Taoist Law

Chapter 26,

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Perhaps because Zhao Ran's Tiger Town, the Town of the Town of Kong County, the old parents in Yugang County have unexpectedly attracted Zhao Ran, this kind of attache: "Zhao Fang Lord compassionate, this official is very considerate. Square is different, this green seedlings are now, and it is really a prostitute. "

Zhao Ran, he really didn't expect that Kong County will clearly show his attitude, still hesitating, if the county is really true, the other party directly opens the words, the scorpion classes you: "Zhao Fang Lord is the official The vocaliable words are attached, since the official is serviced to Yugang County, the termination of the far-payment is quotable, and the power of the hair is not seen, and what is the truth? The county fish score is increasingly reduced, Dianda is also inconvenient. Three years ago, the county tax field was a total of 175,500 mu, and he was reducing to 175,300 mu. This year is 173,200 mu, each year. Reduce thousands of acres; Niber also decreased from 30,000 to 36,000. Where did these fields and people go? None exceptions have become the fields and After many years, Yugang County will no longer be tax farmland, but Ding! "

Zhao Ran listened to these shocking numbers, and he also felt the scalp. Kong County made it seemed to find a contraction of the object, but also endlessly spit: "Zhao Fang Lord, Mo Zi is the benefit of this official, so he will continue to be a tiger. The official is not afraid to tell the truth, can you have a few silver? Is it possible to take a wok? This official is in either party, not mentioning the blessings, at least a year, not? Qian Fulin and Gatron are the priority of the court. This official is rather not these silver, and it is also hoped to be worried. This year is less than fifty ... "

Zhao Ran looked at the white hair of his head, secretly did not joke your old man?

"Therefore, this is also looking forward to the way to further, so it is often worried about this. I only don't know what Zhao Fang is a good party for the pricking of Qingcian Qian Qian. This official thinks, is Zhao Fanglo?"

Zhao Ran's thoughts, and the knowledge of Kong County is the big truth. Daming local officials must not serve in the country, and they must not buy landfare in the job. Kong county will become another Hideter in the future. However, during the priority of the Tugang County, the most important thing for him is inevitably the court assessment. It is necessary to score the gradually reduced fields and Dingou worried.

Since the position is standing with the Kong County, Zhao Ran feels more easily.

"Do not do the county, the poor channel is slightly wealthy, willing to use this, involve the borrowing of Qingmia Miao. The way the poor road is to put the money to the poor people who need to borrow, Li Yakuo. For two points. "

Zhao Ran intended to be two points in the Qing Miaoang, and this number could not reach the money level of the luxurious loan, but it is basically approaching. If you borrow, how much is it, how much is the number,

It is enough to supplement the benefits of the official government and the court in Qingling.

The official payment of Qingmian money is four cents. This profit is really too low, and Zhao Ran will mention eight cents. It is also within the scope of the people, thereby also alleviating the burden on your own interest. Making his subsidy to the Qing Miao warehouse is dropped from one minute six centimeters to one minute two cents.

Zhao Ran's eight cute money can basically form a rolling potential. The high-lending market of Haoji, will suffer serious impact - unless they cut the price, and once the price is cut, Zhao Ran does not mind the people to borrow bond. Money, this is also his merit.

Kong County makes a moment of mind, and counts a number. Frown: "Somet, Zhao Fang Lord is afraid that you need to take out two thousand silver for a year, this ... Zhao Fang is a thoughts."

Zhao Rong said: "The county is clear, it is true. However, there is an idea of ​​the poor road, please ask the county to agree."

"Zhao Fang is please say."

"The poor road intended to contract the land of the west of the county, the land of the city ..."

"Contracting? What is the contract?"

"Hey ... that is, it is the meaning of the package. The poor Taoism urged the county to hand over the land to the poor road. It is proven by the toll road."

"Zhao Fang Lord is intended to organize manpower to Tian Tian? But there is a wasteland there, and there is no manpower in the county."

"The county must not worry, the poor road is self-equipped. The poor road intersects in the first three years. In the first three years, I also invited the county to protect the field tax. I hope that each acre of the food will be boused, and each acre will be killed. "

Kong County is not very good, it seems to be a little reluctant. Zhao Ran's eyes closed the opponent's face, secretly wondering in the heart, etc. It is equivalent to adding the number of taxints in Yueyang County. He learned about the wasteland of the military, there are about 10,000 mu, this is equal to the direct increase of Kong County The political achievement, according to reason, Kong County should be happy, how do you?

Skelled, Zhao Renxuan suddenly, even busy changed: "County Zun, or change a magazine, three years, each acre of each acre, two years later, 10 years later, 10 years later What is the fight, county? "This is a typical" three "original interest, the total number of food is actually not going, but the Kong County order is satisfied, nod to the consent.

This happens, no one, Kong County respects. Kong County is still two years old, and when it is the assessment of the Ministry, Zhao Ran said that the first three years of tax payment, and the new ATA is a great discount. After Zhao Ran slightly changed the taxation, the political achievements of Kong County respect will be more beautiful. Before two years - he is probably touched, there is no idle manager. And as long as Kong County has signed this "contracting agreement", the latter is unable to change.

As for Zhao Ran, because he played the role of 'general contractor', it didn't care about the first food or hometown, as long as he took out the money to advance the preliminary pad.

Every progress is very good, Zhao Ran and Kong County have a very much, almost agreed with all the details. The reason why it is almost because Kong County has a request. He hopes that it is best to be a document in Xi Zhenwu Palace, allowing the unprotted court to participate in the lending of Qingming.

Kong County is really a very straightforward person. He will Zhao Ran, Zhao Ran in the Qing Miao money, will greatly have a big criminal, and the big households in the house, the province, even in the middle, I am afraid There is a small energy, in case of these big households (this is inevitable), his little county is afraid to afford.

Relationship, Zhao Ran is appreciated to this. Then left the county, he was going to do it, just to find a way to get the official document in Xizhenwu.

Zhao Ran went to a charity hall, let Li's management suspended the issuance of good gold, and then rushed back to the mountains. Just a mountain, Zhao Ran received the official document of the custom house, requiring Zhao Ran to handle the decent Only a private way of hell and unauthorized tampering.

Ok, don't know if you will get your strength? Zhao Ran himself can't say it, but the consciousness feels that it should be able to get a lot, and the cult of evuls people will be eradicated, and it is not a big merit. ? Zhao Ran is still very interested in this.

Holding the official documents issued by the court, Zhao Ran did ten square temple inspections, and the remaining ten inspections were handed over to Jiang Zhiheng management, and he guaranteed the safety of the nephew, and he went down the mountain.

Jiang Zhiheng looked at Zhao Ran, who went to go to the mountain, did not help but sigh, he finally understood the bitter fruit of the boss to fight. The words said that this only is a famous Haoyu, this case is a hundred years of difficult encounter, also I don't know how much oil water is affected, Jiang Zhiheng is still looking forward to Zhao Ranneng to bring him, but everything is expecting to become a flowing water, and you can only guard the mountain since then.

Zhao Ran did not care about Jiang Zhiheng. He did not have experience in such cases. Of course, I don't know how many people will make a big fortune, but according to his cognition, someone will inevitably have a left behind, and Since the matter is related to his practice, then it is embarrassed, and if left behind, it can only be Jiang Zhihua.

Zhao Ran's handheld the court, with the second and other ten inspections, it will combine the dozens of catching and archers from Jinxian County, the county, and the hundreds of junior, and the hundreds of Jinsheng. Driving more than a dozen cars, full of knife sticks and arrows, vastness to Zongjiazhuang. (Understanding ..) (this article is started)

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