Taoist Law

Chapter 50 Depressed Song Monitor

PS: Thanks for the reward, thank you, the monthly ticket encouragement.

No, the scenery refused to see Song Yuan and Zhao Ran, such a attitude, in the two people, have a strong overcast cloud. However, they did not have no harvest, but not only white is willing to help, even Liaou kitchen also promised to try to strive for the lightest punishment for them, of course, the price is a thousand two silver.

Counting, the new court Xu Tonglong's attitude is more unique, plus a scene, and talking to the forefront of the three people, and the weight is obviously dominant. If Xu Tonglong invites Du Hu Shizhang to participate in the three ordered, the situation is more unprotive.

On the way back to Yugang County, Song Zhiyuan didn't help but heard, to Zhao Rong: "Teacher, go back to you, said Chu Dafu teacher went to South Xinjiang, I don't know if there is a way to contact?"

Zhao Ran shook his head. He had long thought of this way. He has been in the past, and the Chu Dazhi, Zhu Qi'hu and others letter, all find people. At some time, he searched the "balun monk" in the mountains, but also took the opportunity to Wen Xiang Valley, but the bamboo house is empty, the bamboo house covers a thick layer of dust, and the hospital is full of mess. Colony weed.

Song Zhiyuan still does not die, and said: "The brother did not have an acquaintance in Huayun Hall? Why not ask for a love to the library?"

Zhao Ran explained: "Zhuo Teng Yun, Zhuo Wei, WW ¢ w. Teng Yi two teachers in Chuanfang, the fly is not connected."

Song Zhiyuan thought about it, said: "Is it better to find a surprise? He is coming from the neuropath ... Moreover, this time, he seems to be very hot against you."

Zhao Ran sighed: "I didn't expect the situation so serious, but I did revealed similar ideas. He also helped to ask the Liang Master. But by the Liang Master refused."

Song Zhiyuan pursued: "Why is the Master of Liang?"

Zhao Ran did not have a good air: "Who knows? Xu is a truth of people who do not intervene in ten-party jungle customs? Also, maybe people, not interested in increasingly involving these broken things? In short, it is refused If the excuse is too lazy to find one. "

"That ... Lin Master?"

As a result of Lin Fa, Zhao Ran did not help with the autonomy, Zhou Yuku, who has already interrupted, is irritating, and ask Song Zhiyuan: "The niece of the Monater is not the apprentice of Lin Master? Let her help her so much. Why don't you please The niece came out, and the Master is a mage to help? "

Song Zhiyuan silently engraved, and the side: "The child returned, Lin Master did not worry about these triviality."

"It is the noble worker,

Is Lin Master I have no workfare? "

"Xiao Qiao is not a person with iron, she is understanding."

Zhao Ranjing: "The monks in these librarys, where to do our anthillics!"

Song Zhiyuan is silent, for a long time, Zhao Ran is a breath. I am driven back in my heart, I looked at the Song Dynasty, I saw the white hair, I apologized: "Mon the government, I should not talk ... I am blocked in my heart ... This matter is from me, but it is implicated. hospital……"

Song Yuan shook his head: "Hey ... Don't blame you, I am a supervision, I can't cover you, but I have to help you. Nowadays, I can't protect the brothers in the hospital. Even Zhu Shushu, Luo Shi Shu and Yuan Shi uncle, they all were involved, and I said that I am actually unknown. "

Song Zhiyuan said, Zhao Ran is more guilty, and then said: "Mono House is doing this, I am thinking. After going back, find a trip."

"You don't mean that Liang Master has rejected?"

"At this time, this time, this time, I will find a message, I believe that he will try his best." Zhao Ran's intended, it was biting his teeth from the spirit of the scorpion to give it to Huayun Hall. Ask Huayun Pavilion in the preservation. Song Zhiyuan thought that Zhao Ran is ready to encourage the current harsh situation. So I didn't have any hope, I just nodded weakly: "What needs to be said to me, I tried my best."

"Should ask the white to talk to the Huayun hall to send a letter to Huayun Hall ..." Zhao Ran is somewhat annoyed, and then to Song Yuan said: "It is better to supervise the guys, help me contact, please consider Acceptful hi is seen. "

"This is good, there is a flying pigeon left by Xiaoyo in the family."

The two speeded back, first went to the Nijo, the Qi Qianzhuang, who was cultivated in the Huayun Hall of the flying pigeon, and then Zhao Ran thought of a matter, asked: "The Monitoring Institute and our old square is good, listen Said that his road is very wide, I don't know if it is true? "

Song Yuan sate: "You have been going out of the day, but it is not aware of the bones, and the abbots have been getting less and less unreasonable. When he stays in the next six days, it is often coma, and the doctor is afraid."

Zhao Rong said: "I don't know, it is really embarrassing! I still have a few Wuziolu, and try it to the old man's body."

"I have tried it. You gave me three plasmids last time. One of them gave an abbot to the abbot at the beginning of the year. At that time, the spirit was more than a month, but it still didn't heal. Abba said that he is a life. So, non-illnessed pain, the panter can cure the disease, but it is not possible to extend longevity, unless it is a fairy. He said that this medicine is precious, let me save, he is not willing to use it anyway. "

Zhao Rong said: "Maybe, I have a lot here, and use one capable, I believe that the abbot will improve."

Song Zhiyuan knows Zhao Ran's meaning, not seeking to give abbots, just to return to his spirit, see if you can help. This idea took some selfish ingredients, and Song Zhiyuan did not break it. I thought about the big knife of Western Wuwu Palace and Xu Jun Institute in his head. I agree with silence.

The two immediately rushed back to the mountain gate. Song Zhiyuan directly attacked Zhao Ran to the army house, staying in the abbot, staying in most of the time, the sky is already dark.

Looking at the sinking black clouds in the top of the sky, Song Zhiqi sighed "to snow."

Zhao Ran looked up to the sky, the last side: "The abbes were afraid to get the first month." He was able to mobilize the state of life. Opening the sky, it has been found that the abbot gas machine is slowing down, this is an irreversible process, representing A person's vitality is moving, not ordinary spirit can save.

Song Zhiyuan pinched a letter to a letter, showing God: "I can't think of the abbot, and the Li Jun Institute of Xuanyuan is old ..."

After Zhao Ran, I woke up to the abbots, the abbot woke up from the coma, listened to the supreme of Song Yuan, so I wrote this letter, so that Song Zhi and Zhao Ran are stunned, and the recipient is actually Xuan Yuan. Sign Invisor Li Yunhe.

After writing the letter, the abbot's spirits were wilting again, and he slept, he did not explain what kind of time between herself and Li Yunhe, but Song Zhi and Zhao Ran are not optimistic. If you have a deep feelings, how can the old football will be in Yanyang? The county is staying for so many years?

But still that sentence, the dead horse is a live horse doctor, but there is a little hope, you must try it.

It is necessary to find someone to send a letter to Chengdu, but I saw the knowledge of Zhao Zhi Xing. The knowledge of this Xuanyuan "airborne" has been in the unprotive hospital for more than ten months, and it is necessary for less than two months to leave, but can be unprofitted, in addition to Zhao Ran and he is familiar with him. Outside, others are as strange with him.

Zhao Qixing's arrival, making Song Yuan's face more ugly, launching a document present in Zhao Zhike, I can't say it.

This official document is from Xuanyuan. Human support of the war, so this emergency moves, and Zhao Zhi Xing returns to Xuanyuan Guanjun.

It is known that the responsibility of Zhao Zhiguan is afraid of the death of the Zhang Jian's death will be boiled, so this is used to use the relationship, ending in advance to serve in the unprofessionalist to avoid risks.

The reason is sufficient, the procedure is correct, in the face of the smile, the Song Taoist Institute can only rush to sprinkle himself, extremely depressed, and agreeing that Zhao Qixing immediately returned to Chengdu.

Zhao Ran understood that the depression of Song Yuan, for fear that he couldn't help but send it on the spot, and quickly rushed to Yuan Yuan to make a eye, and Zhao Zhi Xing was pulled out from the Monitoring Center.

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