Taoist Law

Chapter 26 3 Zhuge Liang

PS: Thank Qing Huan Dream and hearing a reward, thank you, Duan Power, Tianjun, people, YJ, YJ, intoxicating the moon ticket encouragement.

Acceptful hospital, surveillance hall.

Monitor Dong Zhikun hooks up with this letter, as if not staring, but not to wear the enemy.

Some people in the door have told: "Monitoring House, I am Jiang Zhiheng, I heard that you have something to do?"

Dong Kun took the heart from the letter from the letter, and he took a bite. "Jiang Shi came in."

Square Jiang Zhiheng carefully stepped into the house, and Wang Zhijun's hand, Dong Zhijun nodded, and said "Sit."

After Jiang Zhiheng, Dong Zhikun also said: "Wait for Chen Shi, he should go immediately."

The voice did not fall, the people Chen Zhizhong entered the door, Xiao Duo Zhikun laughed: "See the supervisor." Jiang Zhiyi nodded: "Jiang Shi came again." Then I found a seat.

Dong Zhikun got up, personally put the door closed, then sat back, sighed: "Since the self-service Supervision, the two brothers have been helping. If it is not the case, I can't make it so soon to comb.......................................................................................................................................................................... "

Chen Zhizhong grabbed the first: "The brothers and brothers are polite, the brothers are clear, and they are very good, and they have a less than the unpopular hospital. Since the teacher, since the teacher, the wells are in the well, and they have been in the upper and lower, and the hospital has been in the court. I didn't see the new weather, I have been waiting for the brother from the internal body. I will be willing to drive the front of the brothers. Where do you talk about it? Moreover, the brothers are fair, the prizes are punishment, I will do it, I will carry it with my brothers. How can I Chen Zhikin today as a knowledge? Which Jiang Shi is today is a square? Jiang Shi, what are you? "

Jiang Zhiheng did not Chen Zhizhong's horses, only only the only thing.

Dong Zhikun heard the heart, and the face is humble: "The two brothers lifted their love. Everyone went to work in the future. What to carry it with it ..." Toned, and said: "Today, I have to find two brothers, I want to say Speaking of the Jingshan Temple, Zhao Zhaoran. Chen Shi's idea is very wonderful, and the Junshan Temple has no megaby, Zhao Ziran will be helpful for the Junshan Temple. Of course, There are also more thanks to Jiang Shi's request, and the three uglies should be allowed to be handed. Jiang Shi is not good. "

Chen Zhihuang smiled and said: "The Mono-House brother also has a guest set, but also relying on the brothers, it is simple, and the decision is the hardest."

Jiang Zhiheng is bitter, and it is said that I am still a mat, this is a full family, this is a total of homes, saying that it is home to not open the pot ... "

Dong Zhikun micro-suck: "Then a big unprotice.

I have Dong Kun, I can't pay attention. After the autumn ceremony is over-harvest, they will send you the silver ... You also know that this money is not a path, the warehouse is not good. "

Jiang Zhiheng helplessly, only had to make a job, and then said: "Mon the Mono House.

Dong Kun, I said: "I have been working on this matter, but you also know, this is equivalent to shaking a white family, where is it so good? But you can rest assured that it is. The matter will always give you a reply, but Du Hu Shizhang and Xu Jun Institute also need time to settle all parties ... "

Jiang Zhiheng sighed: "In the middle of the supervision, it is, but the three ugly can be famous, and the martial arts is not to say, and it will be striped with human life. If you turn your face, the brother, I can't eat it."

Chen Zhizhong is secretly smirk, and the heart said that the Jiang Shi is really a very good, saying that Dong Kun is not hurt, no wonder in the hospital, it will not be able to mention that there is no foundation in the hospital, I am afraid Jiang Shi, this life is a talents of the square.

Chen Zhi Zhongchang said: "This three ugloes are also, don't let the kid to go to the West Imperial Wushan, in fact, the EQ is different? Some Early Supervisors, I am afraid of the little child?"

This sentence directly replaces Dong Kun, Wang Zhun, Wang Kun Song, said: "Just, you asked again, if you are willing to come to the Academy, you can, even if you can get him, if you adhere to Xi Zhenwu Palace, you have to give you a day, then you can go. "

Chen Zhizhong quickly opened the topic, asked: "Mon the Monitoring House, whether there is any change in the next step? As long as the brother speaks, I will wait for it."

Dong Zhiqi sighed: "It is some variables. I received a letter from Xi Zhenwu Town today.

"Ah?" Chen Zhizhong and Jiang Zhiheng Heng Qiyi: "Teach?"

"It is, teach the Taoist."

Through the two yards, although it is a truth, it is a truth of the Taoist, but it is from now on, it is equal to the difference between the sky.

"Is he not a positive bone? How can I be awarded?"

"Where is it? Is Huayun Hall?"

"Is there a mistake in Xi Zhenwu Palace? He is a custom, how will the library be introduced?"

"Is it a chance? I have never heard of it."

Dong Kun helpless: "Who is not? You are suspicious, it is also what I suspect, but although I can't do it, I can't make a letter, I can't get this thing. I don't know if I can not know if I can do it. The same is nothing to know, Du Hu Shizhang and Xu Jun Institute are thinking about inquiring the news, let us pay attention. But there is also a good news. I heard that Zhao Ziran is a midden disciple, and I have never listed the wall of Huayun. Today, find you, it is to discuss, how to measure it. "

Silent in the room in a time.

After a moment, Dong Zhikun urged: "Tell, what should I do now? Do you want to continue?"

Zhao Ran is awarded in Huayun Hall. This news is quite shocked, but it also means that the threats they have suffered suddenly. If you still have a bit more fun to get the fun, then this kind of pleasure has changed to panic.

As for whether it is included in Huayun Hall gate, this is not considered, no matter how true disciples, still namely disciples, their identity is not the ten-way jungle, these customs can compute, if it is not possible to remove, wait until Zhao Zhaoran became the climate With a monk identity, they can make them completely finished playing in the door, and there is no future.

Three people understand that the most critical problem now is how deep the threshold of Zhao Ran entered the practice, after all, the legend, the Taoist figures are not unbelievable, and many monks that have just entered the Taoist figures, because there is no imminent surgery, or It is the way to learn, so the masters in the rivers and lakes can hurt them. Once the practice is insect, even enters the supershey, unless the absolute number is siege, otherwise it is basically in the invincible.

Discuss to discuss, the final decision is to send people to the Junshan Temple to explore, and touch Zhao Ziran.

Chen Zhikin and Zhao Ran still counted some kinds of emotion, so he came to Chen Zhi, wrote a letter of greetings, and tripped the inspection of Jiang Zhiheng's hand. This inspection is Jiang Zhiheng's heart, but there is still cautious with Jiang Zhiheng, and Zhao Ran's office is not seen in the relationship between the two rooms. It is still safe to send the letter.

After waiting for a few days, the letter made it back, saying that I didn't see Zhao Ran. It is said that he arrived before, Zhao Ran just left Junshan, according to the second statement, it is "North Side". The inspected news also confirmed the fact that Zhao Ran was awarded in Huayun Hall, and it was even more shocking. It was the relationship between the two princes to tell him that Zhao Temple wishes to have a tactics, which has been put into practice threshold. The inspection also told that there were many people in Junshan, and Zhao Temple wished the rumors of Xian Shen, and it was said that he was repeatedly displayed in Xianke, and he wanted to love.

At this time, Dong Kun, Chen Zhizhong and Jiang Zhiheng said three people's control capabilities, Dong Kun decided to immediately go to Xiurowu Palace, looking for his biggest relying on the mountain - Du Hu Shizhang and Xu Jun Institute. Dong Shen felt a huge danger. If he just wants to rectify Zhao Ran, so that he has exported vicious words, it has now arrived at Pakistan.

At night, Chen Zhizhong was rough in his house, and he sounded the door of Gao Qilu Guangguang. (Untrained ...)

The twenty-sixth chapter three Zhuge Liang:

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