Taoist Law

Chapter 16 Washing Tour

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Zhao Ran listened to people who said that waste roots were not afraid, as long as they would work hard, they still understand it, but today understand, such an example extent. The entire Sichuan Pavilion's monks did not have thousands, plus all the family scattered the door, and I was afraid that they were above the 10,000 people. The scrap root accomplishers only have a He Yunlong, this is really a one.

However, Wei Zhizhen is sincere, Zhao Ran, I really encourage yourself, so I can only smile: "Well, Master, I will work hard."

Wei Zhenzhen said: "There is this way."

Luo Zhiqi, who has never spoken: "Brother, I am hungry."

Wei Zhen really sighed: "Okay, you will go to eat some meals first, remember to come back and cultivate."

"I know the brother." Luo Zhizhen got up, the diameter was self-separated.

Wei Zhizhen Zhao Ran explained: "The three teachers are straightforward, but it is not rude to you, you are in mind."

Zhao Ran is speechless, he is not a leaving of the three teachers, Luo Zhiqing, but a speech of this master, the master is so honest, always want to play a round field, but it will clarify the words, but every manufacturing, Zhao Ran wants to say a sentence to him: "Master, can you spoke some?"

Talking to gossip, Zhao Ran is a wide, it seems that it is the authenticity of the door, and you can't see your own anomalies. Is it true that the "congenital merit" is indeed authentic? Is there a practitioner in the Taoist practice?

He thought about it, Wei Zhizhen continued to open, quite a few divisions of the delegation: "The nake of the brother is extremely stable. In the future, the future is not limited." Shang Qingxi "is the most basic practice of Huayun Hall. , But Master often said that the exercises are not divided into high and low quality. What people have cultivated, they are their own opportunity. So you can't have a heart, still have to practice. "" Zheng Yesi law "has also passed For you, you have to work hard, have anything to do, you will ask me, of course, you can also ask yourself and Luo brother ... "

Yu Zhichuan is cold and no secret: "Luo brother is free. His idea can understand."

Wei Zhen really sighed: "It is also ..." System "does not need to be deepening, know how to principle. In addition to the three books, the Tibetan Tibet of Huayun Hall can go to turn, more books It is good. "

"Thank you, brother point.

"The teacher is unable to enter the spirit of the spirit. You must learn some of the spiritual swords. Otherwise, in the future, there will be no use of the people, but the sword will not be used, saying to a joke. Say from today Learn, do you see it? "

Zhao Ran's eyes put the light - it seems that this name disciple is really cheap! His original imagination is that this time it is a named disciple, and there is a good job of refining, plus a new idea like a common field, not to mention the token, order the flag and robe . No matter how the cheap master treats themselves, it is a big hair, it is already satisfied. I didn't think that this master, I have to teach my own spirit of the Sword. This is really called Zhao Ran!

Zhao Ran couldn't help but Li Wei, Master Brothers, Zhi Zhi, and the frustocratic flames were embroidered, and the heart: What happened to the identity of a true disciple? Isn't the Liang Master not a four flames, mix it, is not the same as you?

In the library, the in the renovation is the level, don't see the third-order yellow crown to the fourth-order mage only a hurdle. But this rout is very different, and the most fundamental appearance difference is. Master's monks also called Jin Dan monk, the mana in the gas sea no longer exists in the form of a gas. Instead, it is condensed into one-capped Jin Dan, first, regardless of the understanding of the heavens, the strength of single single force, and far ten times the yellow crown, from Huang Guan to Jin Dan, is the first level of the three levels on the road. It is extremely difficult. If you have to get into the mage, you can have a qualified charge.

Although this master, the master is not very talking, but it is the real price of the golden Dan, which is already qualified to pass the power. He is willing to work, Zhaoran is not asked.

Yu Zhichuan and Luo Ziqing are all in the Huangzhan, they are more than five or six years older than Zhaoran, which is more than he is two-order, which seems to be high, but because Jin Dan Master is too difficult, So Zhao Ran still has the opportunity to catch up, even if he will take eight years in the ten environment.

Yu Zhichuan and Luo Qingqing, who had eaten meals, have stepped into the sword, and only the master of Master Wei Zhenzhen teaches Zhaoran in the pavilion.

Huayun Pavilion has now a total of eighteen small gents, and the 18th Zeng Master (or ** division) has a self-contained pulse, teaching disciples. Of course, it is not said that there are only 18 macies above the Huayun Hall. There are many Masters who have the qualified qualifications, they still continue to practice in Master, just like the spiritual sword, Wei Zhen is already a mage However, he did not leave the spiritual sword, but continued to practice in Jiangda. Master.

Therefore, Huayun Pavilion is actually equivalent to many small genres, but these small flows have a common feature, and the practice of practice is starting from "Shang Tao", which will evolve their different, at the same time The Zhongzheng Chongfu De Star Jun is a pulse, more or less characteristics of fire properties.

On the 18th school, it will grow the old meeting from the stages of the ** division. This is the highest decision-making body of Huayun Hall. If you want to become the elder, you can't open it again. This is Prevent elders from being unfair, biased towards home geography. But not to say that the elders can't teach me, just the object of their work is the disciple of all the genres of Huayun Pavilion.

The spirit of the spirit is one of the 18th genres. Jiang Tenghe is originally qualified to rise, but the spirit of the Lingxian Pione will be too small, the number of dead numbers in the middle of the Huayun Hall, if it is the old, Jiang Teng Crane can not be open At home, the people of people will inevitably lose money. Therefore, he has been staying in the Lingjian Pavilion, which is also helpless.

The words retired, and Zhao Rancheng is a Tang Dynasty.

Wei Zhi did not give him any tips, and I entered the sword, leaving himself in the pavilion. According to Wei Zhizhen requirements, Zhao Ran first quietly sat in the palm of his hand, and he wanted to enter the sword.

Zhao Ranzi is very simple, sitting in the plum, and refining the merits of this day. But I don't know why, it is easy to reconstitute in the past, but the mood today cannot pay. The more refining, the more irritability, Zhao Ran did not dare to sit down again, and quickly got up, and wash your handshake, slowly stepped on the pavilion.

It's strange, I wash my heart, Zhao Ran suddenly felt that God was refreshed, and her distraction was swept away. He is still moving quietly, and he can be born, and you must only pay again.

This is, he is understanding, this pavilion has a weird.

Open the sky to explore, only the gas machine around the pavilion is quite confusing, and it is not a quiet place.

Zhao Ran is not a stupid, and I know that this pavilion is located. If you can make your heart, if you can make your mind, you can easily, if you don't easily be returned, if you can do it anywhere, if you can make it easy to be easy to make anything else, if you can make it easy to make a clear mirror, if you don't easily ?

Zhao Ran immediately came up, just in the washing pavilion, I was repeated and irritated, I went out and calmed down and went back to practice the nine days of Xuanlong's big ban. It was originally thought that it can be adjusted soon. In fact he until the third day, he completed a big banquet in the pavilion. In the seventh day, Zhao Ran finally did it. freely.

Seven days of washing pavilion cultivation, Zhao Ran consciously got a lot, and it is more and more like to practice in this pavilion. On the morning of the eighth, Zhao Ran is generally general, and I came to wash my hands in the morning, but I found that Master Brothers had been waiting in the pavilion.

"I have seen the master!"

"How? Maybe it's still?"

"I can do it ... this pavilion is really a wonderful!"

"This pavil has been standing in this place for nearly four hundred years. Many of the Jiange." Wei Zhizhen looked up at the pavilion, sigh, said: "Today, I will enter the pavilion ... you are intimate, I am waiting for you. "(Untrafter continued)

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