Taoist Law

Chapter 31, see Zhang Yunzhao

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Zhang Yunzhao is the only "cloud" word of Longanfu Xiwu Palace. The teacher of the "Teng" character of the "Teng", the teacher of the "Teng", the teacher of the Taoist Taoism, is the uncle Zu. With such a generation, he is very stable in the court, not only stable, but also says that it is not two.

Zhang Yunzhao was born in Xinning County, Zhangzhou, and his family is a large local household, but it is not high, and it is not a surprising place to enter the Xinning County Ziyangyuan. If it is not because of the Yashan Guan, perhaps he arrived today, it is just a general Taoist of Ziyangyuan, and even now Zhao Ran is better, it is more likely to sit on the Taishi Chair of Yellow Pear. The eyes are worth Zhao Ran.

Thirty-year ago, the Doumen had a battle in Yashan, Yashan, Zhangzhou, and the Taoism is working and full-age education, and it has dispatched more than ten top monks to set up the volley. It will open the Tubo National Teacher Lu Xi. The meaning of the living Buddha is to fight the dust, and it has achieved a gifted greatness that the road has never had before.

At that time, Zhang Yunzhao and brothers who were still thirty-year-old, braved the odds, and the palm of the Tubo Zapping, the palm of the Pearl Bell, the princess of the Pearl Bell, which is the direct incentive of the national teacher. To this end, Ziyangyuan's "Cloud", the brothers of the "cloud", the brothers of the Taoist Mountain, Zhang Yunzhao is ∠ ∠, W︾WW. One of them, the brothers of his teachers are now high. Almost controlled the Junyun River of Xuanyuan Guanyuan, the Ten-Ten Jungle, Sichuan Province, Sichuan Province, is Zhang Yunzhao's brother.

Zhang Yunzhao face is thin, and it has just been just straight, since it opened the rising way, showing a very good side. Doing things from afraid of fear, very much at the time of Xuanyuan. He has served as the main, tour, supervision hall, Shangyi Cruise, high-spirited, and Longanfu Xizhenwu Palace, high-tech, high-spirited, and Longanfu Xi Zhenwu Palace, and 12 years ago.

In the face of such a strong person, the traveler is very pressure. He lowered his head, Zhang Yunzhao asked, he replied, did not dare to pass over.

"I heard that when Du Fang was going to the hospital last year, I won the charity of the Monitor, and I asked, 'who had an objection.' I didn't dare to be, I said, 'I have an objection.' Is it?"

"After returning to the hospital, it is the young and unrequited things, cutting the face of Du Hu Shi, and remembered it, still can't help us."

"Oh, don't be nervous, I don't blame you. You just have a thoughtful boy? How can there be a courage to refute my Xi Zhenwu Palace?"

"Nursing Academy, according to the rules of the door. If you don't recommend it, how can you pay attention to the party of the first hospital? Understand the capital of the tour, the tour, how can I inside the Supervision Hospital? I have no accusation Du Hu Shilu abuses private meaning, the fact that the fact is the rules, how big is the important concern of the Dao door,

Can you use it without a rule? The small road really can't understand, so this can't help but ask, at the time or to make Du Fangbu. It is not intentionally, and it is also expected that Haihan in the city. "

Zhang Yunzhao smiled nodded, to Jiang Gaoquan: "Zhao Ziran said that the rule is the rule, can you change free? Du Hu Shi is not properly. But our Taoist talents are prosperous, so there is always a way to say Wrong, this is the blessing of Sichuan Province. "

Jiang Gao was laughing: "The Supervision said that Zhao Ziran didn't be a small family, and he read the classics. It would be the meaning of this big meaning. It is also the image of our Taoism. Lai Lai Zhang Taoist is the leader of Longanfu, so there is Zhao Ziran. "

Zhang Yunzhao pointed at Jiang Gao Song and smiled, and shook his head: "You, Zhao Ziran can distinguish it is right and wrong, indicating that you have to teach well in the unprotive hospital, what is the relationship with me." He turned to ask Zhao Ran: "Are you a square now? It's really a few years, it will be unlimited in the future. Do it, so talent, naturally it will not be buried. "

In this sentence, there is already a need to cultivate, of course, everything depends on whether Zhao Ran can reach the "good" requirements of Zhang Jianyuan, if Zhao Ran has not "good", naturally can not cultivate I can't blame Zhang Yun Zhao.

Zhao Ran did not expect that he was a huge pressure on Du Hu Shizhang last year, and he was forced to force the head. It can always affect it. It can not help but sigh. It is really because of today's fruit, I know so, I still have to find what kind of scene ? Direct registration number is not better?

Assembly chat, Zhao Ran saw Zhang Yun Zhaoxing seems good, so I took the opportunity to tell this trip. And Zhang Yunzhao's level of Taoist high-level, it is certainly not to be detailed, so I only picked a few more, and one is to indicate that I can't bear my own poor farmers who lose the land, I have explained that I intend to get involved in the borrowing of Qingming, Do our best to help farmers, the third is that there are no priests and Yueyang County, and now I only lack there is a brief in the Xiwu Palace. I hope that Zhang Yunzhao will give himself a door, Yusheng.

When I finished, Zhang Yunzhao did not express the state, the face did not move, couldn't see a mood, Jiang Gao's slightly frowned, looked at Zhao Ran's eyes and worried.

For a long time, Zhang Yunzhao finally opened, said: "Today is not early, Zhao Liangran, go, Well, when is it? What is it? What is it?"

Zhao Ran replied: "The Nursing House, the small road came yesterday, and the city south Wangfu Inn."

Zhang Yunzhao nodded, took the tea, to Jiang Gaoquan: "You sent a generation to send Zhao Ziran."

Zhao Ran was sent out by Jiang Gao, and he was hitting the door of the door. Sun Tengmo. Sun Tengmo suddenly saw Zhao Ran and Jiang Gaoquan together, and it was a boring. Zhao Ranzi smiled nodded, Sun Tengmo smiled, I didn't know what to say, Zhao Ran has been with him, and it is outside.

Jiang Gaozong asked: "Zhao Shi is good, and the four squares are the same, and Sun Gate is also familiar."

Zhao Ran laughed: "It is also just known ..." I suddenly made a good question: "How many gratings are the customs of Jiang Shi, Xi Zhenwu Gongmen?"

"Less three, five money, more one, two, what happened?"

"Oh? What is the Sun Gate? If you look back, you will also hope that the Jiang Shi brothers will take a line. The brother wants to pay attention to Sun Gate, apologize to him."

"Apologize to him? You have to sin him? What is it? If you have no big events, the brother, I will say it for you. If you want Sun Gate, you will sell my face."

"Then, I would like to thank the brothers, just a brother, I don't know where to sin Sun Gate, so I will ask the brother to ask one or two, otherwise the teacher, I am afraid that it is difficult to sleep tonight."

Jiang Gao Gong said: "What is it?"

Zhao Ran is sad: "I don't know, I just gave Sun Gate's five or two gifts, but it seems that Sun Gate is very unhappy. I said that I want to meet the brothers, he told me that you are not Later, I also found a living in Gu Tang, but I didn't have a white run. I thought it was a little greeted. I heard the brothers, I said, I am actually a lot, Therefore, this is more confused. Please ask the brother to resolve it, otherwise I want to come back to the brothers, I am not easy. "

Leave a 50-two silver ticket for Jiang Gao, saying that it is not easy to live in the city, let him not wrote himself. Zhao Ran will leave the Wonderful Jiang Gao. After returning to the pub, he didn't dare to leave. Although the Zhang Taoist Hospital did not express, Zhao Ran knows that the high-level big people in this Taoist do certainly need time to consider the requirements of themselves.

Zhao Ran is actually only a paper, but he doesn't want to complicate things, so there is no way to take things, especially the move will seriously damage the interests of Haoji, most of the language is unknown, only hope Don't think too deep in the Zhang Taoist Institute. However, from the last moment of the Zhang Jianyuan, perhaps people have seen some clues.

As for the Zhang Taoist Institute, will not support themselves, or have a closed eye, even simply oppose it, Zhao Ran is not allowed to eat. In any case, he knew that the Zhang Jun Hospital will definitely arrange again after the maturity, otherwise he will not ask his residence.

Sure enough, the next morning, someone came to the inn to find Zhao Ziran, this person is just the fireworks in the guests yesterday, he respectfully respects Zhao Rong: "I have seen Zhao Fanglo, it is Jiang Gao Gong to make a small person, say yes, please Square, the master entered the Xizhenwu Palace. "


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