Taoist Law

Chapter 15 9 Days, Xuanlong Big Bank

PS: Thanks to Fena, the darkness of the angel, the reward of the visiting friends in the snow, thank the moon's wolf, and the monthly tickets of the Golden Year 1, 13 are encouraged.

When Zhao Ran woke up, it was already three times in the middle of the night, and the Lingjian Pavilion was silent. He sat quietly at the bed and was happy again. Originally, according to his ideas, it seems that the second chapter of "Congenital Gong Jing" should appear in the mind, even if you have no need to learn, you can also study carefully, and give a pre-cognition of future cultivation.

But at this moment, I didn't have the contents of the second chapter of the "Congenital Gong Dynasty", but more than one Taoist, name "Nine Days of Xuanlong Big Bain", this level is divided into nine floors At this moment, the first layer is unsatisfactory in his mind.

Zhao Ran's cultivation is merit. After the cultivation of merits, I cultivated two roads in the gas sea.

One is the refining of the firing, and the meticulum is combined with merits. It is necessary to do it. After the "Congenital Gong Dynasty", the content is to be aware. This road is the most fundamental road problem, by transforming self-inner function, understanding the origin of the world, this is a problem of cultivation level. It's like building a wine, the greater the wine, the more drinkable drinks.

Second, it will refine the power of merits into a mana, which is the real force of Tao, the nature of the Buddha's door, no matter what it is, the quality is also, in fact, it is also known as a mana, because this is the foundation of the cast . The higher the upper limit of the mana, the greater the ability to provide the application. The process of refining and dignity is the process of the law. In fact, the ability of the body "output" manifestation is like the function of automatic wine wine. The stronger the function, the more the output of the wine is, but it is never simply for brewing, because the built wine cockroach can produce itself, rather than adding wine.

If Zhao Ran is, the mana will consume a manifold. Then you can choose to think that Zhu Qijia will resume the three-way hidden view.

The combination of the above is the repair of the monk. Good and bad, the progress of cultivation is determined, and it will eventually determine if it can be combined with the heavens and fly into the fairy.

After the monks have been cultivated, they often need to pursue the skills that will be repaired, and the Taoism is called Taoism. The Buddha is called the Dharma, and it is also known as the god. The purpose of practicing Universities, in addition to the road fighting method, there is an important impact on the highlight of the repair, so many monks will be cultivated to cultivate together. The most famous of these is the truth.

This "nine-day Xuanlong Big Board" in Zhaoran is a Taoist. According to the general story, the principle is through cultivation, to mobilize the heavens and gas machines, bringing the heavens and gas machines with themselves, thus making themselves occupying great active, so-called "like fish", "Tiger into the mountain" "Dragon nine days" is also.

The most intuitive external performance of this Taoist is to form a percentage in a certain range, and the anti-opponent's cultivation is directly in direct. To create an unfair handover environment.

Ok, let's blunt, this Taoist does not directly attack the opponent's method and means. After showing it, the opponent will not be injured, and even the skin can't break half, but Zhao Ruo is ecstatic, because he remembers the word - field that often appears in front of the novel.

Zhao Ran smashed the content of the first chapter, and immediately started cultivating after thoroughness.

I don't know if I am on the sky. Zhao Ran has just run three times, familiar with the episode, hand, stepwork, and Tunner and other essentials. The footsteps sounded outside the door.

Zhao Ran stopped cultivation, slightly, etc. The people outside the door did not knock on the door, so I asked: "Who of the house?"

The people outside the door are quickly suited: "Zhao Daozhang, is it? If it is already getting up, please go to the sword, the triangle is in the sword."

Zhao Ran pushed the door, and I saw that the old road in the age of yesterday, remembering the master's brother Wei Zhenzhen him "all the guests", so I also gopeously called "whole people".

This old road is the customs of the spiritual sword, and the first of the eight customs of the spiritual sword. When you have a predecessor in Huayun Hall, it has been 63 years old. The customs of all houses in Huayun Pavilion, the highest ranks "know", but just the title, not the patriarchal forest, the rest of the people, the "master", the knowledge of the knowledge, the masters, the master There is no high and low, only in labor, arrange the work of the masters.

Zhao Ran's identity is a name disciple. Although it is in Huayun Hall, it is not in the Huayun Hall, and he is with Huayun Pavilion, which is from the spiritual sword, and can only count the spiritual sword. Computer. However, after all, there is a teacher's relationship with the Lord of the Lingjian Pavilion. In the Lingjian Pavilion, he counted the first figure, but in Huayun Hall, it is not.

Followed by a small court, bypass a flower station, there was a nine-tier high-angle, this is the core of the Lingjian Court - Sword.

The Sword Pavilion is in the mainstay, the door is standing in a pavilion, the pavilion is written three words - "Washing the Tour", Zhao Ran is looking at it, I saw Wei Zhizhen, Yu Zhichuan, Luo Ziqing, the three brothers, each side of the pan Just gossip.

Wei Zhezhen saw Zhao Ran, rushed to him, and the whole founder was slightly told, so Zhao Ran stepped into the booth, and after the three brothers, he also landed on a futon.

"The brother is still good?"

"The blessings of the brothers, last night is well."

Wei Zhi really smiled and nodded, and suddenly said: "Master shut down, shocks the gods ..." See Zhao Ran's face, explained: "God is the realism of the refining teacher ..." ... "

Zhao Ran understood that this cheap master is in the impact of refining troops. This reason is to say it, but Zhao Ran is aware of the inner situation, Jiang **. Teacher is not a whisper, Da Zhuo and Xiao Zhuo There is this meaning outside the uncle, so he has to hold questions: Is it close to the closure when it is? Isn't this avoided?

The doubtful eyes look to Yu Zhichuan and Luo Ziqing two brothers, Yu Zhiwangwang to somewhere outside the pavilion, Luo Huiqing low staring at the futon under his ass.

Wei Zuo really cough, transferring the topic: "You are in the spirit of the spirit, it is the person of my spirit sword. It is also true, the name is also the name, the spirit of the Sword will not take you. In the future, the brother can live in this way. If you want to go out, you can be self-portrait. When you leave the fire, you will be letted. "

"Thank you", "Zhao Ran smashed, secretly outside the magical fantasy array, named" Hua Xuan ", it should be the main thing to look forward to the opportunity.

Wei Zhizhen also said: "The heart is clear, I will lead to the sea." After leaving, he reached a finger, point to the middle hole.

Zhao Ran has been explored by the five-color master, and the five-color master did not see anything abnormally, but this is an authentic Taoist monk, and I don't know if my hard work will be found. But if you can't push it, you can only accept the scalp, and I will lead Wei Zhi's pointer.

Wei Zhi's true face was surprised, and the real stay in Zhao Ruo, he only recovered, Qi Dao: "The brother is like the sea is really ... ..."

Zhao Ran asked: "Divo, is it that I don't have anything?"

Wei Zhizhen shook his head: "Non-also, the brother is really solid, far more than one, saying, even if it is a brother, there is no such alcohol and open ... "

"Yes, I have served in Ye Xueuan, but the orthosory is not completed, but it can practice, listen to Da Zhuo, Xiao Zhuo said, is a waste root."

The second division brother Shenchuan inserted a sentence: "I heard that YANGong of Chengdu Fu Xing House is also scrapped, and now it is a pointman."

Wei Zizhen took a head: "Yes, the waste root bones may not be practiced, He Chang Lao is also a master of the Tangmen, Sichuan Province. So you don't have to be discouraged, I heard that you are practicing for a year, not the same start practice, More than the brothers in Huayun Hall, many brothers have been much more faster, and they may not become the second He Yunlong, the second He Yunlong, Sichuan Province. "

Zhao Ran started to the beginning, then the reaction came from: "Second? So, what is the long life in Sichuan Province?"

Yu Zhichuan added another sentence: "The scrap root accreditation, only this example of Wuchuan 50 years."

Wei Zhi's true voice is hysterested, and Yu Zhichuan next to him, Yu Zhichuan continues to look at somewhere outside the pavilion. (Endlessly)

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