Taoist Law

Chapter 6, the troubles

PS: Thanks for the reward, thank you old peas 1, the monthly ticket of the wolf encourages. ♀ ♀ vertex novel,

There is a mana and cannot be displayed, so the status quo makes Zhao Ranzheng, and a person standing in Quanfeng, thinking about the problem of meditating.

Daguo, Xia Zhuo uncle is back, it is, if there is a chance to think about him, but these two have went to Sichuan, and I don't know when to come back. If I will come back half a year, is it necessary? Waiting for half a year? If it is not coming for a year, is it true for the last year?

In addition, Zhao Ran also thought of this road, but the status of Zhu Yun was lower in Huayun, if he wanted to help, he had to give "true gold silver" to Huayun Hall, otherwise It's definitely can't open the mouth. Just on my back, I lost a lot because I didn't learn, it seems that it is best to wait, I will wait until the book, what is the book of Zhishi, and then send it later, Select the appropriate demonstration from the spanner. I don't know how much spiritual medicine is needed to exchange the matching, if the Huayuan lion is open, I am afraid that I have no vomiting blood.

Do you want to urge the teacher? Zhao Ran looked up to the five-color master of the half-mountain waist, I plan to ask the five-color master to go to the mountain, help the running leg to send the letter. This goods know where Huayun Pavilion is, it's good, a simple barbecue can get it, and the ability is high, I am afraid I can use a day, the most, cheap labor ...

Huh? How can the five-color master can get? Is this cargo that also misses the position?

Zhao Ran took a forehead, and he hurriedly and asked, and there was a door!

The Winner's Dongfu and the Junshan Temple site are not far apart, and the upper and lower heights are ten. The air line is not killed. However, Zhao Ran will not fly, I have to hill the mountain. At the same time, I thought about the opportunity to build a Junshan Temple and opened a small road in the mountain.

When I came to the pond, Zhao Ran shouted: "Master ... master ..."

For a while, the five-color master flew out of the wings, and the tone is not Yue: "How do you bother me again?"

Zhao Ran is laughing: "I will not see the master. I miss the master, and I've been looking for the master chat."

"Little Taoist, are you idle?"

"Haha, the master's ability to learn is amazing, this sentence also learns."

"Oh, yes, you said this sentence, I have a long time, there is no problem, I don't want to know."

"Master please say."

The five-color master took two steps in wings.

Q: "You have this sentence to say me. It seems to be sipped, but in this sentence, you will use this sentence ... You can't get the egg, what is the egg hurt?"

Zhao Ran, a black line, a strong laugh: "Oh, master, you are really fun ..."

Leisure a few words, Zhao Ran began to ask about the job: "I don't know what the master is in the Huayun Pavilion."

The five-color loudly: "Do you want to work?"

"Do not give up, why do the master refining?

The five-color master giggled a few times. Tao: "The little Taoist, you may be thinking about it. The media is a inevitable joint of a repair. But not all monks must be awarded. The cultivation of cultivation and cultivation of cultivation and cultivation will have different times. If you have to be awarded, don't you be busy? Even the Buddha gates have already been unified for you, where will there be today's Western countries? It is just to be able to refine, even if you are in your way. It is only a person who is in the defendant. Of course, it will be able to teach. But other roads don't need to be the case, such as the whole truth that can be resistant to the righteousness. I've duty. However, now I will learn from each other. Just learn to practice Net Dan, I also learn to practice the refineries, so I also have a statement. "

Zhao Ran stayed, and then awakened the top. At this time, he was in the "Positive Method", which is full of mind, and the mind is the idea of ​​meditation, so that it has drilled the horn pointers, and it actually inexplicably has a mistake of "unsuccessful." Now, I woke up in front of this Jinji, I went to think, I found that I was really stupid.

Zhu Qiku, Tong Laohe and Chang Wanzhen's mandama have been seen, people have not moved, and they will flee back to Baima Mountain, and they fight with Buddhism many times in the way. I haven't seen how many characters he used. Most of them rely on bamboo swords and two instruments.

Therefore, there must be a teacher pointed to Zhao Ran, which will often encounter such a confusion, these confused and disqualified in the event, but in the office, If no one is guided, it is really easy to get off. Even if you can ultimately be enlighten, the delay is definitely can't afford it.

For example, if there is no five-color master pointing, he is still silly waiting for the opportunity to teach.

Of course, if you want to mediate, but you don't have to delay for this, according to the meaning of the five-color master, you should take yourself?

"Thank you master!" Zhao Ran, respectfully won a gift toward the five-color master.

The five-color master fan left wings: "The trip is so good, give me more, I will give me a good thing."

"Must! For the master, I don't know which points you are good at?"

"How? Triago wants to learn?"

"Hey, the master is really a little ..."

"Gigle, small Taoist, are you a learned attitude? I want to learn, I will be a teacher!"


"You do not want?"

"Master ... Don't play the poor, the poor treasure is the disciple, how can I go to myself? Well, it is better to learn, the poor road will learn to the master, it is the disciple of the master, in front of the outside, We are still paid, you are optimistic ... Hey, master, how can you do it? Have different opinions can come out, everyone is full of heart and don't work? ... "

On the half-mountain waist, I staged a "Chicken Flying Zhao Yart", until Zhao Ran shouted: "The poor treasure to the master is in the evening ..." The .

Zhao Ran took the dust, tightly tighted the skewed Dao, got up: "It is also good to have a manifer body ..."

Five-color master: "The little Taoist, say it, eat the barbecue to eat in the evening!"

"Don't worry, the master, then this matter ..."

"In fact, I can't learn this, you can't learn, you want to make a teacher, I still don't necessarily accept you ... I will teach you two hands you can learn."

"Master's Tao, why can't you learn?"




Seeing the five-color master Zhang Kang tongue and there is an angry tendency, Zhao Ran suddenly wake up, couldn't help but laugh, and then looked at the sky, long sighed: "I didn't expect it to be people, it is also a kind of trouble!"


After the saying, the five-color master will call Zhao Ran, or according to the old man, the deep paw is directly explored Zhao Rui Zhongzhong. After the situation in Zhao Ruoyi, the opening: "The small Taoist, you have become the sea, just need to ponder the round, it is true that it is truly Taoist, you can practice the Tao. These days Do you need to work hard, you can't go out, and then look for me after three days. "

"Thank you master!" Zhao Ran is big, comfortable.

"Come on the grilled deer meat! You have a deer there? If you don't have, I will go to Junshan."

"Some, this time I don't care." Zhao Ranzheng is going to prepare materials, suddenly remembering something, and asked: "Master, the poor road came to the long insect mountain, went to the master's original Dongfu first view, The master really lives simply, so that the poor is reluctant. I don't know how the master is now? I still have to live? Do you need a poor road to change it? "

One of the five-color master, I immediately said: "Of course, I am a small hole, I am uncomfortable, come, come in and see how I should change?"

With the five-color master into the pond illusion, Zhao Ran looks at the simple stone shed of the top three big stones, and suddenly speechless, this is more simple than the stone house of the long insects, and even the house is not able to say it. shed.

Zhao Ran sighs: "Master, bitter! Don't worry, it is not to build a temple. After the temple is repaired, you will take a bright Dongfu for the master. Suffering this bitter! "

The five-color master gobwind: "Then thank you for your tao, what needs to be said to me."

Zhao Ran immediately carefully said: "Master, in order to let the master stay in the new Dongfu, the craftsmen are in the days, but the man is thin. Can you know how to make aid, to speed up the progress?" (Untrained. "

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