Taoist Law

Chapter 32, then see Zhang Yunzhao

PS: Thank you for your rewards, thank you, and encouragement. These two days are ill, it is difficult to complete this chapter, pain.

Zhao Ran saw that Jiang Gao Gong's conversation was Yesterday's fireworks, so I smiled: "Thank you, I am in a hurry, I have never been able to ask, I don't know how to call?"

That fireworks were once again sized: "Zhao Fang is polite, the little man is surnamed Lin, named" "

Don't look at the fireworks, there is no position in the door, but Zhao Ran did not dare to despise, the little person has a small person's power, at some time, you can give you an infinite trouble, but you can achieve your good things. For example, in front of this fireworks, he is not because of him, Zhao Ran may easily see Jiang Gao success, just hit the inscription of Zhang Jun Institute. Although Zhao Ran also spent ten silver, this money is really true!

All the way went to the original Long'anfu, which is being occupied by Ximuwu Palace, asked Zhao Ran: "Are you a guest?"

"Yes. Small people have five years in the guests."

"When will I enter the door?"

"Jiajing six years, has been nine years."

"So, how is it for ten years? What is going on after leaving the door?" The incense in the middle of the year will be a living in the world, so I asked this question.

"Yes, there is still a year in the past. Small people have a restaurant in this city, and the old man makes the small people to go to the restaurant after the small man is going to the restaurant."

"What do you mean? Do you want to do this?"

"Small people mean, in fact, it is willing to do this wine, but there is also a long brother in the family ..." Lin Double-text reminded.

Zhao Ran understands, and every family has a difficult experience, not to mention the industry in the family. This will be in succession, Lin Shuangwen is afraid that it is difficult to get any benefits, and see him talking, and even may be enemy of his brother. After all, a person who has worked for ten years in the Taoizhi is definitely qualified to be taboo.

Zhao Ran is just a chat with him, and the top more is ready to reward a twelve silver meaning. To show your gratitude to yesterday, I changed my thoughts, perhaps, I have recently been diligent in diligent merits, I always habitually want to help others. The so-called teachings are not as good as fish, simply point to the way out, just see if he can't catch it.

"If you can't do it here, you can try to come to Yugang County to find me.

Lin Shuangwen said: "Thank you Zhao Fang Lord!"

Here, the conversation between the two is more close, and Zhao Ran took the opportunity to ask Sunteng's roots. And the reason why Yesterday is bad at home.

Lin Double Wen knows: "Sun Gate has been forty-six years old. When the small person entered the Xiwu Palace nine years, he is a guest door. Zhao Fang is known to this year, it is basically difficult to Inspiration. According to the villain, Sun Gate seems to be in the fifty, so the few years have saved the home after the resignation. Little people heard that someone in Jiangxi is in Jiangxi. Official. It seems that the official position is not high, can't give him too much boost. Otherwise, so many years, I will get to the guests. I will not be blended at the time of the manner. Zhao Fang is the five-two silver grooms you just said, This money is a lot, when we treat guests, there is a thing of the pass. Generally, the three-five money silver, there is one or two two ... In short, if it is a small person, I have come up with the bar. Even Sun Gate, at least when it is smile, it is. Small people really don't understand why he is this. Hey, wait for a small person to think about Zhao, do you know our aquarium? "

"Zhuang Hou?" Zhao Ran thought about it, did not think of it.

"The farmhouse and my family Sun Gate have a good time. When you come in. Yesterday, the Zhuang Room was gossiping in our guests. I heard that you were here, I took Sun Gate to go out for a while, and then Sun Gate said. You came out, and it was half a day in the hospital with the area of ​​the house ... "

Zhao Ran thought, suddenly remembered, asked: "Is there a pro-room with a pro?"

"This is not known." Lin Double Wen shook his head.

In fact, there is no need to say anything, Zhao Ran has already felt that the cold encountered yesterday, it is very likely that there is a row, and I don't know what to say, in short, I am not good. I don't want to think that it is very competitive, but I have been in the case, but I have been there for three years because of my own, it has been three years. It is still a Pu Tongchong. , The housing head does not hate itself is not normal.

Zhao Ran and Lin Shuangwen Dong La Si Zi, let him know the effective information of many Xizhenwu Palace, I feel very harvest, but I also play a bit of a few more preparations for the news of the news to my own, even Beginning, if Lin Shuangwen really went to Yanyu County to find yourself after leaving Xi Zhenwu Palace, how should he deal with it?

Lin Shuangwen's pressure roots did not expect that there were more things that they revealed. Zhao Fanglo had a embankment against himself, and still answered Zhaoran, which was still a five-year-old question, and many of them were vanwak and subjective speculation. However, Zhao Ran didn't care, he mainly wanted to combine the power architecture of Xizhenwu Palace so that he can master the opportunity early.

Zhao Ran asked him about the Zhang Jianyuan and Jiang Gao Gong, there was any other expression or the speech came out, Lin Shuanghua didn't know, Zhao Ran did not force.

I came to the door again, Zhao Ran feels "kindness", waiting here, I have been waiting for a fragrant time, I have never seen Sun Tengmo, but another door, who is surname Li, is very enthusiastic.

After learning about Zhao Ran arrived, Jiang Gao's person came to the door, and he would lead Zhao Ran to bring Zhao Ran all the way. Around the orthodox and di, pass through a garden, Jiang Gao came to a moon hole door, let him go in and supreme.

On the road, Jiang Gao Gong fully exerted the internal advantages, revealed Zhao Ran, and today, in addition to the Zhang Taoist Institute, there is a set of places to listen to Zhaoran's specific programs. Jiang Gao success reminds Zhao Ran, Jingdu, is a big power of the Xizhenwu Palace, and is also a recognized Zhang Jun Institute to take off work, let Zhao Ruen Ji, talk to be cautious.

After the introduction of Zhao Ran into the temporary supervision hall of Zhang Yunzhao, Jiang Gao was turned around, which made Zhao Ruen to wake up, guess the Zhang Cumerion Hospital and what he talks, I am afraid that it is necessary to involve key situations, so I have a twelve thousand points.

The Zhang Jun Institute is sitting in the middle, and the scenery is sitting on his left hand side. Zhang Jianyuan reached out to Zhao Ran: "Sit."

Zhao Ranji first, after the end of the body, the body side and the inspect, ready to answer questions, at the same time, the eyes of the eyes and the scenery, seeing this rumor, the Temporant Temple, the most promising Taoist Taoist Taoist, appearance Pu Tutong, but a pair of eyes are very beautiful.

When Zhao Ran got the scene, the scenery was also worth Zhao Ran, and it was quite a bit flavor in his eyes. He said in the heart: It turned out that Zhao Zhao, who is far away, is it? I don't know what is the relationship between the women and monks who have the surname of Huayun Hall. Why is it in recent years? Still, they have a new way of booking? I suddenly remembered, Yesterday, Sun Tengmo said that there was an acquaintance, could it be this person?

It is orthogon that Zhao Ran's scenery is still unknown Zhang Yun Zhao to call him here, but he has always been Zhang Yunzhao's heart, Zhang Yunzhao will often let him first, and he has been used to it.

Just listening to Zhang Yunzhao, Zhang Yunzhao said: "I will cause the Sangtang of the Accelic Academy. Zhao Zhaoran, that is, the people who have some objections'. He said young, but I also know himself, I am very optimistic. "

Zhao Ranzhen, I didn't dare, the scenery said that it is very hot, and it must be communicated with Zhao Ran.

Zhang Yunzhao said again: "Today's things, in this point here, you will understand it here, it is not possible to spread it."

Zhao Ran and Jing Zhao Zhaoqi also pade him "Yes".

Zhang Yunzhao nodded, to the scenery: "Yesterday, Zhao Ziran came to the meeting Jiang Gao Gong, it was in the scene, listened to Zhao Ziran's intention. After going back, the thought, quite a few suspects need Zhao Qiranuo to explain, so this is called He came over. "

To the scenery, it explained two sentences, entered the topic, to Zhao Rong: "What you said, I have a question to ask you."

Zhao Ranxi, there is a problem than no problem, Zhang Yunzhao is careful, it seems that he is not white to run in the city. (Untransferous.)


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