Taoist Law

Chapter 25, Kong County Respect

PS: Thanks to the darkness of angels and rewards. [Top [point [small [said, the poor "work hard, there is another chapter.

For Zhao Ran's answer, Song Zhiyuan thoughtfully thoughtful, then asked two questions. First, whether the interests obtained in the borrowing of the Qi Qi Huan and Yueyang County will be reduced? Second, the big household is supported by the government to govern the government, how to persuade Kong County to give up the big households and choose you Zhao Ran? Third, in the face of a very likely arrival, the big house is attacked, Zhao Ran, do you have a psychological preparation?

For the first question, Zhaoran decisively replied: never decrease! The answer to the second question is that there is no need for Kong County to give up the big households, it is needed, just ask Ji County to answer, let him also participate in it. And the third question, Zhao Rong said that he has this mental preparation, but in order not to let the farmer's displacement, he would rather carry such a risk.

See Zhao Ran to answer, I have to look, it is very thoughtful, Song Zhiyuan is very speechless. He didn't know what this consistent performance is very popular. What happened today, why do you want to do this kind of hard work? Well, strict, not to please, it is good to ask the farmers, can you ask them, is this brother is a big compassion? It can be found in the style of this brother, it is really like!

Finally, Song Zhiyuan looked at Zhaoran's face, decided to give limited support for this matter, the so-called limited support, in fact, it is not asking. Zhao Ran wants to do anything, as long as you can guarantee the annual respect of the courtyard, I will default your approach. In the dead of Zhao Ran, Song Zhiyuan is also given more things - a private letter written to Kong County Zun, this letter will be turned to Kong County respect, this is also Zhao Ran Guangmingzheng. The county is relying on.

Zhao Ran is now the character of the eight major delegator who is unprotive. Although this identity is still unable to sit flat with Kong County, but when you meet, there is already a sufficient weight, you have been preserved by Gong County.

Zhao Ranked the charity hall of Zhao Ran, was separated by the duty bun of Pingwu County. Early people reported that Kong County Zun, Kong County respect Zhao Ran came probably to say this, so it is also prepared. When Zhao Ran did this, Kong County respects a comfort. And told Zhao Ran, although Pingwu County was transferred to the relevant instrument, but he didn't expect that they dared to go to the Ease of House. He has given the new Dong County for Pingwu County. He is still honest, although there is no deficiencies in your own letter, but there is a reminder, I believe this kind of thing will not happen again in the future.

One county parents explained to Zhao Ran personally explained their appealing, and the gesture has been done enough, Zhao Ran is not a person who is not aware of. I would like to thank you. When he came to the owner, he finally opened his intention.

"Do you want to join the name of the Qing Miao money?" Kong County asked very puzzled.

"It is, this is the letter to the county to give the county." Zhao Ran took out the letter of Song Yuan,

Congratulations and respect the past.

Kong County is respected to finish reading, then closing his eyes, Zhao Ran knows that this matter is very large, so it is not urged. Reflections on the Temple to leave a sufficient time.

For a long time, Kong County has made the eyes: "Zhao Fang Lord. The Song Dynasty, the Officer has already understood that when you can do our best to do our best, it is, I don't know what Zhao Fanglo wants to interrupted to cycle. Can you tell me? "

Zhao Ran's real intentions are of course to cultivate a lot of effort, so that you can enter the Taoist situation soon. But this layer means that it is impossible to say it. On the way, Zhao Ran carefully considers how to answer this question, I want to go, or only to say things, of course. You can also pull a little bit of mind in your own practice. I hope that I will be more or less about it.

"I don't know if the county is to hear, the poor road has went to a white horse mountain last year, and it will give me the Taoistan Percuator Bone Dan, and participate in the Shengmen Altar of the Jade Emperor Pavilion."

Zhao Ran is still the old way, what is going on, I will give yourself a tiger skin coat. Sure enough, Kong County made a few keywords of "Yu Huangge", "Dow Door Holy Perculess Bone", "Yuan Dynasty", which is still attracted to the eyes.

"Oh? Do you have this matter? This official is the business of the business, but I have never heard. It turned out that Zhao Fang Lord can get the brothers of the immortals of the house. When it is a good opportunity! The official heard that it was a bone Dan. With the qualifications and root bones, you can learn the fairy thing that day in the sky ... "

Zhao Ru said: "The harmony of the poor" is far away, I don't know if the county is familiar. Yu Dynasty and the poor road, I have participated in the upgrade door altar with the poor road. He is extremely thick, and it is already a root bone. Under the Yuanlian Refinetor. "

Kong County is "ah", full face, full face: "Yu Zi people have entered the fairy road? No wonder, the thoughts, actually have not seen it in recent years ... I don't know how Zhao Fang is?"

Zhao Ran shook his head: "The poor road did not have to be rooted, Yuan Dynasty refineries were in words, and they said that the roots can be positive, and there is also the opportunity to appear. Since this year, the poor road seems to be feeling. I only feel faintly in the practice of the practice, and after the Huayun Hall of Hua Yunxuan, the second teacher of Zhuo Tengyi, the second division of the second division is giving down Xuan! "

"Huayun Pavilion", "Duan Walk", "Two Teachers", "Miss Xuan", etc., the key words, etc., again to capture Militan, the county, and the county will be awe-inspiring, and Zhao Ran Gong : "Congratulations to Zhao Fang to enter the fairy!"

Zhao Ran smile: "Thank you counting the county. However, the poverty is extremely gravitious, there have been high people's guidance, the words poor and poor road must do more good things, more intensive, otherwise the bottleneck will appear."

Kongxian is out: "It turns out that, since the age of this year, he often listens to the Wen Fang Lord to repair the people in the county. Take care of poor farmers. It is actually related to the main practice. It is also the case. Square is a wrapping heart, this The official will retrieve the book, and the Qingshen must not be frustrated. "

Zhao Renji: "Thank you counting. Square, it is said that you want to intervene in the Qing Miao. In fact, it is also for this. The Qing Miao Qian has become a prostitute, which is entangled. The poor road does not say, the county is also clear. The people often break people, they are insecting, if this is often, the fields have arrived in the hands of the big households, and the people have not far plowing. It must be very disaster. It is not to bear this, so I want to interlee them. The power of thin, also looks at the county. "(Untrafter continued.) (This article is started)

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