Taoist Law

Chapter 27

PS: This chapter is also a debt, and it is more rewarded for [understanding] Da You.

Liu Zhiguang is going to sleep, but he listens to the door outside the door, the door is not allowed to ignore, but the So late, what is it better tomorrow? "

Chen Zhizhong's face is anxious, and I will force it to go in, and I will ask the door, and I will ask: "Liu brother, you and I have been respecting the brothers, but today I have to ask for a clear, if it is Have something big, can I trust the brother? "

Liu Zhiguo is not Yue: "Where is this? You are willing to trust the trust, if you are not willing, it is your business, how is Liu Zhiguang as a person, whole --- M Can't live in people. "

Chen Zhi mid-point, said: "Somet, let me ask the brothers again, the brother to Zhao Ziran, what do you think?"

Liu Ziguang, I got up and down, I got up and down, said: "I am not afraid you know, I am with Zhao Shi, private intersection, but public return, privately, you can take it, I can take it, I want to take it. I want to think about it. ! "

Chen Zhizhong smiled: "It seems that the brother is more misunderstood. Don't tell the brothers, my brother, I have recently moved much with the EDU, but I am not my heart, Dong Zhikun is a supervision hall, there is something to find me, I can still refuse ? "

Liu Zhikuo 10,000 do not believe, just cold and cold: "What do you do, what do you come to me, if you have any words, don't swallow, don't hurt,"

Chen Zhizhong, Zheng Zhongdao: "It is also, the truth is said to have a brother, the Junshan Temple is afraid!"

Liu Zhiguang has a moment. Laughing: "Although the Junshan Temple is small, it is also the way to do the door, where will there be a disaster? Liu Shi brother is a dramatic?"

Chen Zhi Middle Road: "There is not much detailed explanation in the one, just tell you, I have been able to listen to me, Dong Zhikun and Jiang Zhiheng have colluded. I have been pleased to take a three ugly, ready to be difficult Zhao Shi."

Liu Zhiguang frowned asked: "Is it three ugly?"

Chen Zhizhong nodded: "Yes, this three people have failed in the mountains, the martial arts is very high, and the rivers and lakes are famous!"

Liu Zhiguo took a breath: "Don't I do the old things in the Xi Zhenwu Palace Zhang Tuan Hospital?"

"Non ..." Chen Zhihong will have previously spended himself and Dong Zhikun, and Jiang Zhiheng plans originally said that it has been said, but the people who have made an idea have become Dong Kun, and the executive is still Jiang Zhiheng, as for himself,

It is said that it is forced to have two thousand two silver. I thought that the greece of the three ugly.

Listening, Liu Zhiguang was very angry, said: "I have been involved in the day for hundreds of years, I have never heard of this waiting to collude, when it is a legend! Talk about the truly scandal!"

Chen Zhizhong secretly turned over white eyes, and his heart, your old brother, didn't be justified, and everyone knows how to know. But the attached concurrent in the mouth: "It is this, Lang Lang Qun. Dong Zhikun and others in this ugly, really dirty!"

Liu Zhikui snorted. Q: "I know this, why?"

Chen Zhizhong had a abdomen, and the moment is ignorant: "I originally thought that they said that they were discontinued to Zhao Shi's dissatisfaction. Where did they really do this? I really do this. I will ask for money today, I know things. It has been three months ... It's really a brother, I think it is no week. Now I regret it. "

Liu Zhiguang secretly, you are a distressed that two thousand silver? Let you vote for Dong, now pay money?

Detailed thinking of the strategy, but there is no way between the time, so I asked Chen Zhizhong: "Since the teacher tells me this major event, I have a budget?"

Chen Zhizhong said: "Only the meter of this. It must be reported in Xi Zhenwu Palace, please come out, punish Dong Kun and Jiang Zhiheng."

Liu Zhiguang shook his head. This proposal is too stupid. He is too lazy to explain why it is. But you can't think of it, but I can't think of a good way. I can't help but sigh, said: "This name is Director's eyes? I just want to have such a trick, don't say, it is really difficult to resolve ... "

If this thing is really solved, it is not difficult, nothing is not as possible to go to the big Qingshan to remove the three ugly - of course, the master is not so good, but there is no way to the road for a time, but as long as you will save money, I can always find a few. But what is the benefit of doing this to Liu Zhi? He wants to resolve the result, it is necessary to hit Dong Kun from the departure position, you can think about it, it is always difficult to find a good way.

I can't do it, I will sell Zhao Ran, know that he will, let him lead himself this. On the occasion of opening, he listened to Chen Zhizhong and said: "Do not report to Xi Zhenwu Palace? Meet, the teacher is reasonable, maybe Du Hu Shizhang and Xu Jun Institute will cover this thing for the surname Dong, and then brother ! "

Liu Zhiguang took the brain, immediately and provincial realm: "Just! The Song Taoist Hospital is not in Xuanyuan view? Let's write to the Song Taoist Institute, tell him about the ugly thing named Dong ... Yes, Chen Shi, this matter The dry system is very large, but it is not possible to reveal the horse foot. If there is anything, he will tell me quickly, and you will not have your credit in the future. "

The two agreed that he had already brought out of Liu Zhihai, and couldn't help but wipe the sweat stuff to rub the forehead. He was able to take yourself. You can really hung this time, the difference is going to be astrayed. But don't blame yourself, who can think of Zhao Shi actually awarded? And it doesn't seem to be good?

Liu Zhikuang went to the house, and he didn't sleep, his chest center tidal, and the good health kung fu in the weekly, he had been thrown into the cloud. It is just a strong to hear, fantasy, it should be a prominent hospital. How to take charge of the hospital. I suddenly think, is it going to preview Sansawa tomorrow? Still wait, wait until you receive the reply of Song Yuanyuan?

The dark tide in the acceporary courtyard, the supervision of Dong Xin Kun did not know, he didn't think about the troubles in the court at the moment.

Dong Kun, who left in the evening, just when Chen Zhizhong went to see Liu Zhiguang, from Jiang Zhiheng brought four square tour guards, leaving Yugang County, rushed to Guyang County, and arrived at Fuyang County, Fuku County.

Dong Kun has been highly pleasant in the door of Xiuru Palace. The Taoist Taoist Taoist knows that he is a abbot and a supervision hall's heart, it is absolutely unspeakable than the time when Zhao Ran is coming.

Moreover, Dong Kun saw the two, and the abbot Du Teng will and the Monitoring House Xu Tonglong. Since Xu Tonglong serves as a supervision, Du Teng will finally raise your eyebrows. Xu Tonglong is the old subordinates who have promoted him. I have been used to "big events."

Dong Kun re-examined the news that received it. This is even more miserable. The situation is more serious than he imagined. Although Zhao Ran said that it is a name disciple, but it is a truth, and it is said to have a truth. Monk. In addition, Du Huandu also told him a more scary news: Huayun Hall is willing to pay so much resource as Zhao Rong, seems to be because there are people in the Jade Emperor.

I heard this news, Dong Zhikun was black in front of him, and she was so fell to the ground.

The ears are still listening to Du Hu Shizu: "... this is a unveiled. This person is entangled with the land of the hall ..."

Dong Zhijun's debut: "The old man in the day is not to say, this Zhao Ziran does not have megara, the so-called Guapu is a rumor?"

Xu Tonglong blinded next to: "Dong Shi, how to talk!"

Dong Kun quickly worshiped: "I have no Lord, I have no Lord, and I have a lot of people, I still hope that the abbot and supervision hall Haihan."

Du Teng will hook your hands, smile: "Nothing, this matter does not blame you, don't blame me, I have to blame the grievance. This is the scenery."

"Jingdu? Then please ask the scenery, explain to let us explain, why do he mean black as white, hard to say that Zhao Ziran does not have anyone!"

Sighted, Du Teng will traverse: "Please don't move, last month, Jingdu has transferred to the Sichuan government, serve Ziyang Palace Tourism, Hey, it is a young and beautiful, only more than 30 Years, I did the location of the Taoist Taoist House, and it was a fever! "(Untrained ...)

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