Taoist Law

Chapter 48 Second Mission Jiang Gao Gong

PS: Thanks to the lion and cow's monthly ticket encouragement.

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The next day, Song Zhiyuan and Zhao Ran have changed the permanent service, the light car is simple, with no longer mountains, and entering Pingwu County before the dark, and take the city Nan Wangfu Inn. At this time, the original House of Xiwu Palace has been closed. Zhao Ran first gave Song Yuan and said, he came to the door outside the government.

After half a time, I saw it, I saw the corner door, came out of a fire. Zhao Ran pulled him before, claiming to be a bi-text of the Great Workmanship, and there is an urgent experience. That fireman is not born: "I am going out, no time to pass, if you want to see, come over tomorrow, it is."

Zhao Ransei passed the two and two shattered silver: "The long distance is long, but I don't want to go, but I do have an urgent need to see Lin Dynasty, and I have a long way to pass."

That fireworks wiped into sleeves, looked at Zhaoran, asked: "Amazing? Are you he?"

"Zhao, surnamed Zhao, said that the old people in Yugang County visit, he knows."

"Waiting." The fire turned into the entry, after a moment, with Lin Double-ended, referring to Zhao Ran: "Hey, he wants you."

Zhao Ran hit a eye, Lin Double Wenxiao +, ww↗w. , then smiled from the fire: "Thank you Zhang brother."

After the fireworks of the surname, Lin Double Wen was looking for a remote corner with Zhao Ran. Dedication met: "Square, how to come this night?"

Zhao Rong said: "I have to see Jiang Gao Gong, or the bet (you can also pass ... Well, I am sitach."

Lin Shuangwen said: "The cloc call has went to Chengdu. It has not been returned ..."

"Then, Jiang Gao Meng." Zhao Ran also stuffed the five two of the ingots in the hands of Lin Double Wen, and he said: "There is labor, please take a small man when Jiang Gao works."

Lin Shuangwen is also Zhaoran: "Square is to criticize the villain, the silver money given last time is too much, this time, the small man has a face again. Square and waiting here. I This will go to Jiang Gao. "

When Zhao Ran waited for a long time, I finally gave a high work. Lin Shuangwen knows that the unprotive Zhao Fang Lord will inevitably have an extremely hidden thing, and he will leave, leaving Jiang Gao and Zhao Ran alone.

Jiang Qigong seems to guess Zhaoran's intention,

Tao: "This is not talking about it. Where do you live? Go to your narrative.

Zhao Ran led Jiang Gao Gong to Wang Fu Inn, from the back door, directly entered the room. After Jiang Gao successfully entered the house, I saw Song Yuan, and I was busy with the first: "Song Dynasty is coming?"

Song Yuan smiled and smiled: "The situation is forced. I have to come. I don't want to break the teacher, I don't know what to say, I don't know why, Jiang Shi, after all, I have to go, I want to go, still can only find Teacher discuss. "

"How is the brother? Let me come to me. Come, let's sit down."

Zhao Ran brewed tea, and the three were each left. This kind of thing. Song Zhiyuan is not good to talk, so Zhao Ran immediately broke out: "Jiang Shi brother. This time I have been a case, I don't know if I have a eyebrow? It's right, listen to it, I said, the next day, the Hui's Halfway Is it because there is Xinning County to see? "

Jiang Gao Gong Road: "Xuanyuan Tsepian people have sent people to Xinning County Ziyangyuan, verified. The Ziyangyuan did not see the Zhang Taoist Institute, and the white Taoist Taoist Taoist who did not discover the driving driver on the day. It can be confirmed that this case is deliberately tried. However, only to know so much, after all, the book of Zhang Jun House is too significant. The case has taken over the Jade Emperor Pavilion and Huayuan. The Master Liang Mage is a supplement with a lot of things. However, there is news yesterday, but there is news yesterday, saying that the Yu Huangge has gone to the demon trail, the Master is chasing the past, the demon is In the whereabouts of Changning Google, I don't know if there is any catch. "

"Changning Valley?" Located in the junction of Chengdu, Longanfu and Song Fan, Changning Valley, from Pingwu County, roughly two hundred or seventy miles, so Zhao Ran is surprised, this is the bigger. I did such a big case, but I dared to stay in the heart of the heart of the Sichuan Province in the border.

"Yes! I hope that the cloud is big. Master can get this murderer, and report the Zhang Taoist Institute!"

Song Zhiyuan and Zhao Ran looked at the eyes, and the spirit was one. This is the best news for more than ten days. If you can catch the murderer, you will inevitably reducing the responsibility of the Academy of Academy from the side. At the same time, Zhao Ran also has another set. He considers that after the murderer belongs, there is a great possibility to find the truth. This is important to continue the reform of Zhao Ran. It is of great significance.

The death of the Zhang Jianyuan is the murderer, or has been homing for a long time, which has always been troubled by Zhaoran, of course, Zhao Ran is a backward. If the truth of the case is consistent with Zhao Ran's speculation, then the guy behind this matter will definitely be unfolded, and Zhaoran's reform will benefit.

However, this is the last words, now Song Yuan and Zhao Ran's most concerned, it is the problem of how to be accountable, Song Yuan and Zhao Ran are the grasshopper bundled on a rope, and Song Zhiyuan is a problem, Zhao Ran's good days. I also arrived.

Still Zhao Ran, "Jiang Gao Qiang, Zhang Jun Institute is in Yueyang County, this is indeed the unprotive court and the fate of Guyang County Guyang County, I am deeply unprotten, I am deeply unrest, Song Taoist Academy has often been often For this purpose, there is any sinfulness, I am willing to go up and down. It is only the tribute to the hospital. It is not that I can deal with it. I don't know what I am going to this. ? Why do you punish me with no priest? "

Jiang Gao Gong Shen, said: "Due to the old example, when the proclamation, the unprotive housing is not open, you should have a preparation, this point is that the Song Dynasty and Zhao Shi are on the chest."

"Yes, yes, it is the responsibility, we will never shirk!"

"But as Young said Zhao, the murderer as Buddhist monks to force Promise Academy wants to counter it, it also belongs to the nonsense. Also talked about the matter when Sandu procedure, the hospital said that Promise should not bear too heavy punishment white kitchen are all meant to make peace Liao, a little discipline can be. but the King did have some objections tube ...... you do not have to blame the King tube, after all, he is single-handedly nurtured Control Yuan Zhang, the situation if mentoring, some anger is normal. "

"This natural, and so I can understand."

Jiang high power added: "But you know, this and other events, will eventually be decided by the prison hospital, and Palace Road, the new prison hospital has not yet arrived, so everything depends on the meaning of the new Control Yuan Xu Xuan Yuan, Control Yuan is the heads. concept, bell brothers went to Chengdu, as is the Shu-prison hospital took it. I do not know you still remember not remember Du abbot? the Shu-Control Yuan and Du abbot relationship very deep, Shu-prison hospital in Hubei and Hunan Huangzhou Wu Sheng Temple, the Du abbot is the prison hospital, and later went to the Control Yuan Shu-Wuchang Qingyang, Du abbot went to Qingyang Gong, served as abbot. I heard that the Control Yuan Shu-Wei Du abbot followed the lead of several years, and now I was transferred to the West Zhenwu Palace, I am afraid the same is true last year, Du Gu County abbot to what happened when, and Zhao Song Young brothers must have impressed, so ...... "

Jiang then do not bother to high power the meaning of words through point, Song and Yuan Zhao Ran caused whom my heart sank. (Good activities in the sky, cool mobile phone waiting for you! Pay attention to ~ Point / public number (WeChat add friends to add the public number input), participate in! Everyone has a prize, now pay attention to the WeChat public number! )

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