidden. After the spend, Zhao Ran asked: "Monitoring the Governor, Pingwu County is a chance to take people, the brothers can have known the knowledge? Is there any public official in the Central Campus?"

Song Zhiyuan shook his head frowned, thinking after a while, asking: "Zhao Shi, who have you sin?"

Zhao Ran's face: "I want to go, it seems that only the Western Wuwu Palace is demon."

Song Zhiyuan comfort: "If he shot, there is a bit possible, but you are also afraid. I have been in touch, this Du Can will be a foreign household, do not understand the rules, in the Xizhenwu Palace, Zhang Taoist Hospital is against him It is also very unsatisfactory, he wants to work in the waves, the first of the Zhang Taoist Hospital does not agree. "

After listening to the comfort of Song Yuan, Zhao Ran is very wide, and then ask: "Mon the Monitoring House, what is the foot of Zhao Qixing?"

Song Zhi Yu said: "Don't you think he is suspicious? Will n't, this person is the resume of the helpless, it is uncomfortable." I thought about it, still shake his head: "I heard that he is abandoned in Xuan The orphans outside the Yuan Guan, have been adopted by a fireworks in the middle, and it has grown up in Xuanyuan. Later, because of the intelligence of the talents, the scriptures have been very good, and they have been given to the birth. Perhaps because of the reason I have always been self-defeating, very little to deal with outsiders, and there will be no conflicts with you. I think you still don't have a doubt. "

Ok, Zhao Ran is willing to think more. Then I just mentioned the things of the Qing Miao.

"Monitoring, the brother, the brother, I have a good gold, prepare for a thousand two, and have a poor people who have returned to help the debt ..." Zhao Ran's way to set up a good value in detail, asked: "Brother So ok? "

"Very good, the teacher is compassion, this is a good value."

"Brother, the teacher, I think, this is not a long-term law, um, I don't know how this Qing Miao warehouse, how is the details, is the brother?"

Song Zhiyuan, hesitated, "Some things, still don't be too serious." (Untrained continued ..) (this article is started)

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