Taoist Law

Which Wangfa, who made in Chapter 39?

The rising sun rose, the sky is seen, the Southern Southern Dragonfly is outside, and the big flag will open a team of people. This team is nearly 100, there are 20 patrols of the Doumen's unprotive court, there are more than 70 people in the Tuen Mun, more than 70 people, each of the soldiers, whistle, iron, iron chain and bow, etc., the end is murderous Ling people. Bringing team is Zhao Ranran, an unpolated hospital, and his old partner Jinxian. Until the team blocked the gate of the manor, everything was stopped, the manor was shocked. An old tube home opened a door, and the surprise was unexpected, and finally recognized Jin County in the team. I asked: "Golden adults, don't you know what precautions? My heart has just begun, I am going to welcome it in the future, I still hope that Jin Dynasty Haihan." Jinshen Yuhe snorted, from the arms, I took out the instrument, to the housekeeper Exhibition, Lang said: "There is no great housing and the Yueyang County Jianyin, which is checked, the pro-servant, the upper and lower people, etc., the housekeeper is shocked:" What is it from? Speak? What did I am a Dragon? Wang Fa, Golden People will speak clearly! "Jinxian :" Want to know what king? One article tells you when he is waiting to pass the hall! "Drink behind him behind himself:" Give me a nunger! "The three classes broke the babble, and suddenly poured into the manor, and several of them were out of hand, and the housekeeper and several nurses were tied, and they were blocked directly on the wall. Jinxian Yuanti Zhao Ran said: "Zhao Fang Lord, please!" Zhao Ran ranked his hand: "Jinxian, you first invite." The two shoulder and shoulder the mount, and rushed into Longjiazhuang. The flower hall is the head of each other. Just listening to the manor gradually bustle. Drink, hit the door, cry, irritation, mixed with the chicken, rang into a piece. Dragon Jiazhuang and Zongjiazhuang are different, there is no courage to fight the court and the government, and no one dares to escape, but the moment is engraved. Dozens of Long's pro-team and servant have been bundled in the front of the palace. There is a long-awaited call: "I want to see Jin County! I want to be the theory of Jinxian! Where is Kong County? I want to see Kong County Zun!" Zhao Ran and Jinxian Not anxious, self-ended and Lu Jun just went on the tea, the small mouth is slow, and the rice price of Yueyang County will be discussed from time to time. "Zhao Fang is good for good means,

These days have entered a large number of food, I heard that there are more food transport into Yugang today. The rice prices in the county have finally stopped the gains, and all food paves are unattended. It is necessary to have a big house for a long time. "

"All Qi Xiwu Palace Zhang Municipal Supervision Hospital is hosted, and the poor road will meet his meeting."

"The Zhang Taoist Institute is really compassionate, this is the blessing of my Longanfu."

"Say, not only the Zhang Jun Institute, the Xuanyuan Guan Li Jun House has also been strong, so that there is so many rice grains to transfer to Yanyang."

Zhao Ran drinking tea, while the insider news is revealed to Jinxian, with the determination to determine the gold county. Jin County is really vibrating. Amazing: "Lian Li Jun Institute also ... Xuan Yuan Guan's Li Jun House?"

"It is."

"Li Yunhe?"

Zhao Ran laughed: "What is the Li Jun Institute of Xuanyuan?"

Jinxian sighed and looked at Zhaoran's eyes.

Like talking. There is Jinxian , , Hand a single child to Zhaoran.

Zhao Ran smiled: "Jin County is looking at it."

Jin County is nodded. I created a hunch to point the list, said: "Then still the old rules, one half."

"Don't you say that you are seven me three?"

"How made? Jinmao jokes on the day, Zhao Fang didn't be true."

"The poor pass never jokes, saying that the words will not be returned. Jin County is 70%, the poor road is 30%, just this!"

"Hey ... how is it so embarrassed ... Ok, then thank Zhao Fang Lord."

The three-class servants have checked that they have been posted in the Dragon's Manor. Zhao Ran and Jin County got up and got up, out of the hall, just saw the Dragon's pro-person and servant, and the first one broke away, grabbed Zhao Ran and Jin County The spin is getting a few punches, pressed on the ground.

Zhao Ran stopped a few eyes, seeing this person's thirty years old, although the shape of the wolf, but the face is extremely handsome, Zhao Ran wants to have a good admire. Look at his eyes, there is no proud style, there is a kind of abundance of the gods, and live off the aura cover on the brain.

Jin County introduced: "This is the Lord of Longli's Lord."

The man struggled, lifted his eyes and angry: "Golden adults, which of my Dragon is committed, unknown, this disaster, today is going to give an account!"

Zhao Ran looked at the Long's owner pressed by the foot and asked: "You are Dragon Oti?" Said this name, can't help but hit it.

Dragon is looking up, cold and cold: "Yes, it is Longmou! Is it a Zhao Fang Lord? Long Zhao's crime, the road is only to find Longmou, there is anything, why What is the Dragon's family? The road presses the right to private, and Longmou is dissatisfied! "

Zhao Ruqi said: "You said that the poor road will protect your private body? What to say?"

Dragon Prozy said: "The Taoist is a thousand elsewen land of the Misi Mountain, and the court is do not hesitate to Qingmine, and the court is a law, shake me the foundation of me, as a door to deal, regardless of the good, and only the money, Isn't this the right to protect my private private owners? I am clear and white, and I will come to Yanyang County. You have come to find it today, you ask yourself, don't you don't know why! "

Zhao Ran was pleasing: "Always think that the Dragon Otima is the cold and stinky, don't want to meet you, the teeth like the talents, the east is pulled, the people can be able to subvert three. ...... "

Long Aotian: "..."

Zhao Ruyu Jinxian is a shot: "Which Wang Fa is he asked? Tell him!"

One of the tits a number of Dragon's black materials collected in Jinxian, Zhao Ran and Jinxian

The news of the city of Nanlong was fly spread all over the county. This killing chicken monkeys, the whole, the whole, the big households in Yugang County vibrated. Zhang's, Joclass, Zhou, Full, more than a dozen large households go to walk, interoperability, nervous begin consultation.

Just as you came to me, a large number of teams who transported rice grain appeared under the warehouse of the positive mountains, countless food bags into the granary of Jin Ji, piled up a few new granarys. Jin Ji Mi Wout is directly down to each bucket of 30 texts, and the people will run away, and they buy a lot before the pockets.

The big family headed by Zhang's urgently liaisoned, and met the gathering of Zhang's Manor. That night, more than ten great people came to Zhang's Manor, under the hosted of Zhang's master, began to contend. Everyone, you, one, make a variety of reliable recommendations. It is said that it is necessary to put on the mid to tell the Dragon, and there is a person who is not allowed to be in the middle of the city. It is said that it is necessary to recruit the gerbera without rogue. In the murder, the murderer listed on the list, from Zhang Yunzhao, Jingcheng, until Song Zhiyuan, Kong County Order, Zhao Ran, Jinxian, etc., even connected two .

Zhonghao is negotiating to negotiate, and always discuss the second half of the night, but always negotiates no steady magazine. The master of Zhang's monk is arguing to stepping, returning to the house, when you come out, seeing everyone is still arguing, not from the gas.

The sky is bright, Zhang Shi's master told the servant's end for breakfast, let the people will negotiate, he is a big idea, not to negotiate an ugly, never stop.

When I enjoys my breakfast, I'm asked: "Hey, how can I not see Luo Township?"

Zhang's master is a look, it is really no Rosin in the people. This time is the most sensitive, Luo Tiangu did not come to participate, and suddenly caused a suspicion, and the atmosphere is cold.

Zhang's master is busy to help the house, let him go to Wu Tang, be sure to ask Luo Tiangu to go, with peace of mind. The housekeeper went out for a few hours, and he was angry to ran back.

Zhang's master is in his heart, busy asking: "What happened?"

The housekeeper cried and lost his face: "Luo Family opened the food shop in the county, the rice price per fight!"

In the end, the church suddenly was silent. (Untrafter

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