Taoist Law

Chapter 7 Zhao Temple wishes

PS: Thanks to Foshan books, standard body 123 monthly tickets encouragement. ↗ ↗ vertex novel,

The five-color masters who have been Zhao Ran have never cheered that he is suffering, according to Zhaoran's requirements, the night is dispatched, and the sharpness of the threshold is over more than ten mountain rocks.

Early the next morning, when the craftsman started working hard, I found that this mountain rock suddenly became easy to exploit, and the rock was covered with cracks. It often took a large rock, one The hammer can break it on the head. The progress of the mining is increased ten times!

The brick product of brick kilns is also rapidly improved, and the drying and firing time of brick sachnical and firing time have been shortened. At the same time, the next day, there was several dozens of logs that were colliled in the form of the Junshan Temple.

Zhao Temple wishes the rumors of the fairy, soon spread from the construction site, soon, the entire Junshan area is talking about, saying that this new temple wishes a good fairy!

At this moment, it is the season of the peel, and the newly moved people can do too much. So they ran to the construction site, I want to see the real body of this fairy, some brought the child, please ask Zhao Xianbao to pray for the child. .

Zhao Xiancian is very followed, every day, I have to take a fixed time to meet the people, or I will pray for them, or distribute some cake candies, or encourage them to work hard. I was originally loved by these people, and now the people will be more convinced by him.

Since Zhao Xian said, he wants everyone to work hard. So the immortal should build a temple. Is this a good opportunity to comply with the fairy? So in the selection of the tramatic martial arts, there were hundreds of Qing Zhuang Zhuang Li Join the labor army, and Zhao Ran did not have to pay compensation. As long as you arrange some simple diet.

At this time, the building does not have to play a deep foundation. Zhao Ran does not ask for the magazine, the flying beast, so the Junshan Temple is one day, and it will rise at very fast speed.

However, Zhao Ran's mind is not here, he handed the vast majority of affairs to Jin Li and others, and he all made his efforts to complete the "carving" of the sea. I spent three days of hard work. Zhao Ran feels the fire has arrived, so I came to see the five-color master.

After the five-color master explored Zhaoran's gas sea, it stated quite satisfied and then began to teach Zhao Ran's most basic two. It is actually two processes of a Tao, that is, the external placement and endod of mana. Zhao Ran now can have a flame in his hand, which is a bottom form of manifestation, and the real outer placement requires that the manor can be separated from the origin and exist alone, simply. Is how to play the flame on your arm. In contrast, the inner step of the mana is reversed, and its external appearance is the so-called "separator".

These two Taoism is very simple,

Nothing, there is no mouth and secret recipe, it is said that it is the trick of the mana, and it is actually not even calling. The meaning of the five-color master is to let Zhao Ran first to learn and become a well-known mana. After that, talk about the remaining - such as the five-color master, the basic tactics, including "Redquakery", "Bing", and so on.

According to the five-color master. Before the yellow crown, it is not part of the true and all true, after the yellow crown, is the watershed.

Next, Zhao Ran's days are full, and the second half of the first chapter of "Congenital Gong Dynasty" is cultivated in the morning. It is also the part of the refining, this is the practice of practice, the pursuit of the realm; the practice and use of spells in the afternoon, this is the cultivation of the Taoism, the power of the power and the highness of the means; to the evening. Then, the pastoral boy rides the cattle, stone on the Qingquan and the bamboo leaves with the wind three inner interest maps to recover the mana consumed during the day.

As the name suggests, the so-called refining is cultivating the yuan. Yuan is refined in the body, the so-called "Tianmu Yao, people are being metasturated". Zhao Ran wants to operate the mana, refine the daily freshmen of each other, and then force it to the gas sea. After the refined yuan is filled with gas sea, then make it match with the same filling, the Taoist skills are called fine, colorless invisible, can enter the supershend.

The cultivation of this process, the aura in the Taoist practice is needed to be massive, so there is a non-yellow crown in the library to easily go to the mountain, the purpose is to make this stage of the monks do not distract due to foreign objects, The full of tights is fully absorbed.

For Zhaoran, it is required to be a massive merit.

First of all, the mana needed by refining and refining is increasing, which requires Zhao Ran to continue to convert merits into mana to meet the refinement. Because the gas industry can automatically generate a mana, depending on how much merits he transformed, Zhao Ran transformed the mana, the higher the mana cap of automatically generating (or after the light) of the gas is automatically generated (or the light-reserved recovery).

Second, when the meta-refining of the gas is full, it is necessary to maintain adequate merits and integration, and generate colorless intangible.

Zhao Ran now can harvest merits every day, these merits come from several ways: one of the people who are still rescued; their second is the rescue station established by the two stations; These farmers from just moved to the Junshan area.

When Zhao Ran decided to open a wasteland in the Junshan area, he held a merits of merits. Therefore, no matter the mount, he helped the long-winged mountain farmers to move, he tried to do it best, and even these people It is included in the borrowing range of charity.

Nowadays, this thing is quite good. From the beginning of the aircraft, they will build a village, and they will issue a seeds, issue charity gold loans, and Zhao Ran can harvest a lot of merits, let him hi, and it is full of gas.

Zhao Ran's cultivation in Taoist figures can be described as steadily advancement. From the first drop of refining, there are three or five drops of refining every day, and the progress is very stable. It is not a good thing to be too stable, because you can't see grow. The refining speed of Yuan Jing is currently only the case. It is not a "congenital merit" out of the question. On the contrary, the mana that is converted by merits is very efficient in the refining element, and it will not be able to work. The meticulous quenching is completed, and there is a hidden edge.

The key to the problem is that there are not many yuan in Zhao Ran, so three or five drops every day. Yuan Jing is from, what is something, Zhao Ran's refinement of these days, has been generally clear, and he has finally understood, why do you really pay attention to abstinence, just one, you can't help but encourage it.

Zhao Ruran couldn't see the inner view, so I didn't know when I refined the yuan, I can charge the Qihai, so I will ask the five-color master. The five-color master checked him to find out more than ten days, told him a answer: more than ten years! Or twenty years!

Zhao Ruen is anxious: Daxie Shi Zhuo's uncle has been used for three years by Taoist, which takes more than two years. Zhou Yuchang took only one year, why did you need ten years, twenty years? ?

For this question, the five-color master's answer is: the root bone is poor!

This time, Zhao Ran, "Silent Concentration", which is the relationship with the root bones? Is the root bone is not good, don't you do it? I don't think I can't do it, and I have long been extravagant. I want, according to the truth, it is good, don't I be too fierce, so I can't do it?

The big masters can't say that they can't do it, but the premise is that there are other people who are compared with others, and Zhao Ran is comparable to the recognized genius, of course, it is not possible. Zhao Ran's thoughts, no wonder people in Huayuan did not charge yourself, with this piece of materials, even if it can practice, it is also the mud.

So how can you get the essence?

It's good to face a colorful golden chicken, Zhao Ran twisted down, asked the problem, changed to others, he really asked someone.

The answer to the five-color master is that there are two roads, which is returned to the root bone, and the other is to take medicine!

Zheng root bones said Zhao Ran yet gave up, so he had to be red again, what medicine should I eat? (Untransferous.)

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