Taoist Law

Chapter 51 is so exchanging

PS: Thank Ferdler's backhand, EAGLE Zhou's reward, thank you for your love to eat rabbit drops, Xiao Xi Feng 7030 monthly ticket encouragement.

Song Zhiyuan, the face is quite bad, the attitude is very bad, Zhao Ran is very understanding, but Zhao Ran understands that it will not understand that people will understand, so Zhao Ran quickly pulled Zhao Qixing, and explained him.

"Because the Zhang Municipal Academy is involved, it involves the upper and lower people from the Academy, the Song Tricenter has been anxious for this,"

"Zhao brother relieved, the teacher understood."

"When did the teacher return? I also put a table banquet for the brother, I don't know if the teacher has a good brother in the hospital, I will convene, and send it for the brother."

"The brother is so good, but the Xuanyuan view urges to urge the urgency, so this is ready to return to Chengdu today. He has to have time to meet, and you will come to Chengdu to meet, when the teacher is doing the east, and the brothers are drifted several times. it is good."

Seeing Zhao Qixing still smiled and appeared, did not go to my heart, Zhao Ran relieved. Just now, Zhao Ran has already thought about it. The old man will give the letter to Li Yunhe. The letter is to send Zhao Qixing to serve. Otherwise, I know that I will take it out of the door of the guests to send people.

Zhao Ran recently walked more closely, through his observation, this "airborne knowledge" is not a person full of bad water, maybe a clear height, but should not pit people, please send a letter at least more than two Eye ○ ≈, ww↘w. Smetly find the door to strong more than one star. What's more, you can still have to bury an eyeliner in Xuanyuan's view, not to meet things when you encounter things.

Zhao Ran will roughly the situation, handle the book to Zhao Zhixing, Zhao Zi Xing took over and said that he must be in the hands of Li Yunhe.

When I left, Zhao Ran stuffed one hundred and two silver tickets. It is said to be a gauge. The old man leaves, gives a giving instrument, this is a human practice, but Zhao Ran's masonry is slightly large, and Zhao Qixing has a little surprise.

After farewell to Zhao Qixing, there is no longer waiting for the anxiety. The day is extremely difficult. Once I said to Zhao Ran, I really hope to quickly announce the punishment for the nephew, even if I really avoid him to supervise the duty, I will return to the hometown, he is willing to recognize it. In any case, it is strong than now.

Zhao Ran looked at the other half of the Song Taoist Institute that was gradually changing, and the heart was also sigh.

It was so waiting for about six or seven days, and I've never came to the Academy. Although it is just a monk who just entered the Taoist. But it is the monk of Huayun Pavilion. The status has been different. In addition, he is designed for the nephew, so this is a great gift.

The Song Trunar Academy personally said with Zhu Shao, Luotou, Yuandu kitchen out of the mountain door,

Even Zhao Ran can only follow the form of monet, with the form of human meat.

The surface etiquette is full, the Song Taoism and the Third are closed to the door and the congregation, Zhao Ran is the only person who can participate in the deacon. He does not participate. The Song Tricard and Three are never promised! Sometimes Zhao Ran thinks that he thinks helplessly, his most edge of the deacon. At this moment, there is a diarrhea that has become the first of the unprofessionalist, maybe it should be the sentence: it is gold to glow, but when Zhao Ran never wants to illuminate this time.

It is a surprising message to the Song Taoist Institute, Sansu and Zhao Rong, which are advancing to the Song Taoist Institute. His reasonable is so late, because participated in the pursuit of Doumen's demon.

After the Yumangge found that the demon did not live in Changning Valley, immediately adjust the collectors. Yunda. Master is the first to catch up with Changning Valley. Originally, I have to find a lot of turn to find a demon. I didn't expect to go, this situation made the cloud. The Master himself is very unexpected, and the rush to fight on the spot. Fortunately, it is quite enough in his things. It's familiar with the terrain, so this is escaped.

According to the cloud, the Master said that the enemy's manner is high, and the repair is a hooding, and the enemy is not only one, and there are two to help the fight, Yunda. Master can't even see the two people Refined, so that we have suffered a defeated, eventually fleeing the danger. Yu Huang Pavilion attaches great importance to this, not only rule Changning Valley, but also sent Zuyang Hua's great refiningor to hoster arrest. It is a pity that the Master is a war, and the enemy has once again hidden. It has always been following the martial arts of Master to search for the enemy in Changning Valley. It is not yesterday to search until yesterday.

Zhao Ran is very wonderful, how can it be three murderers? It is not known to say that he is not known, but this is the cloud. Master experience is absolutely wrong.

Ok, no matter how many enemies have, at least the Song Monitor and Three are slightly tone. The stronger the murderer, the more the tangent workers, the more the tesselves should be in normal case, even the clouds. The Master has a big loss, and the unprotive house has any ability to prevent the Exhibition of Zhang's tuning hospital?

Unfortunately, Zhao Ran did not think so, after it comes back from Xizhenwu Palace, he will know that this thing will never be good. Xi Zhenwu Palace Abbot, the Supervision Office plus one tube iron is to rectify you, this will does not change because of the existence. He is always reminded that the Song Taoism and the three don't easily be easy, but I looked at the face of the embarrassment, I said that I didn't say it.

When I finished speaking, Zhao Ran asked: "I heard that Da Zhuo, Xiao Zhuo Shihu went to Sichuan to pick up medicine, and I don't know what the Huayun Pavilion needs. I have been tough and escape from the Summer Buddha Temple last year. Just hit the same thing in the Buddhist temple, I still have a lot of use, and I will be dedicated to Huayun Hall. You will see it. If it is the need for Huayun Hall, take back. "

Zhao Ran will take the pallet of the white towel to the front of the white tissue, withdraw the white towel, and a piece of black in the dish is like the same thing as the potato. This thing seems to be unspeakable, but it exudes a fragrance of a heartless heart.

Zhao Ranzi has a lot of Temple "" "" "," unfortunately, except for Ganoderma lucidum, ginseng, Snow lotus, and the rest of the remaining. This stack in this stuffed point, in the case of the principle of the quantity and value, he took a piece from the inside, tested and sent it to the gift. However, he is not worried that this is not good, the treasure bottle master is so high, and it is a temple hosted, and the collection of objects will definitely not be too bad.

After all see it, I immediately called the name: "Qi Baosong Logen!"

"Qi Baosong Logen?" Zhao Ran, and carefully looked at this "black potato" in the plate, how can it see that there is a "seven treasure".

"The Huayun Hall is in the" Chi Linglings Pharmacy ", and the seven Baosong Roge has seven kinds of nursery, retreat, expansive, moisturizing, still god, meditation, body body, etc. Dan can be used, and after entering the Dan, the quality of the drug will increase one to two, etc., it is extremely rare, ranked thirty-fifth in the spectrum. "

Zhao Ran is a little slut, because asked: "Which is more precious?"

It's a laughter: "Where can I compile, if it is a big thing, a millennium Ganoderma lucidum can be equivalent to a seven Pauli Lau Rogen. But the millennium ganoderma lucidum can be, and the seven Baoguo Roen is difficult!"

Zhao Ran immediately felt a pain, secretly lost, his face was strong: "It is a good thing, and it is also possible."

It is like a smile and smile looks at Zhao Ran, said: "When you come out, what do you think about it?"

Zhao Ran looked at the Song Taoist Institute and the Song Taoist Institute to indicate that he said, so he said: "The teachers, or the meaning I mentioned in the Songshuling and you, the unprotive hospital is stabbed in the Zhang Jianyuan Responsible, but will never be responsible for the main guidance. Xi Zhenwu Palace intends to supervise the hospital, Sansu and the main deacons are all reluctant, and it is necessary to take the door. It is really too ... "

I thought about it, I thought: "The library does not intervene ten party jungle customs, this is a practice ..."

Zhao Ran smiled and said: "Zhushi, here are themselves, let's talk about it."

His Mongolia: "Well ... Huayun Hall is trying to ask for you, this is certain. However, since Zhao Shi has given such a valuable thing, then there is a big power in Huayun Hall ... I want to be old. If you don't have to give Zhao Migi, the instrument of the job can make the jade emperor, Xuan Yuan Guan and Xi Zhenwu Palace ... "

Zhao Ran's mouth: "It is the Qi Bao Song Logen, which is unprotive! Today, people are here, everyone is!"

It's stronger: "I tried my best."

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