Taoist Law

Chapter 47 10 after the assassination case

PS: This chapter is still debt, and congratulations to the brothers.

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In the face of the conducive advantages, Zhao Ran is one of them, and the radius can't help but feel some, thank you.

It is best to try to practice the entry method in the past, and not to delay. I can see if I can find a few books, you also learn? "

Zhao Rong said: "Daduo, Xia Zhuo Shi Shu has got to our book, a" ", there is" positive law "and" system spectrum ". I am learning, just don't know where to do it Associate a duty, the two teachers will help me think about it. "

"That's good, I have time to write to you, you can give me a letter through the Xi Zhenwu Palace Sandu channel, they can contact Huayun Hall. What is unclear, you can ask me in the letter. I know that you have a very guilty of learning, but I am in Huayun Hall, if I don't understand, I can help you ask my Master or other uncle, teacher. "

Zhu Yun's mage is leaving, and the people who come to the Songshui and the official people will gradually dissipate. Zhao Ran followed the unprotive governor to return to the acoustic mountain. After going back, he fell to sleep. He is really tired, w ≤ ww. Enough, is not a tired body, his cultivation has begun to take effect, good body mana, this is completely unfair. His tired is mainly in the heart, which is more confused on his future prospects.

From the moment of seeing the corpse of the Zhang Municipal Hospital, he knew that he had a reform of the Qing Miao money, I am afraid it is not going. It can even continue to maintain it in Yueyang County, he has no confidence in this.

He got an idle in these two days. I will start to enter the "refining", practice according to the cultivation of Taoist cultivation, and the merits needed is not a small number. The first esteger is still hoped to maintain the new government in Yueyang County, which gives him a great reward to him.

If you can't keep it, he will refer to its second, and will focus on the land reclamation. He expects that the merits that can be brought about by things will not be too small, perhaps not necessarily required to meet the cultivation.

The Zhang Mun is stabbed in the territory of Yugang County, which is absolutely unprofitable for the Taoist Taoist Taoist Taoist. Although it has been inferred at this moment, it is a Buddha's demon, it is not a priest to cope, but in any case, the unprofitable court, which is the county's road, can't bear the responsibility. Therefore, I will go to the Monitor, Song Yuan, and to the ordinary, including gold, including gold, very uneasy. I don't know what to punish it.

In order to try our best to reduce the sinfulness,

The entire unprofessional housing acts, blocking road levels, walking towards visiting clues, and even rarely showing strong sides, directly transferring the scheduling of the three-class servants of Yugang County and bow.

As a square square, if you say that the helpless is really awkward, then the first board is hitting the Monitoring House. The second board will definitely fall to Zhao Ranfeng. For more than ten days, Zhao Ran is working hard to solve the case. He is not afraid of a slanting, but because of the faint feelings.

If it is not the reform of his master, if it is not to participate in the "live office meeting" of him, the Zhang Cumeri will not come to the Academy at this time, maybe it will not be assassinated in the pine ridge. Whenever I think of the old man who has only seen two times, whenever I think of this old man's encouragement and hope. He will not help but feel guilty.

In addition to guilt, Zhao Ran has a wonderful doubt. He intuitively believes that this matter is related to Zhang Mun Institute's strength to promote the reform of the Qingming Miants, otherwise how will it be so complated. Just in the middle of the way when you are ready to promote reform? Moreover, the Zhang Tuanyuan is a high-powered, but it is just a ten-party jungle supervision. It is a "custom" old man who can't "custom". He and the Buddha do still have any grievances, which will attract a practice world. Assassin, you stably stably

Zhao Ran firmly locked the monk's "bald head", which is an extremely obvious feature, which is the only feasible search clue. To this end, Zhao Ran personally brought the team, starting from the county town, looking for any one without hair, no hair. When the county is checking, I will go to the village search, and the ordinary people will check the big household.

In order to avoid disaster, the people in Yugang County do not talk about any conditions, extremely actively cooperating with Zhao Ran to find clues. It often begins to check this household, and the next household has sent a housekeeper, and even the monks arrived in person, respectfully invite Zhao Ran to search.

In the county, the county is 10 days. Zhao Ran is captured dozens of bald heads, but there is no exception to "good people", the reason why the baldness, nine-centered reasons are not long, there is no one, let alone The Buddha's mana.

After the darkness of the dark, the axis was turned for ten days, and Zhao Ran did not gain, and he had to return to the academy. When I went back to the mountain gate, I was invited by Song Yuan.

Song Zhiyuan has been obviously not good in these days, and it has been seen that there is a white bun. The Song Taoist Institute has no leisurely cooking tea, Zhao Ran did not carefully appease this boss, the two were very long, the atmosphere was very dull.

The news from the Song Taoist Hospital from Xi Zhenwu Palace, because the Zhang Taoist Institute accidentally killed, so Xi Zhenwu Palace quickly repaired a supervision. Due to special circumstances, this Monachiona is not recommending to the Three-Dibu, but the appointment of Xuanyuan.

"Xu Xu, a new surnish house, just fifty, named Xu Tonglong this year."

Zhao Ran slammed the temple, unable to say: "Zhang Jun Institute has been, the West Rushwu Palace can not be the same day, the new community will go to the trend. I don't know what kind of person, what kind of person is this Xu Jun Institute, will not Inheriting the heritage of the Zhang Municipal Supervision, continuing to support the reform of the Qingming Miao. However, since the Memo House appointed by Xuanyuan, I am afraid that the Qing Miao is still promising to continue, after all, the Li Jun Institute of Xuanyuan is closely related to the relationship between Zhang Junyuan. It is support for the Zhang Taoist Institute ... "

The Song Taoist Hospital did not pick up Zhao Ran's words, and continue to introduce the resume of this : "Xu Tenglong is born in Lake Big Huangzhou, and the 17th Years into Entrus Home ..."

Zhao Ruyi: "Hu Guang?"

"... 20 years old, twenty-seven years old for the slot, 30 years old to the door, three years later, three years after the three years, the tour, forty years old, enter Huangzhou Huanwu The palace is welcome, forty-two years old tour, forty-five-year-old Temple Qingyuan Palace Tour, all, forty-eight years old, Guangchun, Changchun, Guangchun, is aware. "

Zhao Ran listened and listened, he heard out of the door: "This person has never been a supervisor?"

The Song Taoist Hospital nodded and Zhaoran was quite.

From the resolution of Xu Tonglong, there are two characteristics of this person's movement.

One is that the promotion is very fast, and it is basically two to three years to rise. Even if the proposal is transferred, it is basically rushed to the important duty. This kind of person is very hard, and there is always no effort to promote him. But he started very low, and the person who was mixed into the courtyard of Zhao Ran was almost the same, indicating that the background of the family is not strong. The reason why there is so hard relationship, if there is no accident, it should be a very good person, it is very good at catering.

The second feature is that this person has passed by the Taoist Palace, and it has never been the experience of the palace. This person usually has no excessive ability, that is, the amount of talents is insufficient, even promoted His people are not too confident to his abilities, so they don't dare to hold.

Zhao Ran is curious, how can such a person, how can it be inexplicably ran to Sichuan? And it is the supervision of the Taoizhi?

Song Zhiqi sighed, explained: "Appointment is the next time, but he heard that this person is recommended by Lushan."

Is there a summary of Lushan? Hey, how can I say '? Zhao Ran thinks that the uncomfortable abbot in the West Louu Palace is also wide from the lake. I can't help but ask: "Du Hu Shizu ..."

Song Zhiyuan lithottomized: "Du Hu Shizi is a martial arts in Huangzhou Wuzheng Palace, has been a Wusheng Temple Department, five years ago to Wuchang Youth Palace Shifang ..."

Zhao Ran asked: "I heard that Du Fangzhang came to Sichuan, it was the appointment directly under the Lushan Overall."

"Not bad!"

This, Zhao Ran finally felt the seriousness of the situation. (Good activities in the sky, cool mobile phone waiting for you! Pay attention to ~ Point / public number (WeChat add friends to add the public number input), participate in! Everyone has a prize, now pay attention to the WeChat public number! )

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