Taoist Law

Chapter 8 Yu Huangge Exam Group

PS: Thanks to the reward in the dream, thank you for your deadly monthly ticket. ≧ Vertical novel,

What kind of medicine eats? The five-color master can't answer, and he has no research on the genius treasure of the spiritual medicine, so I can't say it. Perhaps a fascinating in front of him, he can judge good and bad, but what kind of medicine can make up the essence, this question asked the wrong person.

So Zhao Ran can only consume such a fairly "stability".

When I entered December, Zhao Ran's Taoism had a small way, and the arm can slam out of one or two feet, and the strength of the fist is from three. Syringe in the palm of your hand. Zhao Ran did not have fun, he sometimes can't help but think that if you cross the martial arts world, should it be a first-class master?

However, Zhao Ran's flame is very deterformed to ordinary people, but the target object of his fight is a monk, which is not enough to look. Therefore, Zhao Ran thought of a forever. He joined a set of money darts to the two, and the money darts had twelve, and it is also known to be made from the Zhenwei Essence, which is said to be cast.

Zhao Ran's way to refine the flying sword in the "system spectrum", in the money dart, and then inject the mana in the Yunyi, and finally refine with his own merits. He is now full of manifestation, refining this money dart is not difficult, and it will be successful after a night.

It is a pity that the Bailian steel is good, but it is the customs, and this is the material refining, the money dart is not very high. When Zhao Ran tried, I feel that it is difficult to control the control, just as "system spectrum", material The better, the better the method of refining, if it is a normal material. It will not reach a round of round.

However, Zhao Ran did not ask too high, and he would not really take this money dart as a flying sword. As long as you meet the requirements of the hidden, you can shoot it, and you can get it back, he is already content.

Ten of December. After hundreds of people and a chicken, the hard work of the Month, the main project of the Junshan Temple was officially completed. Zhao Ran informed this thing to the unprotive hospital, and the Jin Long and others were full of effort to put on the white, lacquer and woodworking.

On December 20, a new Junshan Temple appeared in front of everyone. In addition to the exquisite furniture that cannot be built, this Junshan Temple is built, as long as the part of the furniture, as well as the treemia should be equipped, the silk, the sketch, the oil and other fast-moving machines are transported, Officially put into use.

Of course, there is still a lack of the most important thing in the main hall.

This world is in the world. The gods in the door cannot be created privately, and the monks need to be dedicated to the monks. This is not a problem that violates non-violations, but because of the idol of the privately built, there is no need to collect the role of the credibility.

Therefore, the gods used in all walking door, all from the place of the hall, refining in a special method, and it is seen that it is not possible to taste it.

As early as the main building of the Monashan Temple, the main building of the Mountain Temple. Zhao Ran reported to the admiration, sit and wait for the arrival. This point. He didn't worry that the Accious Hospital deliberately wore him a small shoe, because in accordance with the rules of the Taoist, only the day of the god, only the day of the Junshan Temple, and Zhao Ran and the unprotive hospital will be transferred, it is also This day is counted.

Zhao Ran did not think that the unprotive hospital gave him a reason for him to wear a small shoe. Of course, if the nephew must delay, then Zhao Ran can always be accompanied. However, Zhao Ran still hopes that the Junshan Temple can be put into use as scheduled during the first month, with the understanding of merits, as the people of the people. This thing should bring him a lot of merits.

Zhao Ran expected the result of correct, but the understanding of the causes had a big deviation, which is definitely not a problem for the bank. New Temple Temple, adding a god like this kind of thing, the land of the hall is very heavy, whether it is the accepted hospital, even the Xi Zhenwu Palace, there is no courage to delay.

Dong Zhikun has been mixed in the Taoist, and what is much more than Zhao Ran. After receiving Zhao Ran, I didn't dare to neglect, immediately reported to Xiuru Palace. Xu Tonglong is also a "old fritter" that has experienced many years, soon reported this to Xuanyuan view, and then by Xuanyuan Words.

On December 25, Junshan Temple ushered in three guests.

Two of them are Zhao Ran's old familiar people. It is Zhuo Teng Yun, Zhuo Tengyi two Huayun Hall, another one is a white taoist, watching Da Zhuo, Xiao Zhuo Shu respectful attitude, I am afraid It is not small.

After a few words, the two Directors were introduced to Zhao Ran. It turned out that this white talents came from Yu Huangge. This time, the two Zhuo Shu said, "Cai Master".

Zhao Ran asked the two of the Director's uncle to know that the original Huayun Pavilion could not refine the gods, all the Guanyuanyuan, the entire Sichuan Province, and even the road hall, and the gods were from the Jade Empress. Master Cai is good at the system, and it is also a few a few of the children of the Jade Emperor.

Original Cai Master did not talk to Zhao Ran, such as "Van Fu", and his face is full of formulating indifference, and I will go to work. After seeing the Junshan Temple, it is very elexing to this new road. The reason is nothing, the feng shui is really good.

The Junshan Temple is under Xiajun Mountain, and the two hilly extension of the small monarch mountain is surrounded by the left and right sides, the foundation is across the footflery in the south side of Xiaojunshan, and it is the Feng Shui Bureau. "Mother and Child". The most wonderful thing is the Qingquan who flows on the half-mountain waist. Its trend is not a diarrhea, but "wants to meet and refuse" fall, stop half, then drop, and then do it, and finally remove it. The rurality of the downhole, the warmth is soft into the temple backyard, which is called "breastfeeding".

After I saw Zhao Ran, Cai Master couldn't help but look more about Zhao Ran. The persuvented Zhao Ran actually had "real", although the cause of waste root bones, but in the future, in the ten party jungle, It is already a rare talent.

After Cai Master entered the temple, it would not ignore the work of this trip, directly through the main hall, and arrogant, came to the backyard spring pool. In the case of a moment, ask Zhao Ran: "Zhao Temple wishes, this temple is you invited to see?"

Zhao Ran, I don't know why this is said.

Cai Master said again: "View your temple layout, in the future, and when there is a high person point."

Zhao Ran did not hide, the layout of the self-supporting department is the place.

Master Cai still didn't believe that by Xiao Zhuo Shu Di side, I told him that Zhao Ran is talent on the cloth. Cai Master will believe in a paragraph, so I have come to face the school. He said a lot of the theory of Feng Shui layout, Zhao Ran heard the stepping, which made Cai Master more confused, almost thought that Zhu Tengyi was deceiving himself.

When the Master Cai's examination, Zhao Ran, the actual layout, but he couldn't help him. Zhao Ran still can't say this kind of college name, but in this backyard, Cai Master has to admit that this person is really a magic. We want to understand this Little Zhao Temple, you can enjoy a variety of well-known, and it is the best annotation of "life."

He did not know, Zhao Ran opened the sky of the sky, and he can see the change of the heaven and earth gas machine.

Master Cai first served as the heart of the passion, secretly decided, and then received Zhaoran afterwards. It can be discussed for a while, and self-confidence suffered heavy, feels or prunes, commensurate with Zhao Ran. When he came back from the source of spring, he found that the trend of spring water was changed by Zhao Ran, and it was so natural that he was standing on the edge of the spring. This made Cai Master have hit and the idea of ​​the agent.

The half-mountain waist is the foundation of the five-color master. Zhao Ran called the five-color master and met with Cai Master. Cai Master saw that the fans of the five-color master seem to have also listened to Zhao Ruyi, and finally collapsed the trend of Zhao Ran. Unconsciously, Cai Master has exchanged with Zhao Ran with Zhao Ran. (Untransferous.)

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