Taoist Law

Chapter 38 Jin Ji Mi

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PS: Thanks, EAGLE Zhou, Countryside Soil, Ashara Rensory, Thanks, Standard Ticket 123 Moon Should Encourage. Today, there are too many things, the number of words is less, and it is striving for tomorrow.

Three days, Jin Ji Mikou's rice price dropped from everything in the 95th article, and then dropped to 90th, then the eighty-five texts, eighty texts, seventy-five texts, an average of a month Tune once, compared with the rice price of other foods in the county, there is a short foot of four or fiftyth. With the gradual decision of rice, the sales of Jin Ji Mikou is gradually decreasing. After three days, the onlookers still have three layers outside the three-storey, but there is no one to buy rice!

This strange situation has been maintained until the sixth day, the rice price of Jin Ji Mikou has dropped to 50th, I don't know where to come out, I'm going to settle up to the counter, I am shouting. .

When I look at the golden hand, I quickly came out of the back, the big channel: "All the team, one."

This is a stunned team, and the first one will drop a spindle, call: "Five or two silver sons, I will be prepared for the young master, Xiaoye immediately moved!"

The handwood cabinet looks at the silver, the face is slightly colorful, and the heart is translucent, this is the big family to find out. According to the current rice price, the five-two silver can be almost buy eighty bucket meters. If a person is still going to buy, but this is a bought, if it is a buyer, in the Cangchang, It can also support it twice, three times, five times, seven times, eight times can not hold.

In the face of so many people, the golden handcuffs can't sell, so I said that I will know the second, one side and the sprinkle.

"This little brother. You have to buy rice in five or two silver?"

"Of course, the silver is bright, will there be fake?"

"Five-two silver, can you determine?"

"Where to talk nonsense, I will move my rice with Xiaoye!"

"Little brother. It is better to sell you ten, if you have to eat, can you come again?"

"Hey? What do you want to sell?" The splash is immediately turned back and then rushing. My real gold is white. With anything you don't sell to me? Don't you see me? "

A bunch of sputum was shout: "You don't know how to do this, do your business, how to don't sell it!"


I can't afford to see how my brother, when I'm really beaten! "

"A fire is burning this rice. See how you open the store!"

What's more, the people who rushing around are: "This rice is a deceptive, and there is no rice to sell, and the folks must be so fast. Otherwise, my brother is bought, you will not be a pot!"

Some people are ignited, and the people who are watching, some people can't stand it. They have come together, and the scene is one of them.

The handwood is finally confirmed, and this is full of skin. And I will see that the silver two of them will know, it must be that the big households come. So the high channel: "I opened a ten year in Yanyu County. I have always been a font size. Where is the truth? This little brother is going to buy eighty fights, Jin Sou is afraid that he spent him. Want money, specially reminded. You are not mistaken. Since this little brother insisted on buying, then Jin Ji Miwang will certainly not refuse! People. Go to the warehouse moving rice! "

The guys were urgently moved out of the granary in the golden shopkeeper. The full stack is in the door of the shop, and it will be a few layers.

There is no concept between the sputum, the number of foods, the number of food is completely free, ready to see so many rice bags, and suddenly dumb. This round of the way to the treasurer, urged: "This little brother, faster you bought the rice, don't blocked before my store, I affected the latter business afraid."

A splash-made a few words, buy rice, I suddenly awake, call: "Your mother is a profiteer, when Laozi is bullied, Laozihuahua, you have to send it back, how can I have to personally Hand? "

The handwood cabinet laughed: "It is good, I will let the guy will send it back, but the bacultys behind you will wait more, I am not enough to send this little brother to go back to sell. "

This helping the splash is not allowed, and immediately seven in front of the shop. However, no matter how embarrassing, the golden handset is no longer anxious, because the heavy rice bag is piled at the door, all of which are watching the people in the eyes, and many people who will queue up, I hesitate to turn back, intend to wait - Day knows that this rice will still fall again in the afternoon?

Just when I was shouting, I had a person who came to the store, and I rushed back from the store. After watching, I closed the Dart, and I had a hand, and a few wades were squeezed. In the crowd, I started yelling at the previously prepared words.

"Is this not a son of Zhang Wangcun Zhang's family? Zhang Jia is a large household in the head of my Yugang County, never lacks food, how can he come over to buy rice?"

"The black face is the gate of the city of the city, and the monk stone in the Longjia Cang, how can I buy rice?"

"The fat man is Zhou Shuo, Zhou's housing, last year injured several people in the county, be careful, Mo I ate his fist!"

"The thin and high is the family of Jiao. It has already broken a few good people's chastity. If you have a girl, you will make him see it, and you will hide it!"

Several unveiled words, some people summarize: "How is it all the people of the big house? This is a big household does not sell rice, it is also coming to grab the rice, this is to starve to die, the people! Villagers , I can't let them bully, drive them away! "

This is not allowed, and the people have a complaint about these luxurious big houses. They immediately have been challenged, and they have bombed the lungs. When someone took the lead, they immediately followed it. Those who splashled and descended, the rice is not good, and the rice is not yet, running with his head, running in the sound of the people.

Guan Yi saw the situation, returned to the shop, see the golden office: "Lao Jin, you will continue to take the town, let's drink tea, there is something wrong."

The golden handcuffs: "Zhao Fang is really a god, the big family can't calm down. The crowd general is also very powerful. When you blink, you will recognize these people ..."

Guan Ji smiled: "What is the dog, I recognize it?

Just talking about laughing, Lu Jin wiped the beads of the brain, and I greeted the two, I greeted the golden hand: "Lao Jin, the second batch of food, two thousand stone, now adjust the Jiang oil Of the grain, it will be transported in the morning! "

The trekkeeper is His: "Finally, Jin Mou has been tricking these days, and now it is necessary to have gas. So, can you continue to cut prices?"

Lu Jin took the head: "Zhao Fang is commanded, the day after the morning, the price is pulled back to 30!" (Untrained)


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