Taoist Law

Chapter 45, look at Zhu Meng

PS: Thanks to EAGLE Zhou Taken, thanks, and the moon tickets of the rolling pleasure are encouraged, and there is still the last moment of last day, the last moment of the day, Shistrim, confused Xiao Lu, Feiying, lamb inspection ,,, Seven, Buffett, love the sixteenth, killing two sentences, wait for rice, humany, Nan, thank you.

PS: Look at the exclusive story behind the "Taoist Rules", listen to you more suggestions about the novel, pay attention to the public number (WeChat add friends to add the public number), quietly tell me!

The Songshui is located in the northwest of Yugang County, but the square is just five or six miles, divided into the ridge, Zhongling, and Huliling, clamped two hills. Although the Lingzi is not big, it is far from the official path, and the forest is mad, and the people are in a tragic.

Zhao Ran is already in the middle of the night. After entering the mountain, I will lose the lights in the lights. Under the guidance of the Zuo Brothers, I will come to the hull entrance between Zhongling and the Laoling.

The first thing to see is a carriage, the horse has died, the car's body is on the car, and the dress is just the permanent service of Taowan fireworks.

On the air side of a few bushes, the five people were pudding, and the four people and Shengtang's tangy tag were equipped. This is the door to the square to come to the square. W⊕WW. Warrior, In the middle, I squatted with a old man, and Zhao Ranzou turned the corpse and turned the corpse. I saw that this old road said like the Zuo Brothers. It seems to be seven or eighty years old, and it seems that both eyes seem to be five or sixty.

At first glance, Zhao Ran and Zhao Zi Xing have hopped, this old road is pale, wrinkles and paste. The soft crook is a group, it seems that the whole person's essence is taken away from the body, just a empty shell lying here.

Zhao Ran's heart jumped straight, and in the fire, it was carefully identified that the old road was full of wrinkles and folded skin, and the heart slammed and only felt weak. If the brain is empty, there is also a butt, sitting on the head of the corpse, and it is daze.

For a long time, Zhao Zhising in the side will come back from the fear, to Zhao Rong: "It seems to be an Zhang Cumerion Hospital ..."

Zhao Ranzhi nodded, and his eyes looked at the body. It was a mess in his mind.

Zhao Zhi Xing also said: "For December last year, I have seen him ... can be so old in the Zhangzhu Academy?"

Zhao Ran nodded and shook his head again. Over a long time. It seems that I am awaken from my dreams, get up to the Zuo Brothers, I will take the left brothers, whispered: "What happened, you reap them again, you can't have any miss!" Take the two roar: "I still have a lot, hurry to find, look for it, any cluster is not letting!"

From the case. Zhao Ran and others rushed to the scene,

I have passed three or four hours. The second class is scattered, and where is the trace of "bald monk"? Zhao Ran is not willing, he rides a circle around, still nothing, but he has to temporarily turn over, guarding the scene of the Zhang Tao's stab.

The Song Tricenter and Kongxian County have arrived at the sky. At the same time, there are also high-rise, county people who heard the news. Seeing this scene in front of you, everyone was shocked, many people did not dare to confuse, such things will happen under the light daylight.

With the same Kong County, there is also a big job in Yugang County. The two very negative experience of the two very negative experiences have seriously experienced the bodies of the recording hospital. Not to the same shakehead, then I would sin to Kong County Order and Song Taoist Institute, saying that the death of the Zhang Jianyuan should be caused by a spell, so the monks of the library will send people to verify that they can be confirmed.

The case was shocked by the Doumen and the official group, and the inner circle was taken by the unprotive hospital, and it was outside the county's three class. In addition to the alert, it also organizes people's four searches to search, and the past pedestrians around the loop.

The case of such a horrible case was prepared for the Qingming Talent Reform site. Of course, it was unable to carry out, the meeting was delayed indefinitely, and the Dragon Affairs of Longanfu began to investigate the case.

After the inquiry, the Taoist tried to respond, and the three monks sent by Huayun Hall arrived at the Songshuang next afternoon, and the three people who came here were there. There were two people. The leader is the Master Liang Teng, which is the one who will go to the unprotive court in the last year. It is the two disciples of the Master Liang Master. One is the old acquaintance, another name Gansu.

Calculated, I haven't seen it for two years. Two years ago, in the brush hill, Zhao Ran saw the first time, and the people who had a mistake because Zhou Yurk was rejected again and is depressed. After the two, the two people entered the unprofessional hall, one year in the same window career, because Zhou Yuko was studying, the monthly test and the age of the year were more energetic, and then interrupted with the Monochun in Huayun Hall.

After all, there is no hatred under a roof. After meeting, the two will have a feeling that meets the smile, and I started to talk.

"Zhushi ..."

"Zhao Shi ..."

I smiled again, so I gave me: "I heard that you are rising by the square? This is less than two years, you will be quiet by the Tang Dynasty, re-enter the deacon, Zhao Shi, can be true. Oh, When I said, what I said? 'Learning Daren', um, what do I think, how do you feel that Zhao Shi, you are 'promotional people'! "

"The brothers don't joke, we have these Van Fu, where there is a monk, the gods, the promotion is fast, but also in the customs offered ... Yes, what is the transfers?"

The shook head: "There is no order to enter the boy."

"So, have you been in the same time? When is there?"

"This spring is the end of the spring."

"One year month, I have been put into practice, and the teachers are very high! I don't know when I can enter the jade?"

"Just enter the Taoist, the realm has not yet stable, but I don't dare to expect the Yu Shi. Master said that if there is no machine, I have two years old."

Zhao Ran said: "It is already very fast, I heard the two teachers of Zhuitun Yun, the uncle of the Zhuo Tengyi, they spent more than two years, from the Taoist jumbler, I spent three years of light ..."

His god of mind and jump: "Do you know Daduo Xiao Zhuo Shi?"

Zhao Ran explained: "After you, I met a championship, I met two Zhuo Shi, I did my best in them. I am in a time, and I am in the same time. There are more intersections with him. Yes, how is this check case? This kind of thing should not be a walk? "

"The two teachers of Zhuojia went to Song Fan, looking for medicinal materials for Huayun Hall, and this is not small, so the mission will go down the mountain."

"It turns out."

Two people chatted, the Liang Master has been with the people, and the people are busy with Zhao Ran, and I have followed.

Liang Master took two new disciples from Mongolia and Gan Zhi, Zhao Ran followed by the crowd. Just see the Liang Mage first carefully check the corpse, and then hit a hob. It is floating in the air and floating in the air, and it is flying as a gray. Others can't see it, but Zhao Ran is very clear. A wave of intangible air waves swept, and smashed the whole site, and collided with a few corpses. This white light is the essence of Buddhist Gate, and Buddha is called "light" or "sex", which is like "" absorbed in the Taoist practice.

This is finally confirmed that Zhaoran's inferior, and it is the Buddha's monk!

When Zhao Ran, I saw Zhang Yun and other people's corpse, and it was because of his death, it looked extremely familiar. The kind of spiritual god was consumed, and the appearance of the external appearance of the appearance, so Zhao Ran is a good fortune.

Zhao Ran once in the small temple of the Kala Mountain, the intersection of the Gao Chang Temple, when the vision of the vicious Buddha statue was the same, and the face was also the same, but he was deeply Strong from the stroke, from bad luck, and the Zhang Taoist Institute apparently did not have this matter, so he died.

The Master Liang Master did not move a follow-up action, but it was only to protect the scene, and two disciples were selection of quiet, meditating waiting, it is said to be some people. So everyone has to continue to wait patiently.

Zhu Mengcheng sat in the Liang Master, he was arguing to Zhao Ran, Zhao Ranheng said: "The teachers are still old, and they have escaped."

It hosted to smile: "What fade classes? Master said, practice the first gravity, the beginning of the rise, one time is ten hours, the heart is not enough, the ten times are not low. Today, there is no practice, Of course, it is not necessary to force it. "

"How? Is the mood?"

"Nor ... Well, Zhao Shi, ask you a question."


"I don't know ... Do you have any contact with Zhou Master? Have she wrote to you?"

"You are not called her 'Wenxiu sister'? How do you change your mouth?"

His sprinkled out: "She is not allowed, I don't let me call him a teacher, otherwise I will ignore me ..."

Zhao Ran helpless, this has been in the practice of the threshold for two years, still persistent, in one way of love, when it is true. Now Zhao Ran has no thought of his leapsherte, so he doesn't hide, directly telling you, you and Zhou Yuko have not had a letter in two years. (Good activities in the sky, cool mobile phone waiting for you! Pay attention to ~ Point / public number (WeChat add friends to add the public number input), participate in! Everyone has a prize, now pay attention to the WeChat public number! )

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