Taoist Law

Chapter 24, Qingmia

PS: Thanks, hearing the reward of EAGLE Week. [Top [point [small [said,

Regarding the things of the Qingcian Cang, Song Zhiyuan persuaded Zhao Ran to pay attention, but Zhao Ran has his own ideas, he also estimates that this thing is afraid that it is not good, and has been prepared. However, he still wants to try to insert an interception. After all, if it is made, it is a big merit to tens of thousands of farmers in the county, and it will help too much.

Zhao Ran said that I don't know anything else. I just want to know the first end of the Qing Miao Cang. After all, these days are very poor people, because I can't borrow the Qingming money, I will turn the usual loan, the situation is quite awful.

Song Yuan said that the things involved in this are very complicated, and there are great illnesses. Of course, if you want to know, I can tell you.

About 50 years ago, that is, the last few years of the Emperor Constitution, Daming, the flood, earthquake, causing the people to be destroyed, displacement, fields, and unmanned cultivation. In order to restore production, Lushan summary and the emperor and the cabinet have reached an agreement, and the Qing Miao warehouse is established in the world, specializing in the purchase of blue seedlings, arbitraries, etc.

Such interest rates are extremely low. If the farmers are cultivated, they can be easily repaid after three years.

Qingcian Cang was set up by the Dao Tao Palace and Fujian, and there were half of the money, and the benefits of the income continued to lend, each county county, the county, the truth, the Taoishan and the Taoist supervision .

At the beginning of the establishment, Qingmian's emphasis has played an important role in restoring farming, and it has a large extent, which laid a foundation for the ZTE of Hongzhi. But like the past generations, any good governance will go to the future, and the original design is great, and now today's Jiajing years. The situation is even more unbearable.

For example, when a family went to the county to apply for lending to Qingmine, the Tuen Mun will apply to the government, and the Fujian is approved and will send the money to the county. There is no problem with this process, and there is not much time to consume. It is usually available in seven days.

Then, next, it is not the same. After the county got the money, they will be delayed in various excuses, and they have been delayed to this farmhouse, and they must have to go to a large household. When lending, farmers need to draw in two constraints - one of the borrowings is written by the money, then the big households take this profit from the four cents to go to the county, and the county is collecting farmers. Borrowing. Then, the green seedlings are then handed over to the big household.

When the borrowing period, the big households collected the farms and homes of the farmers, and then to the Tuen Miantian also put the green seedlings, and the four-pokes were added to the Qingcian Cang, and the amount of money returned to the door. After the county received the money, the procedures were complete in the field of the field. Dachouce, the land, the Tuen Mun received money. All happy.

The process is not complicated.

Song Zhiyuan said the complexity. In fact, it means that the benefit is very complicated. A large household is a piece, the county is a piece, and the yard is a piece, and the Fuji can also be divided into one. As for the court, Song Zhiyuan said hehehe, Zhao Ran nodded.

Zhao Ran sigh. Is this a green matter? The answer is negative, and the Qingming money actually became the Gao Le Lan Qianzhuang, which did the Doumen and the government's joint venture. The loan object is large, but also the land of Qingmian money and the land of the farmers. I want to be deep, Zhao Ranked. In fact, these large users don't need to borrow to government, and they need the legal process of land mergers, as well as let the government and the Dow's interests.

Zhao Ran asked Song Yuan, and the Tao Gate still lacking these money?

Song Zhao Yuli suddenly, then told Zhao Ran, this has become a common example, such as ... such as Zhao Zhaoran, the twenty silver of the twenty-two silver, is Yueyang County, is sending, um, this year You raised the master, this year, respect should be 50 or two. Now Zhao Ran doesn't turn fifty or two silver, but others can have no money, this silver should be very small.

Zhao Ran's head hurts, suddenly I remembered the kind of money I did, I couldn't help but sweat: "Mon the Monitoring House, but the Charity Hall of the teacher is good, will it be a crim panel?"

Song Zhiyuan smiled and said: "That is not. How many silver is filled in? You take it out that thousands of two fear is a glass of water salary ..."

Zhao Ran's heart, it is really not a drop in the bucket, at least all the credit transfer of all the high-profit loans of Yugang County is no problem. He has previously claimed that it is a thousand two. In fact, it will not be willing to be white. According to his actual intent, if this thing is more favorable, don't say a thousand two, and you will be willing to go. cast.

See Zhao Ran, a little support, Song Zhiyuan is surprised: "Zhao Shi, are you not ready to do it?"

Zhao Ran hardly tested: "Mon the Monitoring House, if you get the silver, for example, 10,000 or 20,000, will you do this, will you sin?"

Song was still staying, did not dare to ask: "Ten thousand two? Zhao Shi, where are you coming so many silver?" : "Is it a greatse of the library?"

Zhao Ran um, I am ambiguous: "I am a poor people, so there is such a plan, I want to borrow money with the friends of several halls to do this, not the place of the library. What is the dissatisfaction of the Qingcian Cang - they are busy all day, where there is a customary thing. "

Song Zhiyuan relieved: "It is also ..." Then, I am sighful: "The immortals in the brother and the landlord are really, such a large silver entrance ..."

"Brother, do you say that I can do this?"

"Zhao Shi, if you want someone to do something good, this is not a good way, but don't make bigger, you will help a few households every year, the passing your good deteral is. You If the good gold is bigger, the big households can't get the field, and the Tuen Mun also can't receive the money. I don't say that the government and big households will depend on your enemy, even the brothers of these people, I am afraid you. Not good to meet. "

"But ..." brothers, this land merged once a tide, farmers unobstructed, the world will be chaotic. "

"Teacher, don't say you, even the brother, no nephew, look at the people in Yueyang County, but look at the world, where is the world's big potential? There is a leisure, read more than a few channels, multi-education What is the world? Zhao Shi, brother, I don't take you as a outside person, this is hard to say these words, you must be cautious, one does not leave God, it is a bureau! "

Song Zhiyuan has been quite heavy, and it is true that Zhao Ran is a person, Zhao Ran also really felt his kindness. However, I think of the good fortune of the county farmers, and the merits don't know what to rise. Confused, he couldn't help but wanted to stick.

Carefully pondered a moment, Zhao Ran thought of a discounted approach. If he is still in accordance with the original way, it will make all the strengths of all the strength of Yugang County, not only do things, but I am afraid that they will have problems. In this case, then the enemy and friends are all open, and the resistance is minimized, maybe this difficulty will reduce some?

On the project of Qingmian money - aunt, it is called "Project", the vested interests have three parties, namely the Taoist, the official bureaucracy of the government, and the local Hao Dagu, the exploitation is self-cultivation. Zhao Ran wants to change this situation, inevitably touching the interests of some people, the current problem is, who uses people as a friend, use who as an enemy?

Zhao Ran is just a little thoughts, and there is an idea. The court is definitely can't be damaged, the government is not guilty, then there is only a big household.

In fact, it is seriously, the big household and government, the court has or deep or shallow correlation, it is impossible to distinguish it, but at least, on the level of the surface, it is different from the government and the court. Zhao Ran temporarily wanted to let the big household and self-cultivation of farmers, so I was very sorry, I could only sin.

When Song Zhiyuan asked Zhao Ran to do what to do, Zhao Ran's answer is that the big household is kicked out from this game (lasting.) (This article is started)

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