Taoist Law

Chapter 46 About Zhou Yuko

According to reason, I have never contacted myself and Zhou Yuko. I have to be happy. But at this moment, I see him seems to be a little disordered, so Zhao Ran can't hire: "She ... she is okay? You and her ..."

It's two years to laugh: "Don't look at the Huayun Hall for two years, but I really see her number of flexible."

Zhao Ran's heart slightly tone, Q: "She hides you?"

It is a big future in the way: "She is a big future in the way, and the uncle is very loved to love her. There are long people in the museum, and the protection methods are very expensive. Every time she is very difficult to see her, she is It is said that it is necessary to take care of the cultivation. I don't want to be a child's private feelings ... I am giving up a lot for him, even for him to have a bitter practice ... "

Zhao Ran couldn't help but spite: "Lao Zi thought about it!"

"... But she is more and more like a passerby ... When I first entered Huayun Pavilion, I did my dream to practice, so I got a big road soon, she would look high, respect me, admire me ... I really embarked on the practice of practice, I found out that I thought that I couldn't be called in front of her. "

"The teachers are too humble ..."

"Not Zhao Shi, you have never seen her heaven, the side of the people will come to Puttong's road, she believes in powerful power, the side people spend three months, five months can understand the Tao, she finger Duan Duan can integrate. I started three months of meditation in a year, she took only seven months, Master Liang said that I needed to enter Yu Shi for more than two years, she easily leaps up for a year. Three Before the month, she had closed the door, do you know what she is doing? She is impacting the yellow crown ... "

In the sound of Zhu Meng, Zhao Ranzhen God, as if I saw the woman who came to myself in the pen frame, slender body, geese, and a row of rows. That luxurious thing ...

The gradual brightening of the gap between the disappointment of the Zhou Yuko is, Zhao Ran is not? His hawning is still the right monk, and the future achievements can now, at least it has been entered the Taoist firmer, can I Zao Ran? So far, not only the masters of the confused, but even the opportunities of the matching is not found, so far outside the threshold of Taoist

Of course, it is not to say that Zhao Ran does not pay attention to Taoizi. The first chapter of "Congenital Gong Dynasty" records about how to transform merits in the refining stage, including the foundation and Taoist Related exercises. Zhao Ran has been in the past half, he is self-reflective at this moment, I feel that I should accelerate the progress. As long as you continue to practice, you can fix the Eleue in accordance with the requirements of the sea, which will enter the Taoist.

Just but did not group Taoist duty, Zhao Ran is still into the Taoist-seeking, and it is still unable to refine the rules, and the refining does not have a lot of Taoist prostitutes.

However, when Zhao Yun said, when Zhao Ran entered the Taoist-seeking, it would be to be there. At that time you and her gap are so big, will she fake myself? I remembered the year of Zhou Yuko, Zhao Ran couldn't help but feel deeply, some things, missed it, I missed it. When I look back, I will be the horizon.

That night, everyone is temporarily resting in the Songshui, and the Master Liang people personally put the blanket, lock the gas machine on the scene, and does not cause the clue to flow. Zhao Ran is watching, and it has learned a lot, but this set of blackels look high, Zhao Ran can only have to have an eye addiction.

On the morning of the morning, there is a self-cultivation of the food in Yanyang County, and everyone will wait in place, the people in the world or a few words. At noon, I finally came to a group of Taoist, and the white speaking gave up, after a family, Zhao Ran learned, this group of Taoist is from Xuan Yuan.

Xuan Yuan Guan is the highest way of Taojun in the ten-squares of Sichuan Province. The unprofessional House can't help but a small turmoil. I saw this group of Taoist who had a Grunga, and the Liang Master directly went to the old road in front of the juniority. The word "seeing the cloud" - this is the prostitute of Liang Master waiting.

Liang Master came to the scene to accompany the cloud master to tell the case in detail, and there were times again played again. Last night, Zhao Ran and Zhu Meng have already learned that this symbol is named "Wei Dao", which makes it easy to find an abnormal heavenly gas machine in the week, and it is the way to find abnormal compass when it is used. It can be used to view the previous gas changes, so it is often used to check the case.

Zhao Ran, I found the refining method of such a rumor last night, in the first order, Zhao Ran sought, and after he was in the future, It must be more refining some "satellite" to defense. He is a wild road scattered. There is no gallop to protect when practicing on weekdays. It is necessary to have a large number of "satellists".

After the governor of Mongcheng, Yunda. Master is quietly detailed, and then the Liang Master said "this is a fear of the Buddha".

Zhao Ruo is really so!

Liang Master nodded, two sentences to Bai Tengming, Bai Tengming found Song Yuan, Song Yuan to find Kong County Order, so the difference between Yugang County and the work started to clean up the scene, and put a few corpse into the coffin.

The corpse of the Zhang Jun Institute will also hold a lot of events after returning to Xi Zhenwu Palace. This is a later words. At least, the Songfengling can tell a paragraph.

When I left, I am gone to Zhao Rao Dao, Zhao Ran, asked Huayun Hall to the follow-up means of this matter, Zhu Zhijun replied: "The supervision of a Tang Dou is stab, this is not Huayun Hall It is the Lord. The cloud is big. The Master is the Yuhuang Palace. This will have the Yu Huang Pavilion Hold. Yesterday, my Master had issued a flying book to Huayun Hall and Yuhuang Palace, Today, the cloud. Master It is said that the Yu Huangge has been squatting in the province, and the province has a tribute to the province's Buddha Assassin. Once there is, it is found, immediately catching. At the same time, it also moves the book to Xuanyuan, and ask Xuanyuan to mobilize each county county The strength of the palace and the government, strictly blocking the roads, looking for the trail of Buddha's assassin. I can't see the face of the Assassin, but because of the distance, I can't see the body of the assassin. Now I can only Build down the sky, I am willing to miss the net. "

"Yunda. The Master is the monk of the Jade Emperor?"

"Yes, he has repeatedly with the Buddha's demon fighting method, experience is extremely abundant, and the Zhang Municipal Academy has been responsible for him."

"Yu Huang Pavilion ... Yu Zhiyuan teacher, do you still remember?"

"Of course, he remembers that he entered the Jade Emperor, worship under the Master of Yuan Dynasty. I know that you and the brothers are very good, but I am in the midst of the hall. However, the library is still different, non-Xuanyuan view and Ximuwu Palace can be classified, so there is not much understanding of his current situation. However, since it will worship under the big refining teacher, blessing is a decree, you Don't worry about him. "

Zhao Ran smiled: "What is your own? I can't even have the threshold ... I just want to know about the human audio."

All the heads: "I should go with the father, Master wants to go to the left, nearly counties, see if I can find some Buddha's spherical spider marts. You have also hurry to return to the mountains with the Song Taoist Academy. Big things, you are the square of the square, and it is necessary to have a busy recent. "

Zhao Ran can pretreave in these two days, Zhao Ran guess, this brother is probably because of the reasons why you can complain, so it looks quite close. Of course, there is no such thing as Zhao Ran, there is no letter to Zhao Ran, which is probably in the heart of the mind, "the same is the end of the world", so the exchange is comparable.

When I left, I can't help but ask, Zhao Ran can't helgish, so that I have said that Master, he said that you are still good, but it is unfortunately to be scrapped, so you can't join you. ... But you can practice the way, but there will be some obstacles in the ability to make a little. He also said that you have something to understand, I think, maybe the two Normal Uncle Zhuo is talking about it. Master said, after a while, if there is a chance, you can try again with a bone Dan, see if you can get a root bone, I will help you pay attention to it. (Good activity in the sky, dazzling Cool mobile phone waiting for you! Pay attention to ~ Point / public number (WeChat add friends - add public number - Enter QDread), participate in it! Everyone has a prize, now immediately pay attention to QDRead WeChat public number!) R1152

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